MF Instant Gratification Mapping V1.0 (S4 and other controllers)

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MF Instant Gratification Mapping V1.0 (S4 and other controllers)
Posted on: 07.02.2011 by
Download the mapping here:

This mapping requires 4 banks mode to be activated

Learn how to enable 4 banks mode here:
http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=9961

This mapping was designed for the S4 but is compatible with Traktor Pro and all controllers.

If you have an older MF (pre 2/2011) you will need to update the firmware

Get the auto firmware updater here (mac and pc):
http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=24401
Caron Pulcher
Here's mine; I was wondering what happened
Melia Balvaneda
Here is my entryyyyy
Larisa Swader
mine... uploaded on the 5th.
Kittie Mondon
here's my entry
Madalene Ranjan
We were having trouble with the video responses on YouTube. I have only seen one entry so far. Did anyone else enter on here?
Melia Balvaneda
Originally Posted by photojojo
I looked yesterday and didn't see any video replies. Wonder if anybody even entered?
well i posted my video reply, but it says that the account holder has to approve the video first. and i saw a few other ones just by searching around. so i dunooooooo. maybe he decided to postpone it because so many people seemed to be having trouble with the mapping?
Leeanna Ayla
I looked yesterday and didn't see any video replies. Wonder if anybody even entered?
Melia Balvaneda
Hey so today is the 8th of March, and in the article it stated that the winner of the Instant Gratification contest would be announced on the 7th in the community s...... is this contest still happening???
Wenona Murro
Anyone had success with Novation's Launchpad and care to share their findings. I am able to get my launchpad to light up when the device is selected in the conroller management with the orig MF tsi files but unclear on what steps to take next. Should I be working inside of auto map or disabling automap and using learn feature inside Traktor? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Traktor Pro 1.2.4
Automap Pro 3.7
Windows 7 (64 Bit)
Yon Gigler
Great mapping.
Dalia Ursin
you know, maybe i'm just dumb or something, but it seems like my beatmash buttons work way better in the deckalized mapping... like they snap to grids or something. something about the beatmashing on this new mapping just seems... off.

anyone? i just cant get them to not sound like shit. the gaters too.
Anisa Fourte
Originally Posted by Rusty
I posted this in another thread, but I thought I would check here too. Is anyone else having problems with 'Wash Out' Combo 4 (Hold Beatmash 1, 2, 3, release 3, then hold 3 and then hold Beatmash 4)? I have found if I hold the combo through the complete wash out that it engages another echo freeze and the Reverb and T3Delay button LEDs stay lit up. This part is fine and I actually really like it. When I press the Reverb and T3Delay buttons the echo turns off. However, the Transpose Stretch stays on which can really mess things up (audio level cut in most cases). I have to manually turn it off with a mouse click. Just wondering if anyone else can produce this or if it's something specific to my setup. Thanks.
I'm getting the same thing, no time to mess with it toevening though.. I'll let you know if I find anything.
Anisa Fourte
Got this somewhat ported over to my PadKontrol. Here's version 1 of it if someone wants to play around. Just load this up from the Editor Librarian to your PadKontrol and then load the .tsi From DJTT as they say. Set the Midi In port to pakKontrol (Port A).

PadKontrol Instant Gratification

Scene's 1-4 control decks 1-4, and the effect lock isn't working for me, but I really got it working about an hour ago, been having fun with it, and haven't gotten into the issues, only figuring out what they are. Would stay up and tackle some toevening , but I gotta get sleep for snowboarding!

I'll be updating this with a full mapping for the PK soon as TP2 comes out. My main plan to get my PK back in the game is sample decks, this mapping just added another dimension! Not to mention going to run through the native mode of the PK and see about getting a good LED map running with it too. Stay tuned!

Oh and going to try Rusty's version of this mapping as well!
Erminia Pereyda
Is there a mapping jpeg which shows what button does what? I just want to order some new colored buttons and can chose then how many colors I need.

