Who scratches here?

Who scratches here?
Posted on: 22.12.2011 by Len Lukawski
A couple of months ago I decided to start learning to scratch, properly. Not just pushing the record around and hoping for the best (which best describes the previous 17 attempts back in the day). I have consumed hundreds of hours of videos on Youtube, been reading books, signed up for Qbert's SkratchU and practice whenever I can which unfortunately is maybe half an hour a day. I am definitely off the blocks skills-wise but still in skratch primary/elementary school.

So who here scratches?
Are you beginner or Grandmaster?
What are you learning right now?
What's been the hardest technique for you to learn?
How did you or do you learn?
What's your setup?
What do you scratch to?
Would you like to go to dinner?
- I edited this list as I had a repeat question on setups.

Would love to hear people's stories and views on this!
Cortney Draus
Originally Posted by hipnopath
A little instrumental I made with those samples from the other video. Instead of tapping out my own drums, I sampled them from an old record break. Needs to scratching, but not too much, because I made it for a friend to rap over.

This is great hipnopath - any chance I could get a dl link?
Danae Dumler
Hope things work out Smittten that sucks!
Ira Alsadi
I use DVS sometimes for scratching. Honestly I don't feel that big of a difference. Also, the ability to arrange scratch samples in an mp3 is nice also.
Ginger Vinegar
Originally Posted by hipnopath
Glad to see we've helped contribute to your want to learn to scratch! Post up some practice videos once you're ready! Just remember... practice, practice. and some more practice and you'll be great in no time.

Yeah il get practicing. however my mixer is junk so im upgrading soon.. Also i need to hit up my local record store for some more vinyl.. was believeing of going DVS, but somehow that just doesnt sound like as much fun.
Ginger Vinegar
Originally Posted by hipnopath
A little instrumental I made with those samples from the other video. Instead of tapping out my own drums, I sampled them from an old record break. Needs to scratching, but not too much, because I made it for a friend to rap over.


this is awesome! only problem is its too short! :P
Len Lukawski
I'd be far more arrogant if I had the time.
Verona Spradlin
Pretty much, there's no where else on DJTT where one can go deep in scratching even though I believe it's an important DJ technique. I just surf here and skratchlounge. I used to go on DJForums for scratching and everyone is quite arrogant in their methods.
Len Lukawski
Has this thread become it's own scratch community ?
Verona Spradlin
A little instrumental I made with those samples from the other video. Instead of tapping out my own drums, I sampled them from an old record break. Needs to scratching, but not too much, because I made it for a friend to rap over.

Len Lukawski
2 weeks is VERY serious!
Verona Spradlin
That sucks man, hope you get back on your feet in good time.
Evelyn Navarijo
Holy shit Smitten, that sounds serious. Hope you'll make it out alright, best of luck.
Len Lukawski
Thanks mate

I haven't switched my decks on 2 weeks.
Ira Alsadi
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it all works for you.

Originally Posted by smittten
Due to being in the midst of a software release, s soon-to-be-lengthy legal battle and most recently, being hit by an insured driver on Wednesday evening , I might or might not have time for this
Len Lukawski
Due to being in the midst of a software release, s soon-to-be-lengthy legal battle and most recently, being hit by an insured driver on Wednesday evening , I might or might not have time for this
Ira Alsadi
Go ahead with the 2 click. I used a reverse 2 click. Not that I nailed it but it there.
Verona Spradlin
Here's my entry. Is this considered, "taking it easy"? I really wanted to bust out some two click flares, lol.

Ira Alsadi
I decided to give you guys no choice. You will participate. Here goes.

Cyber- why not?
Evelyn Navarijo
Sounds like a great idea, unfortunately I can't participate, but if I could I'd be all over it
Ira Alsadi
So I was believeing guys, as I was practicing last evening . I know, I need to stop believeing, but I had an idea, a good one too.

I want to start a Q&A. If you guys are down, and Hipno promises to take it easy on us, I will start by posting later this morning.

I would say, 4 scratch maximum, and for the first round, no double time scratching. Just simple 1/1 scratches.

So who is down?
Cortney Draus
Originally Posted by bmwnutfrombirth
Hey guys just knocked this baby out. Tell me what ya believe!
I dig this a lot, nice job !
Ira Alsadi
Originally Posted by hipnopath
The ahhh and the fresh? That was on a battle record called Zero by DJ Tigerstyle. I wanted some more scratch samples and a better sentence, but ahhh and fresh are plenty fine for an improv jam. I got the piano samples from a used Barbara Steisand record I found at Half Price Books. The drums were from some random break record.

Just one more video...

Getting frisky with the video editing now huh? LOL sounds good as always man.

Originally Posted by bmwnutfrombirth
Hey guys just knocked this baby out. Tell me what ya believe!
Sounds good. I especially like it when you sped up with the tempo of the track. Maybe a vid next time?
Wei Lebeaux
Hey guys just knocked this baby out. Tell me what ya believe!
Verona Spradlin
The ahhh and the fresh? That was on a battle record called Zero by DJ Tigerstyle. I wanted some more scratch samples and a better sentence, but ahhh and fresh are plenty fine for an improv jam. I got the piano samples from a used Barbara Steisand record I found at Half Price Books. The drums were from some random break record.

