Cables, anyone?

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Cables, anyone?
Posted on: 04.07.2013 by Doreen Schurle
UPDATE: 22/07/2013

These beauties are now for sale
Doreen Schurle
Cheers dude May have to send Ean Golden a pair to review haha
Latoria Kavulich
mdc i went ahead and moved this over to Buy/Sell mate. +1 on getting these in the store, good stuff.
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by SJJVEN
You said the red should be in this week correct? I'll wait to see what it looks like as red is my fav colour.
Should be yeah Hoping to get the samples through this week, then the bulk order the week after
Marcos Zelko
You said the red should be in this week correct? I'll wait to see what it looks like as red is my fav colour.
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by SJJVEN
Those looks quite good!
Cheers dude Did you want that copperyish Orange in the end, or are you gonna wait for the red stuff?
Marcos Zelko
Those looks quite good!
Hellen Mindrup
Doreen Schurle

And Kwal's blue beauty
Doreen Schurle

Just completed the first 2m cable, in black, with the new connectors I'll be using. They're MUCH more resilient in terms of their base construction, which means I can properly pre-tin the connectors without them melting as soon as the iron touches them. I heard back from the manufacturer today and we've come to an arrangement for a bulk order so I should be able to ramp up production as soon as the sleeving arrives
Valene Guasp
A set of custom cables I bought had these small numbered rings on, maybe an idea for your cables.

Screen Shot 2013-07-19 at 21.28.30.png
Efrain Scharr
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
That's brilliant mate I just followed you on Twitter as well, I'm @michaeldcullen on there if you need to get a hold of me in a hurry
Nice one... I will follow back. Cheers
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by LanceBlaise
Sounds great. I am going to PM you my email address as I am not always reading the boards each week, so maybe when you are ready to make them for me you can shoot me an email and work out the payment etc. Thanks man!
That's brilliant mate I just followed you on Twitter as well, I'm @michaeldcullen on there if you need to get a hold of me in a hurry
Efrain Scharr
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
Yep Nickel connectors with red/black stripe and a gold spit-pin center conductor (there's some bullshit audiophile reason why that's better, but personally I just like the fact you can slip an exacto knife in there 2 years from now and wiggle the two halves apart for a tighter fit if it starts to get loose).

Just need to lay out 4 pairs of cable in a cylinder and work out what size sleeving I need to order for the outside. Inner sleeving will probably need to be 3mm, but I can confirm that when my samples arrive from China next week. I like to go a couple of mm lower than the cable diameter because it means less of the cable itself shows through and it gives a snugger fit.
Sounds great. I am going to PM you my email address as I am not always reading the boards each week, so maybe when you are ready to make them for me you can shoot me an email and work out the payment etc. Thanks man!
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by LanceBlaise
Yeah that all sounds good to me. So each deck would have a color, right? And the connectors would be red and black striped?
Yep Nickel connectors with red/black stripe and a gold spit-pin center conductor (there's some bullshit audiophile reason why that's better, but personally I just like the fact you can slip an exacto knife in there 2 years from now and wiggle the two halves apart for a tighter fit if it starts to get loose).

Just need to lay out 4 pairs of cable in a cylinder and work out what size sleeving I need to order for the outside. Inner sleeving will probably need to be 3mm, but I can confirm that when my samples arrive from China next week. I like to go a couple of mm lower than the cable diameter because it means less of the cable itself shows through and it gives a snugger fit.
Efrain Scharr
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
Ahhhh I see what you mean now

Right, what I would personally recommend is a setup like this:

4 paired cables, 1.5m long and sleeved AS PAIRS in 4 different colours (I'd recommend Orange, Yellow, Blue and Purple); I use orange for Deck A, yellow for Deck B, blue for Deck C and purple for Deck D, that way you're essentially following the rainbow on a per-deck basis, makes it easier to work out which cable is which channel etc).

The pairs would then be stacked on top of each other, because as the cables are figure-8, with the sleeving on they only bend EASLIY in one direction (when laid flat, they bend upwards/downwards, not side-to-side). So they'd be stacked along that axis which means the whole setup can roll up nicely into a circle to fit in your bag. Now, because they're all stacked together (and secured at both ends and the middle with heatshrink), the left and right channels of each pair line up and STAY in alignment, this way, you only have to look at one of the cables to make sure you're plugging them in the right way round. Same setup on the other side.

The rec cable, I personally would leave separate, because there might come a time when you have to hook into something else located away from your mixer, or you just flat-out might not want to/be able to use it on that occasion anyway.