Betsy Mailes
Dude Im freakin pullin my hair out trying to figure this out I never really messed with Traktor but I have Traktor Scratch Pro, dwnld the instant grat mapping and the updater from both sourceforge and mfupdater. Ive spent hours on end trying to figure out why i I cant get my Midifighter to work at all for nothing. I set the device to four banks both internal then external and on traktor I set the device to MF_4banks, set both in and out ports to midifighter like Ean said but on the assignment table in the controller-manager page in traktor theres nothing there what am I doing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: alas Zack @djtt set everything str8 for me, it seems that on a mac sometimes updating the traktor software doesnt automatically update all ure app icons only the original within the native instruments folder, therefore it was updated but i was still using the old version, wonder why that is, reply if anyone knows!! Thx a million zack!
Russ Strutt
Originally Posted by aurium
Ok I had to add the instant gratification mapping to the controller list to get my xone dx and midi fighter to work together. Only thing is the midi fighter is just controlling the standard fx on traktor? I was hoping to be using the gratification fx....

What should the INS and outs be set at?

I would import the mapping using the big import button at the bottom... And only import effects settings...

Then import it again importing all the settings...

Should work.

Then import your other controller using the small i port button.

Ins ands outs is just simple in and out to the controller you want ie input 1 output 1 next one in the list will be 2 and so on.. Hope this helps
Neely Tarvin
Originally Posted by photojojo
Have you got your in/out ports set correctly?

Ok I had to add the instant gratification mapping to the controller list to get my xone dx and midi fighter to work together. Only thing is the midi fighter is just controlling the standard fx on traktor? I was hoping to be using the gratification fx....

What should the INS and outs be set at?

Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by aurium
Hey Guys,

Just got my midi fighter and got the mapping working but can't get it as well as my xone dx working togehter?

Any help would be great!!

Have you got your in/out ports set correctly?
Ethel Saracco
I posted this in another thread, but I thought I would check here too. Is anyone else having problems with 'Wash Out' Combo 4 (Hold Beatmash 1, 2, 3, release 3, then hold 3 and then hold Beatmash 4)? I have found if I hold the combo through the complete wash out that it engages another echo freeze and the Reverb and T3Delay button LEDs stay lit up. This part is fine and I actually really like it. When I press the Reverb and T3Delay buttons the echo turns off. However, the Transpose Stretch stays on which can really mess things up (audio level cut in most cases). I have to manually turn it off with a mouse click. Just wondering if anyone else can produce this or if it's something specific to my setup. Thanks.
Neely Tarvin
Hey Guys,

Just got my midi fighter and got the mapping working but can't get it as well as my xone dx working togehter?

Any help would be great!!

Elida Ekenstam
Originally Posted by jthompsn
pm them to me please!
pm to me 2

Vernie Duna
This is such an awesome mapping once it is functioning (and has been installed) properly. Really fun to play with!
Luella Venzant
Thanks for heads up..
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by skyguy50
Hi all,

Im using a trigger finger instead of the actual midi fighter =/ I'm noticing I'm not getting the combo effects (for example the transpose effect on the trail end of the 4 button beat mash) also I cant bank the effect on the top row and it only seems to be working on deck A...

Also is there any way to toggle between the midi fighter settings and layout and the the standard S4 settings and layout during a live set?

Any thoughts?

Welcome to the community , but please read through the thread before posting as this has been answered several times.

The reason it won't work is that the 4 bank mode required for this mapping is built into the firmware of the midi fighter. The only way to replicate it with anything else is to create a set of 4 pages on your controller with the same notes as the 4 different banks on the midi fighter.

In terms of toggling layout, you can create a midi command for layout select if you are using preset layouts.
Luella Venzant
Hi all,

Im using a trigger finger instead of the actual midi fighter =/ I'm noticing I'm not getting the combo effects (for example the transpose effect on the trail end of the 4 button beat mash) also I cant bank the effect on the top row and it only seems to be working on deck A...

Also is there any way to toggle between the midi fighter settings and layout and the the standard S4 settings and layout during a live set?

Any thoughts?

Alexandra Nerby
Ahhh, I finally got it! Don't know what I did, but I got it! lol
Alexandra Nerby
I was having a heck of a time updating it. Limey walked me through a walkaround way to do it instead of using the mf update file. I'm not sure if that then loaded the bad firmware or not...

Does this relate to internal and external mixing? Because I am mixing externally if that makes difference.
Leeanna Ayla
Try and do the firmware update again. The wrong file was on the DJTT server for some time and some were unable to select between external and internal.
Alexandra Nerby
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
sounds like you haven't enabled 4 banks mode! read point 5 of the 1st post in the MF sticky entitled "using the midifighter in menu mode"
thought I did that correctly...