Just one more video...

Ira Alsadi
That's chill man. I like it a lot. Do you put that scratch sentence together or is it a battle cut?
Verona Spradlin
Here's a quick video I made with my friend. He's not much of a scratcher, but he's good at everything else music wise. I set him up with some samples on my MPC500 and told him to just drop a beat.

Ira Alsadi
Originally Posted by smittten
Excuse me, I have been practicing like a munnyfunster and I still.......suck.
Same here except without the practicing a lot part.
Len Lukawski
Originally Posted by hipnopath
Just remember... practice, practice. and some more practice and you'll be great in no time.
Excuse me, I have been practicing like a munnyfunster and I still.......suck.
Ira Alsadi
I've been slacking lately. Haven't practiced in a couple weeks.

As punishment for myself, I will post a practice video sometime this week.
Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by DannyAK
Hey, i've been checking up on this thread everyday or so and i just want to say that you guys have inspired me to buy hip hop vinyl and start learning to scratch, so far its been alot of fun and these practice videos have been a huge inspiration. keep it up guys this is excellent. i wanna see more of that 56s in action
Glad to see we've helped contribute to your want to learn to scratch! Post up some practice videos once you're ready! Just remember... practice, practice. and some more practice and you'll be great in no time.
Ginger Vinegar
Hey, i've been checking up on this thread everyday or so and i just want to say that you guys have inspired me to buy hip hop vinyl and start learning to scratch, so far its been alot of fun and these practice videos have been a huge inspiration. keep it up guys this is excellent. i wanna see more of that 56s in action
Evelyn Navarijo
Holy crap, he's speaking!

Also, I'm super jealous, I haven't been able to fit my mixer/Technics since I moved (and I can't scratch for shit on my VCI-100), but hot damn, that mixer is some sexy shit.
Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by papo

Edit: Here's a quick video I made.

Ira Alsadi
My 56 is getting buried with me.
Albertina Fay
Originally Posted by hipnopath
Holy god, I just got the 56 in the mail. It's incredible! Now I see all the hype. The previous owner also said the fader was bleeding and the transform button was broken. Fixed them both and clean/lubed/tuned all the fader and they are rediculously buttery. Also, I never noticed full kill EQs and wow, they're sick! Best mixer I've ever used. Now, I only have a pair of M3Ds, a 56, PMC06Pro, and a PMC05Pro. I will now try and sell the 06Pro so I can buy an ultra pitch deck like a PDX, TTX, or TT500. I want to keep my 56 and M3Ds for home use and when jamming with friends, my 05Pro and ultrapitch deck.
Verona Spradlin
Holy god, I just got the 56 in the mail. It's incredible! Now I see all the hype. The previous owner also said the fader was bleeding and the transform button was broken. Fixed them both and clean/lubed/tuned all the fader and they are rediculously buttery. Also, I never noticed full kill EQs and wow, they're sick! Best mixer I've ever used. Now, I only have a pair of M3Ds, a 56, PMC06Pro, and a PMC05Pro. I will now try and sell the 06Pro so I can buy an ultra pitch deck like a PDX, TTX, or TT500. I want to keep my 56 and M3Ds for home use and when jamming with friends, my 05Pro and ultrapitch deck.
Ira Alsadi
I am starting to lean more towards keeping my 56 stock as well. I am getting used to the dead space on either end of the fader and can pull of crabs easier now.
Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by djproben
Why are you bothering with an innofader for a Rane TTM 56 mixer? That magnetic fader is unbeatable. I've used both, and I use an innofader now only because I have a DB4, but it is no match for the TTM56 fader, which I love. I suppose if you are into tweaking and adjusting your fader the inno is better (it's very easy to adjust things on) but as a pure scratch fader, the Rane is nice and clean and smooth and practically silent whereas there's a bit of a click with the innofader (though I guess that's a personal preference). The Rane needs maintenance too, every year or so you'll want to pull them out and clean them carefully, but it is a wonderful fader. My advice, try it out a while before you throw money after another fader. But I don't mean to dis the innofader either, it's what I use now and it is an incredible fader.
Hah, I should have specified it's for my PMC05Pro3. I intend on keeping the 56 stock.
Danae Dumler
Originally Posted by hipnopath

Edit2: AND I also need to get my hands on one of those new Innofader PNPs! Only $125 and now shipping!
Why are you bothering with an innofader for a Rane TTM 56 mixer? That magnetic fader is unbeatable. I've used both, and I use an innofader now only because I have a DB4, but it is no match for the TTM56 fader, which I love. I suppose if you are into tweaking and adjusting your fader the inno is better (it's very easy to adjust things on) but as a pure scratch fader, the Rane is nice and clean and smooth and practically silent whereas there's a bit of a click with the innofader (though I guess that's a personal preference). The Rane needs maintenance too, every year or so you'll want to pull them out and clean them carefully, but it is a wonderful fader. My advice, try it out a while before you throw money after another fader. But I don't mean to dis the innofader either, it's what I use now and it is an incredible fader.
Evelyn Navarijo
What is it with iMovie that's bothering you? I found it to be a surprisingly competent video editor for it's price. Miles ahead of Windows Movie Maker.

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