Who scratches here?

Who scratches here?
Posted on: 22.12.2011 by Len Lukawski
A couple of months ago I decided to start learning to scratch, properly. Not just pushing the record around and hoping for the best (which best describes the previous 17 attempts back in the day). I have consumed hundreds of hours of videos on Youtube, been reading books, signed up for Qbert's SkratchU and practice whenever I can which unfortunately is maybe half an hour a day. I am definitely off the blocks skills-wise but still in skratch primary/elementary school.

So who here scratches?
Are you beginner or Grandmaster?
What are you learning right now?
What's been the hardest technique for you to learn?
How did you or do you learn?
What's your setup?
What do you scratch to?
Would you like to go to dinner?
- I edited this list as I had a repeat question on setups.

Would love to hear people's stories and views on this!
Verona Spradlin
Start with tears. One forward and two back. Then try backwards tears. Two forwards and one back. Now once, you're comfortable with that, try and splice in some transforms or one and two click flares in them and you've got a sick sounding scratch.
Evelyn Navarijo
I posted my vid over at r/Turntablists, and I was told I need to cut (har har) out trying to do crazy fader movements and work more on the record movements, has anyone got advice on how to go about doing some neat faderless scratches?
Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by smittten
while it's hard given the shitty synch on the audio, I would also like feedback. Don't worry - I can take it

Feel like I have just gotten off the start line but am already stuck in a rut.
I'd have to say the same thing as the other guy. You seem to grasp the transform and closed fader scratches just fine, just play more with timing. I'd suggest open fader scratches like chirps and flares which make scratching a whole lot of fun because you can get many different "notes" from little fader movements. With a closed fader scratch, two taps creates two sounds while two "clicks" while moving the record forwards and back creates four sounds. Might I suggest DJ Angelo's video tutorials because he is simply the best. I started with his videos back in December of 2010 and I'm confident in my scratching.
Len Lukawski
while it's hard given the shitty synch on the audio, I would also like feedback. Don't worry - I can take it

Feel like I have just gotten off the start line but am already stuck in a rut.
Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by Cybertrash
Recorded myself practicing again, would love some critique and advice

Good practice, seems like you have solid foundation for closed fader scratches. Noe try and learn some open fader scratches starting with a chirp all the way into a two click flare.
Evelyn Navarijo
Recorded myself practicing again, would love some critique and advice

Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by durtyjerzy609
is that that the same vinyl used by C2C? if so... where can i get a copy of that mp3?
Sure is. A guy on YouTube uploaded them all.



Originally Posted by smittten
70's KUNG FU SCRATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after a few beverages and possibly one of the worst movies I have seen in years, I decided to have a bit of a f*** about. The more eagled eyed among you will notice the odd synchronization issue which results in the DMC award winning scratch I call "Look, NO HANDS!!!!!".

Pretty good video! I just lost another scratch battle on DJF so I'm a bit sad, but I decided to upload a funky freestyle.

Len Lukawski
70's KUNG FU SCRATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So after a few beverages and possibly one of the worst movies I have seen in years, I decided to have a bit of a f*** about. The more eagled eyed among you will notice the odd synchronization issue which results in the DMC award winning scratch I call "Look, NO HANDS!!!!!".

Stefania Herb
Originally Posted by hipnopath
Just finished this little routine up, needs some juggling added so I can enter it in my local town's DMC.

is that that the same vinyl used by C2C? if so... where can i get a copy of that mp3?
Paul Revoir
Here's an old practice juggle i did...........

Ira Alsadi
Your crab is sick. Only thing I noticed is at the end when scratching the "ah", maybe level it down or level up the other deck. Still though, great work!
Verona Spradlin
Practicing another juggle routine.

Ira Alsadi
Originally Posted by pauldesire35

I work in construction so I use my 9900 for work. It is sad to say that I have a few scratches( nothing big, little lines here and there) on the aluminum border. lol. I've tried to use hard shell but it was annoying so I used the pouch. But hey, as long as its working properly, its all good. At the end of the day, a phone is a phone.
Hammer time!
Evelyn Navarijo
Originally Posted by smittten
This is the best thread I have ever started. Keep up the good work people! More vids!
Oh now you've let pride go to your head, it will be the doom of us all!
Logan Mazzullo

I work in construction so I use my 9900 for work. It is sad to say that I have a few scratches( nothing big, little lines here and there) on the aluminum border. lol. I've tried to use hard shell but it was annoying so I used the pouch. But hey, as long as its working properly, its all good. At the end of the day, a phone is a phone.
Len Lukawski
This is the best thread I have ever started. Keep up the good work people! More vids!
Ira Alsadi
nicely done.
Verona Spradlin
Just finished this little routine up, needs some juggling added so I can enter it in my local town's DMC.

