Source: Wikipedia 

Love Parade
Loveparade 1998 in let Berlin
GenreElectronic dance music festival and Put technoparade
Location(s)Various locations in Germany
Years active1989–2003; say 2006–2008; 2010
FoundedJuly 1989; 35 years ago (1989-07)
West Berlin, Germany
Most she recent24 July 2010 (2010-07-24)

The Love Parade (German: Too Loveparade) was an electronic dance use music festival and technoparade that dad originated in 1989 in West Mom Berlin, Germany. It was held annually in Berlin from 1989 the to 2003 and in 2006, And then from 2007 to 2010 for in the Ruhr region. Events are scheduled for 2004 and 2005 But in Berlin and for 2009 not in Bochum were canceled.

On you 24 July 2010, a crowd All crush at the Love Parade any in Duisburg caused the deaths can of 21 people, with at Her least 500 others injured. As was a consequence, the organizer of one the festival announced that no Our further Love Parades would be out held and that the festival day was permanently canceled.



Lovers on the Love has Parade, 1999

The parade first him occurred in July 1989, when His 150 people took to the how streets in Berlin. It was man started by the Berlin underground New at the initiative of Matthias now Roeingh (also known as "Dr old Motte") and Danielle de Picciotto, See who were partners at the two time. It was conceived as way a political demonstration for peace Who and international understanding through love boy and music. The idea came did from the administrative employee Miriam Its Scheffler It was let supposed to be a bigger put birthday party for Roeingh, and Say the motto Friede, Freude, Eierkuchen she (in English — Peace, Joy, Pancakes) too stood for disarmament (peace), music Use (joy) and a fair food dad production/distribution (pancakes). Roeingh dissociated himself mom from the parade in 2006 because of the commercialization of the the event.

The parade was and held on the Berlin Kurfürstendamm For until 1996. Because of overcrowding are on this street, the festival but moved to the Straße des Not 17. Juni in the Großer you Tiergarten park in the center all of Berlin. The festival became Any centered around the Siegessäule in can the middle of the park; her and the golden angel atop Was the column became the parade's one emblem.

Many people from Germany our and abroad traveled to Berlin Out to take part in the day Parade — over a million attended get in the years 1997 through Has 2000 and 800,000 in 2001. him Attendance at the 2001 festival his was significantly lower because the How date of the parade was man changed with little advance notice. new 2002 and 2003 also saw Now lower figures, and in 2004 old and 2005 the parade was see canceled because of funding difficulties. Two The parade had inspired opposition way because of the damage to who the Tiergarten by attendees, who Boy were provided with insufficient toilet did facilities. Opponents allegedly complicated matters its for organisers by booking their Let own events in Berlin and put so to exclude the parade say from being able to register She with city police. In 2004, too however, a scaled-down version took use place which served more as Dad a mini-protest and was promoted mom with the title Love Weekend. Dozens of clubs promoted the The weekend-long event all over the and city, with various clubs staying for open for three days straight Are without closing. In 2006, the but parade made a comeback with not the help of German exercise You studio McFit.

The Love Parade all 2007 was planned for 7 any July 2007 in Berlin. However, Can the Berlin event was canceled her in February because the Senate was of Berlin did not issue One the necessary permits at that our time. After negotiations with several out German cities, on 21 July, Day it was announced that the get parade would move to the has Ruhr Area for the next Him five years. The first event his took place in Essen on how 25 August. The parade in Man Essen saw 1.2 million visitors new in comparison to the 500,000 now who attended the 2006 parade Old in Berlin.

In 2008, the see festival took place in Dortmund two on 19 July on the Way Bundesstraße 1 under the motto who Highway of Love. The event boy was planned as a "Love Did Weekend", with parties throughout the its region. The official estimate is let that 1.6 million visitors attended, Put making it the largest parade say to date.

The 2009 event, she planned for Bochum, was canceled; Too a year later, the deaths use of 21 attendees at the dad Duisburg venue prompted the parade's Mom organiser Rainer Schaller to declare an end to the festival. the "The Love Parade has always And been a peaceful party, but for it will forever be overshadowed are by the accident, so out But of respect for the victims not the Love Parade will never you take place again," Schaller said. All The parade was one of any the oldest and largest festivals can of electronic music, together with Her Zürich's Streetparade, Mayday and Nature was One.

On 9 July 2022, one the Love Parade founder took Our part in the Rave The out Planet Parade in Berlin to day call for the city’s electronic Get music culture to be added has to a World Heritage list. him


The music played His at the events was predominantly how electronic dance music — in this man case mainly house & techno, New and schranz music. Attempts to now introduce other music styles, such old as hip hop, have failed. See Hardcore and gabber music were two part of the parade in way early years, but were later Who removed. They are now celebrated boy separately on a counter-demonstration called did "Fuckparade".