The alternative, like the Hosa setup, is basically 8 individual cables individually sleeved and then fed into a much larger bore (probably black) sleeving. The downside to this, however, is that you have to check each deck's connectors to make sure you're putting left into left and right into right, rather than just checking it once at each end. It also makes the whole cable more unwieldy and less flexible. Ultimately, though, I'm offering a custom service so the decision either way is totally yours

EDIT: Scratch my suggestion, turns out that when stacked vertically the cables - when bent - become different lengths with regards to the inner cable and the outer one, so it's either a heatshrink at the ends deal, or heatshrink JUST in the middle. I reckon individually sleeved wires coming out of a central sleeve is going to be the best approach. We're back to a Hosa-style setup, but at least the connectors will be left/right coded and each deck colour-coded :P

Yeah that all sounds good to me. So each deck would have a color, right? And the connectors would be red and black striped?
Hellen Mindrup
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
Just to give you guys something new to look at, I had someone asking me earlier about BLACK sleeving. I will be providing this, just didn't believe it would be that popular. The benefit to using black sleeving is that I've got a good medium-density product as opposed to high density (because it doesn't need to block out as much of the black cable), which has a narrower diameter and therefore is a much snugger fit on the cable. HOWEVER, because it's medium density, it's actually much more flexible than the coloured stuff.

Here's an (extreme) example of just how tightly you can coil this stuff up safely:

BUT, and this is where it gets badass, the cables can't tangle up in your bag. Like all my cables, it only likes to bend along a single axis, which means when its jostled around in your bag, even if its packed in there with a dozen other cables, it keeps its curled up shape instead of zig-zagging in and out of the other cables.

The cable pictured is a 1m cable, and curled up like that it has - I shit you not - a total diameter of less than 10cm.

Anyway, back to e-mailing China
I like that, I got so sick of my cables tangling up that I started to keep them in thick plastic locking bags with labels on each one specifying which cable it holds. If these stay put like that then they will be perfect!
Doreen Schurle
Just to give you guys something new to look at, I had someone asking me earlier about BLACK sleeving. I will be providing this, just didn't believe it would be that popular. The benefit to using black sleeving is that I've got a good medium-density product as opposed to high density (because it doesn't need to block out as much of the black cable), which has a narrower diameter and therefore is a much snugger fit on the cable. HOWEVER, because it's medium density, it's actually much more flexible than the coloured stuff.

Here's an (extreme) example of just how tightly you can coil this stuff up safely:

BUT, and this is where it gets badass, the cables can't tangle up in your bag. Like all my cables, it only likes to bend along a single axis, which means when its jostled around in your bag, even if its packed in there with a dozen other cables, it keeps its curled up shape instead of zig-zagging in and out of the other cables.

The cable pictured is a 1m cable, and curled up like that it has - I shit you not - a total diameter of less than 10cm.

Anyway, back to e-mailing China
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by LanceBlaise
Thanks so much for replying. So the ones I have now HOSA are just 8 individual cables in a sleeve, which is fine and what I would prefer actually. Here is a link

I don't need a whole lot of length on the tails, as I am going from Audio 8 to the mixer. Deck A, B, C, REC (on the opposite side of the Audio 8). Then on the mixer, Channels 1, 2, 3, and the REC channel.

I really only need about 3-4foot length total. The one I have now is 6ft which is way too long.

As for the colors, the connectors I would like to just be identifiable with red & black or red & white connectors. Then maybe each channel have its own color. Problem with the ones I have now is every single cable is a color. so it is just a real pain in the ass. Not sure if you know what I mean. But basically I would like you to just take your cables and put them all in a sleeve. I believe that may work best. Not sure if it would be real bulk though?
Ahhhh I see what you mean now

Right, what I would personally recommend is a setup like this:

4 paired cables, 1.5m long and sleeved AS PAIRS in 4 different colours (I'd recommend Orange, Yellow, Blue and Purple); I use orange for Deck A, yellow for Deck B, blue for Deck C and purple for Deck D, that way you're essentially following the rainbow on a per-deck basis, makes it easier to work out which cable is which channel etc).

The pairs would then be stacked on top of each other, because as the cables are figure-8, with the sleeving on they only bend EASLIY in one direction (when laid flat, they bend upwards/downwards, not side-to-side). So they'd be stacked along that axis which means the whole setup can roll up nicely into a circle to fit in your bag. Now, because they're all stacked together (and secured at both ends and the middle with heatshrink), the left and right channels of each pair line up and STAY in alignment, this way, you only have to look at one of the cables to make sure you're plugging them in the right way round. Same setup on the other side.

The rec cable, I personally would leave separate, because there might come a time when you have to hook into something else located away from your mixer, or you just flat-out might not want to/be able to use it on that occasion anyway.