Ada Matzkin
when i believe of scratching i believe of a wall of energy, being held back by a dam, and the scratch you hear is the amount of energy being let thru the x fader,or dam.
Ira Alsadi
I agree completely that scratching is best used when treating the turntable as an instrument. For me however, I have never been able to pick up an instrument and start playing. I need to learn the basics first. From a solid foundation I can build what ever what my heart desires, without a solid foundation, what ever I try to build will fall apart.
Stefania Herb
Originally Posted by Otacon
this is the funniest thing i've read all morning! lol +1 for being a roided out super sayian
can you believe of anyone that could mess wit s.s. gohan if he was on the juice?
Stefania Herb
the whole start to this thing called turntablism.. is the idea you could use a tt as instrument to express yourself in other ways... the fact its gotten down to can u autobahn or bommer rang.. has taken the heart away from that... while Q might teach those what he's discovered.. one has to consider it a tool... and def not something to be copied... what works best with ones own style is what we always move the crowd and get ur concept out there.. i seen too many kids come up cuttin and concentrating on the theory and not the implication off.. wave twisters is a perfect example of how techniques dont define the concept or skill (his style has def changed and eveolved ALOT since then).. all those characters and actions are achieved with the same techniques but with the dif samples and the way they flow... i guess the whole point of it all.. is that while it great to be able to say i can do this and i can do... when ur in the zone ur mind n body forget that and it flows no matter the scratch... not only did hiphop change society... turntablism changed my life
Jonathan Chiuchiolo
Originally Posted by durtyjerzy609
to be honest...but to si t and work on so called named scratches to me, is a bit of b/s ride the beat and do what feels good and comes natural... all these scratches are just an expression and to try to learn them all is pointless if it sounds like poo... search your soul find you sound and your style and make yourself happy
I disagree completely with this, Until someone showed me a flare, I though it was just transforming really fast which cost me a few crossfader's/mixers to learn, naturally you will only be able to perform the basic scratches from the 80's, if you learn from others you are reaping the benifit of the practice and the skills that the creator used initially, it allows you to progress much faster knowing things in a couple of hours study and a weeks practice, that it would have otherwise taken you weeks/months to perfect had you created it.

And since Q has dedicated his life to creating new techniques who better to learn from. But I agree the rule book should be thrown out later, but not till you get the techniques down first...
Erich Vallabhaneni
Originally Posted by durtyjerzy609

i cut everyday and constantly try to evolve like a super sayian on roids

this is the funniest thing i've read all morning! lol +1 for being a roided out super sayian
Stefania Herb
to be honest... i learned to scratch before i could mix. I only started to learn becuase some friends of mine were respected dj in pittsburgh wehere i used to live, and they messed around with scratchin.. i believe i picked it up a lil bit faster and better than they did cos before long i was entering into battles.. and winning or taking second (which hurts).. but as far as im concerened... i look at it like QBERT does... i just try to imaginate what alien djs would sound like and try to do that (if youve seen doug pray's movie SCRATCH you'll get what i just said) but to si t and work on so called named scratches to me, is a bit of b/s ride the beat and do what feels good and comes natural... all these scratches are just an expression and to try to learn them all is pointless if it sounds like poo... search your soul find you sound and your style and make yourself happy

as for my answers to the question

i am my a master of me and for to judge that is futile

i cut over everything cos nothing is perfect until it suits you

2/pdx2000's m447s ttm56 scratch live dicers lpd8

i cut everyday and constantly try to evolve like a super sayian on roids

i like food food likes me
Ira Alsadi
I swear to god I am going to break my decks. These damned 2 click orbits will be the death of me.
Ira Alsadi
Could you use a nice 4-to-the-floor beat and just practice to the count? For instance, start with 2 forward then 2 back per bar, then double up to 4 forward and 4 back per bar, then double that up, and so on. Once you get the count down, maybe start varying the pattern to 3 back, 2 forward, 3 back, and just keep progressing that way.
Evelyn Navarijo
I seem to be having some problems with rythm when I'm transforming, any ideas on how I could practice just getting the rhythm right`Timing practices? Click tracks?
Jonathan Chiuchiolo
honestly I was so stoked when I got to 140bpm, getting above that for me was fairly slow but 180bpm is just double time of 90bpm so 2 full orbits every beat to hiphop, its all about timing, it comes in time
Ira Alsadi
I have the timing of the 1 click down pretty well. I have noticed, when use my left hand on the record, my timing on the pull back/closing fader, is off a bit and I tend to get to only get 3 sounds. I actually have pretty good timing on the 2 clicks with both hands; usually.