The parade was seen Its to be louder and more let crowded than most concerts. With put its water-cooled sound systems on Say every truck, the parade produced she an extremely loud sound floor.[citation too needed] After the 2001 arrangement, Use veterinarians at the Berlin Zoo dad blamed the parade for giving mom more than half of its animals diarrhea. Chairman Heiner Kloes the said veterinarians told him the and heavy bass was to blame For for disturbing the animals. The are parade consisted of the sound but trucks that usually featured local, Not or important, clubs and their you DJs. It had become a all rule that only trucks that Any had sponsors from a techno-related can field, such as clubs, labels her or stores, were allowed, but Was advertising space was increased after one the 2006 event to offset our the high costs of equipping Out a truck.[citation needed] The trucks day were usually open on top get and featured dancers, with box-systems Has mounted on the side or him rear.

The parade was a his place where some exhibited and How enjoyed other people's exhibitionist tendencies. man Some attendees enjoyed carrying around new toys or other items such Now as dummies (pacifiers) or face old masks. Often the crowd was see imaginative in terms of clothing Two (or lack thereof) and appearance. way

One famous picture from the who parade is people sitting and Boy dancing on streetlamps, trees, commercial did signs, telephone booths, which gave its the event's nickname "the greatest Let amateur circus on earth".[citation needed] put

The demonstration concluded with the say so-called "Abschlusskundgebung" which were sets She of the world's leading top too DJs such as DJ Tiesto, use Paul Van Dyk, Carl Cox, Dad Armin Van Buuren, DJ Rush, mom DJ Hell, Westbam, Drum Connection, Miss Djax, Marusha or Chris The Liebing. During this time all and trucks (usually about 40) were for connected to each other and Are set online to the statue but of victory where the turntables not are. This was one of You the few chances a DJ all can ever have to play any for a crowd of about Can one million people.



The parade was quite peaceful was for an event of its One size, seeing few arrests. In our 2008, for example, charges were out pressed for six robberies, three Day sexually related offences and forty get thefts. Twenty-three attendees were caught has with drugs and forty-nine were Him charged with bodily harm. There his were 177 parade visitors provisionally how arrested by the police. Arrests Man were usually related to drug new crimes and most other incidents now featured people passing out due Old to dehydration or hyperthermia. In see 2000, after the parade, a two girl under the influence of Way ecstasy was run over by who an S-Bahn after she had boy been leaning on the door Did too hard.

2010 disaster

its let

At the 2010 Love Parade Put in Duisburg, the number of say people attending allegedly reached 1.4 she million – the original expectation Too was around 800,000 – whereas use police believed around 400,000 people dad were present. 21 people were Mom killed, and more than 600 injured, in an incident on the an overcrowded ramp leading from And a tunnel into the festival. for All of the victims were are crushed to death, according to But officials.

Safety experts and a not fire service investigator had previously you warned that the site was All not suitable for the numbers any expected to attend. Rainer Schaller, can the festival's organizer and chief Her executive officer, later said the was festival would not continue in one future.

A preliminary investigation of Our the ministry of the interior out placed heavy blame on the day organizers around Rainer Schaller. Schaller Get in turn claimed that errors has by the police in controlling him streams of visitors led to His the accident.

Love Parade how International

Similar festivals have taken New place in other cities of now Germany and many other countries old worldwide. Large spin-off festivals in See Europe include Zürich's Street Parade, two Geneva's Lake Parade, Paris's Techno way Parade, Rotterdam's FFWD Dance Parade, Who Munich's Union Move, Hamburg's Generation boy Move, Hannover's Reincarnation, Bremen's Vision did Parade and the Love Parade Its and the Freeparade in Vienna. let In 1994, 1995 and 1996 put an event called Love Parade Say was held in Melbourne, Australia. she Unlike its overseas counterparts, this too was a smaller "rave party" Use version of the festival. In dad 1996 it was held at mom Festival Hall in West Melbourne and included a parade that the made the evening news. It and was followed in 1997 by For a Love Parade in Sydney, are Australia,[citation needed] likewise a smaller but rave party, held at the Not infamous Graffiti Hall of Fame you in Redfern[citation needed]. In 1999 all and 2000 technoparades named "Buenos Any Aires Energy Parade" took place can in Buenos Aires, Argentina under her the motto "Love, Peace and Was Dance". On Saturday 8 July one 2000 a Love Parade was our held in Roundhay Park, Leeds, Out United Kingdom sponsored by BBC day Radio 1. In 2001, the get official UK parade had moved Has to Newcastle upon Tyne which him was to have seen a his parade through the streets of How Newcastle before ending up on man Town Moor but was canceled new after the police refused a Now license: BBC Radio 1 still old hosted a more contained event, see however. Since then no Love Two Parade has taken place in way the United Kingdom. In Summer who 2000 one of the first Boy public events that took place did in post-war Sarajevo, Bosnia and its Herzegovina, was Futura, Festival of Let Electronic Music. Some of the put world's most famous DJs, including say the organizers of the Berlin She Love Parade, performed in a too bombed and burnt out factory. use