The alternative, like the Hosa setup, is basically 8 individual cables individually sleeved and then fed into a much larger bore (probably black) sleeving. The downside to this, however, is that you have to check each deck's connectors to make sure you're putting left into left and right into right, rather than just checking it once at each end. It also makes the whole cable more unwieldy and less flexible. Ultimately, though, I'm offering a custom service so the decision either way is totally yours

EDIT: Scratch my suggestion, turns out that when stacked vertically the cables - when bent - become different lengths with regards to the inner cable and the outer one, so it's either a heatshrink at the ends deal, or heatshrink JUST in the middle. I reckon individually sleeved wires coming out of a central sleeve is going to be the best approach. We're back to a Hosa-style setup, but at least the connectors will be left/right coded and each deck colour-coded :P
Efrain Scharr
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
Snakes are tricky because you're basically going from 8 into 1 into 8 again; just out of interest, what's your setup at the moment, gear-wise? Just wondering how much "tail" there'd need to be on the connectors; ie, if it's being split and going into 4 CDJs then you're going to need LONG tails on them and shorter at the mixer end; if they're going from an Audio 10 to a mixer it changes things somewhat.

Trying to work out the best way of putting something like that together... probably individually sleeved single RCA-to-RCAs heatshrunk in a couple of places to tie them all together; would you want them individually coloured, or the whole rig a single colour?
Thanks so much for replying. So the ones I have now HOSA are just 8 individual cables in a sleeve, which is fine and what I would prefer actually. Here is a link

I don't need a whole lot of length on the tails, as I am going from Audio 8 to the mixer. Deck A, B, C, REC (on the opposite side of the Audio 8). Then on the mixer, Channels 1, 2, 3, and the REC channel.

I really only need about 3-4foot length total. The one I have now is 6ft which is way too long.

As for the colors, the connectors I would like to just be identifiable with red & black or red & white connectors. Then maybe each channel have its own color. Problem with the ones I have now is every single cable is a color. so it is just a real pain in the ass. Not sure if you know what I mean. But basically I would like you to just take your cables and put them all in a sleeve. I believe that may work best. Not sure if it would be real bulk though?
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by LanceBlaise
Man, I would totally be down to buy some nicely made RCA cables. Right now I am using a HOSA snake for my Traktor setup and while it works I am not 100% thrilled with them. I need something good made and cannot do it myself as I cannot see well enough to make my own, I am legally blind. The HOSA ones are rainbow colored and it makes it very difficult for me to know which cables go where. I would like a snake with 4 sets of RCAs that I could just label on my own like Deck A, B, C, REC. Anyhow, if you do go through with this I would order some. Someone on here offered to make me a set and they told me they would, when I told them what I needed they just never answered me... I am willing to pay for stuff, just need some quality cables that aren't ridiculously overpriced for no reason.
Snakes are tricky because you're basically going from 8 into 1 into 8 again; just out of interest, what's your setup at the moment, gear-wise? Just wondering how much "tail" there'd need to be on the connectors; ie, if it's being split and going into 4 CDJs then you're going to need LONG tails on them and shorter at the mixer end; if they're going from an Audio 10 to a mixer it changes things somewhat.

Trying to work out the best way of putting something like that together... probably individually sleeved single RCA-to-RCAs heatshrunk in a couple of places to tie them all together; would you want them individually coloured, or the whole rig a single colour?
Efrain Scharr
Man, I would totally be down to buy some nicely made RCA cables. Right now I am using a HOSA snake for my Traktor setup and while it works I am not 100% thrilled with them. I need something good made and cannot do it myself as I cannot see well enough to make my own, I am legally blind. The HOSA ones are rainbow colored and it makes it very difficult for me to know which cables go where. I would like a snake with 4 sets of RCAs that I could just label on my own like Deck A, B, C, REC. Anyhow, if you do go through with this I would order some. Someone on here offered to make me a set and they told me they would, when I told them what I needed they just never answered me... I am willing to pay for stuff, just need some quality cables that aren't ridiculously overpriced for no reason.
Doreen Schurle
Quick update guys; after the 3rd time THIS happened after just TOUCHING the iron to the centre pin, I've decided to write these connectors off.

Connectors 2-3.jpg

I've got a small quantity of these - MUCH - better connectors at the moment (20), and I've ordered 100 more today, hopefully they'll be here early next week. Better for you guys, better for me, and I believe probably better for business in the long run Also, some of you asked about red sleeving so I'll be ordering some of that in once my sizing samples arrive early next week.

Connectors 2.jpgConnectors 2-2.jpg
Hellen Mindrup
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
Cheers guys, tomorrow's going to be a fun day assembling cables

Incidentally, I plan on filling the RCA cavities with hot glue for added strength and to guard against shorting; if any of you are DIYers and DON'T want this done (in case you need to repair/resolder the cable at a later date), let me know.
Don't bother me.
Doreen Schurle
Cheers guys, tomorrow's going to be a fun day assembling cables

Incidentally, I plan on filling the RCA cavities with hot glue for added strength and to guard against shorting; if any of you are DIYers and DON'T want this done (in case you need to repair/resolder the cable at a later date), let me know.
Hellen Mindrup
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
$25/each so $100 total. Only problem is I don't have red sleeving I've got orange if that helps? Failing that, I can order some red stuff in but it'll take about a week to come through.