I typically throw on a house/breaks track with a BPM around 130 to practice. I try to do the entire scratch in 1 bar. 1-click orbit is forward on the 1 and 2, and backward on the 3 and 4. Then, after a few bars, I speed it up to 2 scratches per 1 bar.

The 2-click orbits are harder to count to I just go for feeling.

Sometimes I will play the loops on the records which are typically around 80 BPM to practice, just to stir things up a bit. I haven't really sped up the tempo more than 130 BPM though. I'll try that.
Jonathan Chiuchiolo
you can't do two clicks until you get the timing for one clicks down, I would forget about them until then. But start slow, get something that is 80bpm if you have to, doing one click every two beats so the whole orbit takes 1 bar, just get use to doing things in reverse to what feels natural to do. then when you almost have it increase the speed, if you always push yourself out of your comfort zone, going backwards is much much easier and you will learn it lot faster then waiting until a certain speed is perfect...

The way I practice for 180bpm is to do it at 200bpm which I cant do, but when slowing down 180bpm seems much easier
Lilliana Perris
Originally Posted by djlotus
So I've been practicing 1 and 2 click orbits and I am about to pull my hair out. My right had on the fader works great for open fader scratches and my left hand for closed fader scratches. I want to eat a bullet right now. Time for a break.
I can rub with both hands...pretty well..but can only control the fader with my right.

I played Drums and piano back in the day, so getting my hands to do differing things is not hard. Just lacking practice I guess.
Ira Alsadi
So I've been practicing 1 and 2 click orbits and I am about to pull my hair out. My right had on the fader works great for open fader scratches and my left hand for closed fader scratches. I want to eat a bullet right now. Time for a break.
Lilliana Perris
Originally Posted by hipnopath
Yeah, I've been looking for an app that does that as well, but I haven't found one.
Check out ScreenFlow.

You can record the screen....a video input and audio in one go.
So you have a little window within your main video window showing the screen...or the other way around.

Bertie Metro
For some inspiration, check this guy's channel :

Lilliana Perris
The most well known scratch DJ here in SA is ReadyD.

But he does old school shit...and all his scratches are TIRED!

The BEST, in my opinion is DJ Hamma. He was the guy who got me into scratching...forreal.
He lived up the road from me. I used to fix his PC!

Anyways...he is the big guy with the dreads in the vid below.
He is the kind of DJ that makes up his own scratches etc. Very much grass roots level guy this.

Lilliana Perris
Originally Posted by hipnopath
Hah thanks, I honestly believe this wasn't even that good. I'm going to try and enter in my town's local DMC, but I don't have Serato (I use Traktor). I may have to quickly find an SL1 box.
OK...well what you believe of this? Its 2010's winner.



Come on!

2nd place was taken by DJ Codax. He is pretty good. He plays a guest slot on the local radio on Fridays. He rocks it!

Dunno about this routine tho.

Verona Spradlin
Originally Posted by smittten
I would like to find a way to connect the line out on the S4 to the earphone/mic jack on my iPhone 4s and then have the video and audio together from
the get go rather than synching it up in camtasia.

Anyone done anything like that?
Yeah, I've been looking for an app that does that as well, but I haven't found one.
Len Lukawski
Originally Posted by hipnopath
I just use my iPhone 4S' camera and I got from the extra line out of my 05ProIIIe into my MacBook's line in and record with Audacity.
I would like to find a way to connect the line out on the S4 to the earphone/mic jack on my iPhone 4s and then have the video and audio together from
the get go rather than synching it up in camtasia.

Anyone done anything like that?
Danae Dumler
Damn that Joe Cooley scratch is amazing. Reminds me I suck at tears, guess I have something more basic to practice than multi-click flares for a while.... And hipnopath keep em coming, you have skills!!!

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