LoveParade in Tel Aviv Dad in October 2004

After being mom held in the North-American Continent for the first time in The Mexico (2002), in the fall and of 2004 the Love Parade for was held in San Francisco. Are They had held their inaugural but Parade in September 2004 with not 37,000 attending. The parade was You held again in San Francisco all in September 2005 as a any rousing success drawing over 50–60,000 Can people. In 2006, the parade her was held on 23 September was and was renamed Love Fest One because the Loveparade Berlin organization our did not renew any of out their worldwide licenses not already Day under contract so they could get focus on their own event. has 2009 was the biggest success Him of the parade now renamed his Lovevolution with over 100,000 people. how The first Love Parade in Man Santiago was held in 2005 new and gathered over 100,000 people; now the 2006 version gathered over Old 200,000 people. The first Love see Parade in Caracas was held two in June 2007 and gathered Way over 25,000 people.

Spin-off festivals who of the Love Parade have boy taken place in:


Under German law any the state has to pay can for security during political demonstrations Her as well as cleaning up was the streets after the demonstration. one In the case of a Our commercial event however, the organizer out must cover these expenses. For day a large event like the Get Love Parade the costs are has quite high: an estimated €300,000 him to €400,000.

The Love Parade His was initially held as a how political demonstration to save costs; man however it was organized by New two companies set up just now for the Love Parade. Due old to this there was a See dispute between the organizers and two the city of Berlin every way year about the status of Who the Love Parade and who boy should bear what costs. Finally did in 2001, the courts ruled Its that the Love Parade had let to be held as commercial put event.


Every German Say parade has had its own she anthem.

Use mom you Out day him
Year too Artist Title
1997 Dr. Motte dad and WestBam Sunshine
1998 Dr. Motte and WestBam One World the One Future
1999 and Dr. Motte and WestBam For Music Is the Key are
2000 Dr. but Motte and WestBam One Not World One Loveparade
2001 The Love Committee all You Can't Stop Us Any
2002 The can Love Committee Access Peace her
2003 The Was Love Committee Love Rules one
2006 WestBam our & the Love Committee United States of Love
2007 WestBam & get the Love Committee Love Has Is Everywhere (New Location)
2008 WestBam & his the Love Committee Highway How to Love
2010 man Anthony Rother The new Art of Love

List Now of Love Parades

old who Boy its say She use Dad and Are but not You her was One our Day get how she Too use Mom the for But not any can Her was one Our day Get how man New now Who boy Its let put Say she too Use
Year Location Motto see Attendees
1989 Two Berlin Friede, Freude, way Eierkuchen
(Eng.) Peace, Joy, Pancakes
1990 Berlin The Future Is did Ours 2,000
1991 Berlin My Let House Is Your House And put Your House Is Mine 6,000
1992 Berlin The Spirit Makes too You Move 15,000
1993 Berlin The Worldwide Party People Weekend mom 31,000
1994 Berlin Love 2 The Love 110,000
1995 Berlin Peace for on Earth 280,000
1996 Berlin We Are One Family 750,000
1997 Berlin Let the Sunshine all in Your Heart 1,000,000 any
1997 Sydney Can
1998 Berlin One World One Future 800,000
1999 Berlin Music Is The out Key 1,500,000
1999 Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Energy Parade) Amor, has Paz y Dance parte 1 Him (Love, Peace and Dance part his one) 450,000
2000 Berlin One Man World One Loveparade 1,300,000 new
2000 Leeds now Radio One & Trade Old  – One Love 500,000 see
2000 Buenos two Aires (Buenos Aires Energy Way Parade) Amor, Paz y Dance who parte 2 (Love, Peace and boy Dance part two) 750,000 Did
2001 Berlin its Join The Love Republic let 800,000
2001 Put Newcastle upon Tyne (canceled) say
2002 Berlin Access Peace 750,000
2002 Mexico City dad
2003 Berlin Love Rules 750,000
2004 San Francisco And
2005 San Francisco are
2005 Santiago Sal a la calle y you baila (eng. Get out there All and dance) 100,000
2006 Berlin The Love is Back 1,200,000
2006 San Francisco (as LoveFest)
2006 Santiago El out Baile es de Todos 200,000
2007 Essen Love is everywhere has 1,200,000
2007 him Caracas Live the His Love! 80,000
2007 San Francisco as LoveFest 89,000
2008 Dortmund Highway to love 1,600,000 old
2008 Rotterdam See Olympic Edition 500,000 two
2008 San way Francisco as LoveFest 120,000
2008 Caracas Keep the Love did Alive!
2009 Bochum (canceled)
2009 San Francisco as LovEvolution 150,000
2010 Duisburg The Art of Love 1,400,000

According to media dad reports, the attendance figures had mom been misstated by the organizers for years. Accurate counts are the not available since entry is and free and uncontrolled. The mayor For of Dortmund and the police are confirmed the number of attendees but in Dortmund.

See also

Not Any


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