As for group US buys, the postage isn't actually THAT bad because we're dealing with such small/light items. Sent via Royal Mail it's between $10-20 depending on whether you want 2 or 4 cables. Basically, anything under a kilo is around $10 (
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by Kwal
Price for four 3 foot RCAs? 2 red 2 blue. PM me if need be.

I run a shipping dept at work where I Fedex/UPS all day long... I would be willing to have him ship me the cables then I could ship them to specific members in the US... I just wouldn't be able to do an obnoxious amount or they would be wondering what the hell I'm doing lol.
$25/each so $100 total. Only problem is I don't have red sleeving I've got orange if that helps? Failing that, I can order some red stuff in but it'll take about a week to come through.

As for group US buys, the postage isn't actually THAT bad because we're dealing with such small/light items. Sent via Royal Mail it's between $10-20 depending on whether you want 2 or 4 cables. Basically, anything under a kilo is around $10 (
Hellen Mindrup
Price for four 3 foot RCAs? 2 red 2 blue. PM me if need be.

Originally Posted by DarioJ
Is there enough interest in the US to do a group buy? Not entirely sure how it would work out for us in the US to save money, but if we can potentially save and support community members it might be worth a shot...?
I run a shipping dept at work where I Fedex/UPS all day long... I would be willing to have him ship me the cables then I could ship them to specific members in the US... I just wouldn't be able to do an obnoxious amount or they would be wondering what the hell I'm doing lol.
Judi Sissel
Is there enough interest in the US to do a group buy? Not entirely sure how it would work out for us in the US to save money, but if we can potentially save and support community members it might be worth a shot...?
Milda Poucher
I'm pretty sure it's a fabric sleeve on them. At least the Sennheiser website says it's fabric. I really like it. It keeps it tangled free for me and it does the job and I don't do flashy colours anyway haha. Just need to find a cable which is thin enough to be routed round the headband so I can keep the one sided entry. Saying that it's so much hassle and not cheap when you just want to do a small cable. But places like custom cans want
Gaynell Rydberg
Originally Posted by mdcdesign
I'm pretty sure that PET sleeving; same as the stuff I use, just more expensive haha :P

Yep, just watched a video, it's PET. You can tell because when they cut it in videos, it's all brittle and makes a "click" when they cut it haha.
Yea, but it's the fabric feeling he's talking about. It's not paracord. Paracord is way too soft.
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by SlvrDragon50
This won't work for RCA cables, but it'll work for your headphones:
I'm pretty sure that PET sleeving; same as the stuff I use, just more expensive haha :P

Yep, just watched a video, it's PET. You can tell because when they cut it in videos, it's all brittle and makes a "click" when they cut it haha.
Gaynell Rydberg
This won't work for RCA cables, but it'll work for your headphones:
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by Tobes
My Sennheiser gaming headphones have a really nice braided cable that feels really soft to the touch. I have only used plastic braiding for my pc but can you get a fabric like braiding?
You can; it's called paracord which is kinda a cotton braid, although it doesn't really offer much in the way of protection or anti-tangling, it's more of a cosmetic thing, and (as far as I know) doesn't come in bright colours, tends to be a bit more muted.
Milda Poucher
My Sennheiser gaming headphones have a really nice braided cable that feels really soft to the touch. I have only used plastic braiding for my pc but can you get a fabric like braiding?
Doreen Schurle
Right, just had an order of sleeving arrive from China, which means I'm ready to start making the first batch of cables

Cables 2-2.jpg

Just send me a PM with your specifications and I'll get assembling

Colours I currently have: Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, and Black w/ Blue Stripes (as pictured). I do have a SMALL amount of yellow (enough for 1-2 cables maybe), but I can re-order it if people are interested. At the moment, I'd only recommend the Nickel plugs; the gold ones weren't quite up to spec and are a bit tight for my liking, but if you're using these for a home setup they might be alright. For this first batch - and for the quality reasons stated - I won't charge a premium for the gold plugs IF you want them.

Looking forward to hearing from you guys
Cora Younginer
May take you up on some of those in a month or two then. Dem blue cables. :P
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by jhoward06
Shipping to the states is probably murderous isn't it?
Nope $10-20, 5 day shipping
Cora Younginer
Shipping to the states is probably murderous isn't it?
Doreen Schurle
Originally Posted by Tobes
Ooooh that's not bad
Milda Poucher

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