MIDIfighter Resources and Discussion

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31.12.2011 Midi fighter colors not there?031.12.2011
I went to buy one now and I noticed I only had a red/black/clear tops to choose from... do they change what colors they are offering from time to time or are they running out of other colors? Does anyone know when there will be other top colors like white yellows blues etc? Or that clear that is…
12.07.2011 Midi Fighter In Traktor Scratch???631.12.2011
Firstly i would like to point out i am definitely a newbie in digital djing... and secondly, i have googled it! I use traktor scratch duo as the next step up from vinyl at a DJ convention in birmingham. now since then i have been opened up to a WHOLE WORLD of DJing, outside of just beatmatching.…
14.12.2011 MIDI Fighter mapping ideas431.12.2011
Hey everybody, I am looking into learning how to map in Traktor. But while that is underway I thought it would be great to hear what you guys would like to see in a MIDI Fighter mapping. I will start out with some ideas I have had! I will explain via what each button section would do. This mapping…
29.12.2011 Instant Gratification Switch Deck331.12.2011
Hey, Just got my MF today, have it set up but i cant seem to switch decks!effects only seem to work on deck a.I believe im missing something simple!is there a way for me to switch decks? Thanks in advance Brendan
23.11.2011 2 MIDI Fighter Classics with Traktor 2. Please help!329.12.2011
Hey there, I've been having a crazy time setting up my second midi fighter classic in traktor 2. My first midi fighter worked fine on deck A, but I'm not sure how to add in a second midi fighter for a separate deck. My two midi fighters are both acting on Deck A identically, so much so that if…
28.12.2011 can you buy a midi fighter in London, UK?329.12.2011
I'm mad for one now - and would love it in time for New Year......
28.12.2011 iPhone > touchosc > rtpmidi > pure data extended > traktor (midifighter)028.12.2011
Hi I'm trying to get my iPhone running touchosc with the midighter touchosc template files > rtpmidi > pd extended > traktor (midifighter) I load up the template in touchosc on my iphone. All good. I connect my iphone to the PC using rtpMidi. All good. I load the pure data…
26.12.2011 Midi fighter help127.12.2011
I just bought a midi fighter and loaded the instant grat mappings but the mapping will only give me the full effects out of one deck. I am using the mf through traktor w/ an s4. anyone know how to mix this? I have also loaded the tsi file twice and assigned decks a-d to midi fighter
26.12.2011 Midi Fighter Four Banks not working126.12.2011
1: my utility won't work, it shows the little white box w/ only loading bar then closes, 2: when in menu mode, 4 banks only give me two options, all four of the third row lit up, or none, and neither seem to toggle any real options. As in, when i turn all lights on, the external menu doesn't show…
21.12.2011 HELP: MF LED Channel CC/Note Assignments?424.12.2011
Does anyone have a diagram showing the channel and CC/Note assignments for the MF Classic LEDs? I want to map the LEDs to turn with a custom Traktor midi mapping, but I have no idea what to set the LED outputs to in controller manager. I tried searching the community s and Google, but had no luck. …
22.12.2011 Highly liquid potentiometer matrix?224.12.2011
Hey guys, I just wanted to know if i could use on of livids pcbs to matrix a 4x4 grid of potentiometers to save inputs on a highly liquid midi cpu. Because i know that you can do this with switches but am not sure about potentiometers.
20.12.2011 Knobs and faders on the MFPro922.12.2011
Does anyone know what knobs and faders DJTT put in the MFPro? Im modding an MF Classic and Im not really sure what faders and knobs to use.
22.12.2011 Midifigther combos and Street Figther Samples?222.12.2011
So I just got a midifigther and I've been reading through the articles on the blog. As much as I loved the idea of having the community find combos as the MF was first released, now I just find it to be a hassle. I don't want to accidentally find these combo during a set, I would much rather just…
21.12.2011 anyone know the SysEx i.d, vid or pid for the midifighter321.12.2011
As the title says, I need one of the following bits of information for the midifighter to be able to sucessfully define it in VDJ, I need either SysEx id - system exclusive id VID - vendor id PID - product id driver name to get the sysex id you need to send this to it F0 7E 7F 06 01…
10.12.2011 Custom MF Questions.321.12.2011
Okay, so I am turning my midifighter into my own version of the beatmasher, before I start building my own ccontroller. I figured it would be good to start off small. But, I have some questions. Are the light tubes a 3mm diameter? Can I have LEDs alongside the 4 extra arcade buttons I put…
20.12.2011 Quick question about Midi Fighter321.12.2011
I'm in the process of ordering the Midi Fighter and had a quick question. With the Instant Gratification mapping, which buttons do what? I know that the third row is all the beat masher, but not sure about the others. The reason I ask is because I'm currently choosing my button colors. I want to…
14.12.2011 1 MF Pro or 2 MF Classic421.12.2011
Hi i was just wondering what would be better 1 MF Pro or 2 MF Classic i am planning on including MF on my setup!!! What would you guys recommend. Thanks in advance for your responses
16.12.2011 Serato Midi Fighter Mod (Read the Stickies, need a lil' help)117.12.2011
Hey! I've been up all evening reading the stickies and making sure all my ducks are in line before I ask this! I've expanded the Midi Fighter Classic with 4 digi butttons and 3 analogue knobs. I have verified the connections based on all of your resources (as seen in the pics below) as well as…
15.12.2011 Question about button color115.12.2011
So I was looking into making a Midi Fighter, and upon messing around with several color combinations a question arose. When designing a Midi Fighter, what is the color that appears to the right of the light blue? I am partially color blind and cannot distinguish if it is a dark blue or…
10.12.2011 White mf-pro bbqwtfftwlolwut1114.12.2011
What the f*** is this? Why hasn't DJTT taken my money yet?
