Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions.

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Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions.
Posted on: 26.01.2011 by Demetra Pinizzotto
In another thread I added two small tutorials for mapping in traktor.
It seemed like a good way to show beginning mappers where to begin, answer mapping questions, and see what other people are mapping.
This way every one can get new ideas and learn how to map their own.

The format is:
title with subject
description of the mapping, (maybe a very short video to show it)

text explanation in steps
screen shots of the mapping window.

see my two tutorials down here.
Kellie Myrum
Please share what they got to say about that.

Syreeta Stockam
Thanks for the help with confirming, I'll contact NI and let's see what happens.
Kellie Myrum
I just check it with 2.5 and can confirm that you are saying. I don't know if that's really a bug or it's meant to act like that. I believe you should contact NI support and see what they got to say about this behavior. If I found some way to overcome this by advanced mapping, will let you know.
Syreeta Stockam
Encoder, exactly the same settings as in browser.list (and that works) so I'm prone to believe it's a bug, modifier's are correct etc. I also tried to change the original browser.tree to 200% but the scrolling is still only one line at a time. And this kinda confirms my idea of a bug, don't You believe?
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Geek
Do You guys know if browser tree-scrolling is locked to 100% in Traktor? The way my music-folders are built there's a lot of scrolling, and I mapped a button to modifier so I could browse faster when that button is pressed. Modifier-mapping is ok, since it works in browser.list however in browser.tree it doesnt, any ideas?

Oh, using 2.5.1
It shouldn't be locked. Do you browse with encoder, fader or button?
Syreeta Stockam
Do You guys know if browser tree-scrolling is locked to 100% in Traktor? The way my music-folders are built there's a lot of scrolling, and I mapped a button to modifier so I could browse faster when that button is pressed. Modifier-mapping is ok, since it works in browser.list however in browser.tree it doesnt, any ideas?

Oh, using 2.5.1
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Mac1ouda
BIG thanks
this is wat Ive beeen looking for, for a long time now!
here's my problem though.. Im not new to traktor, but am very new to mapping.. how you've explained wat to do kind of makes sense to me but not really? I tried

Add in> Mixer> EQ kill>
-Type of controller/Button
-Interaction mode/Hold
-Button options/Invert

but got lost around the -Type of controller/Button part, then I tried to import the tsi but that didn't work either??

Could you explain it to me in a very step by step fashion, or is there maybe a video I can see on you tube?

sorry to be such a caveman, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Mac1ouda,

I didn't made "how to" video for this since it isn't too much complicate to explain by words. However to keep it more simple here is short one for you and anyone else who might be interested to equip their knobs with one of this tricks.

You can use same settings for any other command in traktor that you want be set to act same as this EQ kill. For example, I mapped Army Of Me's drama sweep to one knob with echo freeze when my knob is cranked up all the way to right.

Hope you got better understanding now.
Mercedes Best
BIG thanks
this is wat Ive beeen looking for, for a long time now!
here's my problem though.. Im not new to traktor, but am very new to mapping.. how you've explained wat to do kind of makes sense to me but not really? I tried

Add in> Mixer> EQ kill>
-Type of controller/Button
-Interaction mode/Hold
-Button options/Invert

but got lost around the -Type of controller/Button part, then I tried to import the tsi but that didn't work either??

Could you explain it to me in a very step by step fashion, or is there maybe a video I can see on you tube?

sorry to be such a caveman, any help would be greatly appreciated!
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by DJ Zoo
Oh man, apologies for my ignorance...

After following your last instruction, it now works seamlessly!! WOW!!! PERFECT!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I greatly appreciate your help, specially your patience..

More power to you Stewe and may people like you increase!!
Good to hear that worked and thank you for kind words mate!
Ira Osak
Originally Posted by Stewe
You didn't specify which hotcue need to be deleted?Set value to second also.
Oh man, apologies for my ignorance...

After following your last instruction, it now works seamlessly!! WOW!!! PERFECT!!

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I greatly appreciate your help, specially your patience..

More power to you Stewe and may people like you increase!!
Kellie Myrum
You didn't specify which hotcue need to be deleted?Set value to second also.
Ira Osak
Originally Posted by Stewe
Ok, I had quick look at it. It seem your mapping doesn't have modifier#6 included. Map it like I gave you example with modifier#1 and delete second generic device from mapping (it's the one I uploaded here).
Still the same results Stewe..