26.10.2011 MidiFighter Pro for scratching.912.12.2011
Chaps, I am in the process of picking up a MidiFighter Pro. Right now it looks like I will be going for the Beatmasher version. Has anyone used these faders for scratching? I am currently using the s4 fader but would like the option to try something different. I am also believeing that if the…
08.12.2011 becoming very aggravated with my cue master312.12.2011
OK so before i get flamed i read the entiere cue mast thread and cant seem to find something that will help diagnose my problem. I upload the TSI in the pref. window but when i do so it completely disables my S4! i cant even use the play button. also, i cannot use the midi fighter to play sync…
11.12.2011 ig mapping for toucosc iphone011.12.2011
Does anyone have a touchosc layout for the midifighter instant gratification mapping to work on iphone? Ive tried searching and can only find a file that does not open in the osc editor.
26.11.2011 Midi fighter wont start2609.12.2011
it won't go through the snake and is entirely unresponsive, won't go into bootloader mode or anything any one? help? please ?
06.12.2011 Midi-Fighter Help207.12.2011
I bought my son a midi-fighter, and we don't know where to start. Please recommend software to download. He is a beginner. Thank you.
30.11.2011 MFP beatmasher FX1 preset problem206.12.2011
Hello, I got some troubles with the FX1 preset on my MF pro beatmasher. When I receive it the right crossfader was a little bit hard to slide it. Then after using it for a few session, it was sliding perfectly. I use it a couple of time to manage the differents FX preset, and the…
04.12.2011 im designing my own pros.106.12.2011
So right now, my setup is basically a kontrol s2 and 2 mf classics. i want to design my own pro. Do all the analog controls send the same combination of messages? like if i have 4 faders will they all have 1 full range, 1 half range, and 1 note on each fader or knob?
03.12.2011 Midi fighter OS X Lion Traktor pro duo 2003.12.2011
How do I start this from scratch? I have my mixer plugged in and set up, and I plugged in my midi fighter and only a couple buttons do anything. I downloaded the instant gratification mapping, and still have no idea what i'm doing.
03.12.2011 Instant Gratification working only on Deck A003.12.2011
Hello, hope youll help me set my MF. referring this thread: http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=40129 ======= done the 4 corner trick, started the update exe file and thats the result: http://imageshack.us/f/810/49716707.jpg got the same problem, Instant Gratification…
29.11.2011 Midi Fighter Hosed Up Traktor S4 Effects on Decks529.11.2011
So I can no longer enable effects 2 on deck a and effects 1 on deck b on the Traktor S4 itself. WTH? More and more I am getting disappointed with my Midi Fighter purchase.
20.11.2011 Midi fighter pro bag629.11.2011
Hello everyone, I just received my MF pro beatmasher. Does anyone of you knows a good bag to protect and transport the MF pro? Thanks,
24.11.2011 Mfpro calibration ?528.11.2011
Hi, is there a way to calibrate mfpro knobs and faders either thru spftware or thru physical maintenance? Surprisingly, i couldnt find one mention in the community about mf calibration..
04.10.2011 Midi Fighter Help! How to use Echo!1028.11.2011
Hey DJTT, just got my mf pro (beatmasher) and love it. One problem im having is with the echo feature. I understand the concept of delaying out then echo freezing it but i have found that i can only successfully do it one out of every five tries. Is it a timing thing that I am missing? or is…
27.11.2011 midifighter HELP!!??027.11.2011
Does anyone know how to fix this??
09.11.2011 Instant Gratification working well on Deck A only... Help please !627.11.2011
Hi everyone, I recently got a traktor s4 with a midi-fighter, I've mapped the midi-fighter with the instant gratification mapping following attentively these steps: http://www.djranking s.com/community /showthread.php?t=33998. However everything seemed to work well on deck A, except maybe for the 4…
26.11.2011 Nuts! WTH am I missing?226.11.2011
ok just got my new midi fighter today and I am having a hell of a time with it. Windows 7, Traktor Pro 2.11. Used the import button, imported MF_InstantGrat_1_0_3.tsi, selected both controller mappings and effect settings. Went in and reconfigured all four banks for in and out to Midi Fighter,…
24.11.2011 MF Pro Beatmasher Mapping problem425.11.2011
My Midi Fighter Pro Beatmasher is working great and I love it but when I ever switch decks, SHIFT+SYNC, one or two times (on the Focus mapping). My layout changes between "Browser" and "Essential" and basically disables my Effects until I change to "Mixer" or my custom…
24.11.2011 supernoob: how to connect mf pro+cdj 350+traktor pro 2024.11.2011
So, like the title says I am quite the noob. I have a buddy who dj's but mf pros are alien to him, so here I am. While I'm working on original music I'm piecing together my rig. Currently I own the mf pro, cdj 350 and traktor pro 2. And before I buy anything else I need to know all the components…
22.11.2011 SuperCombos for MidiFighter Pro Beatmasher?123.11.2011
Are there similar secret supercombos for the mfp bmasher? I've only really found one or two (both are kind of the same - they either make the transpose crawl down or gater crawl down slowly). Any others? I notice that alot of the fx in traktors FX1 section never get used which Im…
23.11.2011 Midi Fighter not working properly/Novice Help!?023.11.2011
Hi, My Midi Fighter classic arrived today and being the novice I am, I have struggled to get it working properly with Traktor Pro 2. 1. As soon as I got it I decided to update it and while resetting I got the following messages: Uploaded with ImageShack.us 2. I have tried a few…

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