Kellie Myrum
Ok, I had quick look at it. It seem your mapping doesn't have modifier#6 included. Map it like I gave you example with modifier#1 and delete second generic device from mapping (it's the one I uploaded here).
Ira Osak
Originally Posted by Stewe
Sure they are, that what I said it could be issue with. Just find one modifier your mapping doesn't use and map it for this purpose.
Stewe, I tried to use Modifier#8 but still wouldn't work..

Ira Osak
Originally Posted by Stewe
Hey Zoo can you upload your mapping so we can check it for errors?
Sure thing Stewe.. Here you go sir..

DJzoo settings.tsi

Many thanks!
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by DJ Zoo
Would these modifiers I found on the existing map have any effect on what we are trying to accomplish?

Sure they are, that what I said it could be issue with. Just find one modifier your mapping doesn't use and map it for this purpose.
Ira Osak
Would these modifiers I found on the existing map have any effect on what we are trying to accomplish?

Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by DJ Zoo
1. I had used the Delete button as modifier
Numark_Mixtrack_Pro buttons.jpg

2. Yes, I had been holding the modifier button and then pressing/holding the hotcue button to delete, but still doesn't seem to work.

3. I had set the modifier value to 1

Hey Zoo can you upload your mapping so we can check it for errors?
Ira Osak
1. I had used the Delete button as modifier
Numark_Mixtrack_Pro buttons.jpg

2. Yes, I had been holding the modifier button and then pressing/holding the hotcue button to delete, but still doesn't seem to work.

3. I had set the modifier value to 1

Hortencia Kasselman
Originally Posted by Stewe
DJ Zoo have set modifier#1 as you can see from his image attachment. Thing is that his mapping probably already contain M1 for some other function and it might mix signals between each other.
Yeah. DJ Zoo, you can see the current value of your modifier in the header of the device setup. For each modifier you can see the current value of the modifier. As you are new to Traktor, this might be a good hint for you. It helps a lot finding mistakes in mappings and see if buttons work. I marked the field in the picture below. If you press the desired button, the value of mod 1 should turn to 1. If it does not change, that is the problem.

Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Ryukyu
Ah damn.. you are right.. I got it mapped to direct and thought that might be the point. Then probably his modifier is not working or not even set up.
DJ Zoo have set modifier#1 as you can see from his image attachment. Thing is that his mapping probably already contain M1 for some other function and it might mix signals between each other.
Hortencia Kasselman
Ah damn.. you are right.. I got it mapped to direct and thought that might be the point. Then probably his modifier is not working or not even set up.
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Ryukyu
You got me wrong. I was talking about the interaction mode of the delete hotcue command. The interaction mode for the modifier is hold, but the interaction mode of the delete hotcue command should be set to direct. Then the command will probably work.
Hotcue delete will work the same ether set as hold or direct. Try and see for yourself.
Hortencia Kasselman
Originally Posted by Stewe
No. Interaction mode need to be set as "hold". If you set it as "direct" modifier value will always stay 1 which is something you don't want from delete hotcue button. with this direct 1 delete modifier stays always on and it will delete hotcue even if you want to play it.
You got me wrong. I was talking about the interaction mode of the delete hotcue command. The interaction mode for the modifier is hold, but the interaction mode of the delete hotcue command should be set to direct. Then the command will probably work.

Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Ryukyu
I believe the problem is the interaction mode. Change the interaction mode from hold to direct and it should work.
No. Interaction mode need to be set as "hold". If you set it as "direct" modifier value will always stay 1 which is something you don't want from delete hotcue button. with this direct 1 delete modifier stays always on and it will delete hotcue even if you want to play it.
Hortencia Kasselman
I believe the problem is the interaction mode. Change the interaction mode from hold to direct and it should work.
Kellie Myrum
Hotcue settings look good. It seem the problem here could be modifier.

1. Which button do you use for modifier?

2. Do you hold your modifier button when trying to delete cue?

3. Have you set modifier to value 1?
Ira Osak
Originally Posted by Stewe
Hi DJ Zoo and welcome to community ,

I check your image and saw that you have set same modifier (M8=0) to all of your hotcues. You might need to set new modifier to hold it to delete hotcue. I'll give you example with modifier#1:

Add in M1/interaction Hold/value 1

Add in Set Hotcue/interaction Hold/modifier conditions M1=0 ( you need to set this condition to forbid jumping back to hotcue when deleting, try without M1=0 and see what I'm talking about)

Add in Delete Hotcue/interaction Hold/modifier conditions M1=1

Hotcue set-delete.tsi
Thanks for the quick response Stewe! I really appreciate your help..

I already did the instructions you gave me.. The set/store hotcue works fine, however, I could not make the delete hotcue work.. Is there something I am missing here? Sorry for the ignorance since I am really new with the Traktor Pro.. By the way, here's another screenshot as reference..

Hoping for you help once again.. Thanks so much!

Kellie Myrum
Hi DJ Zoo and welcome to community ,

I check your image and saw that you have set same modifier (M8=0) to all of your hotcues. You might need to set new modifier to hold it to delete hotcue. I'll give you example with modifier#1:

Add in M1/interaction Hold/value 1

Add in Set Hotcue/interaction Hold/modifier conditions M1=0 ( you need to set this condition to forbid jumping back to hotcue when deleting, try without M1=0 and see what I'm talking about)

Add in Delete Hotcue/interaction Hold/modifier conditions M1=1

Hotcue set-delete.tsi
Ira Osak
Hi Guys! I'm new here in DJTT.. Just wanted to ask Traktor Pro experts using Numark Mixtrack/Mixtrack Pro regarding the mapping and replacement of the EQ kills and changing them to Hotcues 1,2,3.. I have been successful in doing that, however, I could not make the Delete buttons (browser and tick by default) into a Delete Hotcue command meaning I could not delete the Hotcues that I have stored.. I really need your expertise and help in creating that hotcue delete command or buttons.. That is the only mapping modification that I want done on my Mixtrack Pro using Traktor Pro 2.. I would greatly appreciate your help and advice.. Thanks so much in advance!

Here's the screenshot:

Kellie Myrum
Thanks! It's something that rmx1000 cut/add inspired me to do. On rmx you can cut frequency on left and add effect plus frequency increase on right, that's great feature. After some testing I managed to set one modifier to do the trick and it seem stable. Then I map this modifier to three band EQ and set T3Delay in three different units that can be added to frequency of knob that is used. I got mapped three banks of settings for this EQs, clean, echo and masher. It is one part of my Plooper mode. I started Traktor mapping in rmx style of controls for BCD and posted it at mappings page. You can find this super faders there also

I never used Torque but believe I know what you are saying, that x-fader trick is from one mapping for VCI100. You can do emulation, it's always nice to have it in pockit but isn't like it can't be mapped directly
Chasidy Heckenbach
nice mapping another neat trick that i've been meaning to try is to emulate the kind of xfader effects that torq2 has. seems like a nice idea... fading in/out effects for each deck when xfader fx is enabled and you move between the tracks.
Kellie Myrum
This fader has different mappings for each side from middle position. When fader is in middle nothing pretty much happens, by moving it up it loads and switch on F92 and a little of Reverb and further is moved it modulate those effects. While sliding it down, it loads Masher and Transpose and modulate those effects in to sweap. I also mapped Masher rate to jogwheel and echo freeze when fader to max up or down position.

I gave example with this effects but it can be mapped for any command in Traktor.

Kellie Myrum
This button is mapped with one modifier which is toggling states of commands for popular drama sweap (iceverb-peak filter-reverb) and echo freeze. Set effect parameters to button auto repeat so once it's pressed, and on hold, those knobs continue to increase amount of D/W and effects till max is reached.

First press: Hold for drama sweap. Echo out on release (inverted).
Second press: Switch of echo out and ready.

There are also three banks for different drama settings.
Kellie Myrum
You can still map it M1 0,1,2,3 and add another modifier (M2-direct1) to position 0 of M1. Then add M2=0 to 1,2,3 of first modifier. Think of that

That is a basic setup for four beat position. 1,2,3,4

Lyle Shopp
stewe you were right from the very start i just needed to set midi range to 0 min and 1 max... thanks again
Chasidy Heckenbach
that's the easier bit - you just tweak the midi range for the 'out'. set the max value to what you want to be the 'on' color and min for the 'off'
Lyle Shopp
yes that worked.. thanks a million.. sorry to be so confusing im just past the noob stage of mapping.. would you know much about how to get the led to function in different colours?? sorry to be a pain
Kellie Myrum
You need to set your modifier LED to same value in controller range (1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4) as corresponding modifier state for each of four buttons.
Lyle Shopp
yeah thanks again... the modifiers work great its just the led thats not working as hoped...

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