I receive only two options though when in mode #5. using the bottom two left and right corner buttons, I get only all 4 rwo #3 buttons to light or none of them. I do not receive the option where only two are lit. Is the external mode where all 4 are lit what I want? If so, I had done.

Thanks for the help!
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by dubst
I'm trying to map this to my MPD24 and ended up scratching my head. Is there any help how to do this manualy out there.
find the midi map that fatlimey and flashflooder have posted somewhere, then set the pads of your mpd to produce those notes on 4 different pages, or however many decks of the mapping you want to use.
Meredith Demi
I'm trying to map this to my MPD24 and ended up scratching my head. Is there any help how to do this manualy out there.
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by Gryz
Here's my problem, unlike eans video, where he shows just deck A and B, I also get C and D when I import it. Not a problem, I use 4 decks anyway.

I am not using the S4 but the Hercules Steel and TPRO. All the effects work fine on deck A but will not work on the other decks. It is looking like the FX banks are not being routed to those other decks.

Also, the top row of buttons trigger effects. Don't believe it's supposed to do that but these effects work on the other decks, but not deck A. Therefore not allowing me to use the top row for holding a sound.

sounds like you haven't enabled 4 banks mode! read point 5 of the 1st post in the MF sticky entitled "using the midifighter in menu mode"
Karolis Petrauskas
Originally Posted by thejunman
I'm trying to map the Maschine with the Instant Gratification tsi file. I got everything working except:

1. the supercombos - when I press all four beatmasher buttons, no transpose supercombo and;
2. I believe the T3Delay is not working correctly (when I mean incorrectly, I mean I don't know what the F**k i'm doing!) - when this button pressed by itself, the dry/wet knob is only turned about 1/8th of the way. At one point i got it to turn 5/8 but I can't get that back.

I know the file was made for the midifighter but anyone else trying this on other hardware?? Will this only work with the midi fighter and firmware update? Does the firmware update have something to do with gettting supercombos??

Could you please share your maschine mapping? I'd really enjoy using the mapping. Also, I believe the midifighters firmware allows it to do some of the tricks. I bet that's what's missing with the maschine.
Alexandra Nerby
Here's my problem, unlike eans video, where he shows just deck A and B, I also get C and D when I import it. Not a problem, I use 4 decks anyway.

I am not using the S4 but the Hercules Steel and TPRO. All the effects work fine on deck A but will not work on the other decks. It is looking like the FX banks are not being routed to those other decks.

Also, the top row of buttons trigger effects. Don't believe it's supposed to do that but these effects work on the other decks, but not deck A. Therefore not allowing me to use the top row for holding a sound.

Bronwyn Hambel
I'm trying to map the Maschine with the Instant Gratification tsi file. I got everything working except:

1. the supercombos - when I press all four beatmasher buttons, no transpose supercombo and;
2. I believe the T3Delay is not working correctly (when I mean incorrectly, I mean I don't know what the F**k i'm doing!) - when this button pressed by itself, the dry/wet knob is only turned about 1/8th of the way. At one point i got it to turn 5/8 but I can't get that back.

I know the file was made for the midifighter but anyone else trying this on other hardware?? Will this only work with the midi fighter and firmware update? Does the firmware update have something to do with gettting supercombos??
Shirlee Depiazza
Awww can you tell me which ones i got wrong?
I was so sure i'd translated all your modifiers right
Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by Remote
Combo 1
Transpose Bmash
Press all 4 Bmash buttons triggers a Transpose

Combo 2
Grater LoFi
Press all 4 bottom row buttons in order (left to right)

Combo 3
Bmash F92-LFO Delay Pause
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then F90-Lfo

Combo 4
Massive Wash Out Thing
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then release then hold 3 again then press and hold 4

Combo 5
Reverse Gain That I can only make sound like ass.
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then Reverb THEN LoFi
In case people were wondering, Remote is quite close but not exact. It should be good enough to allow everyone to find them all though.

As for anyone who experiences what they consider bugs, please try to detail exactly what is happening when you believe you are experiencing "a bug" and how you got it to occur. Please repeat the steps you list to make sure that you can consistently replicate the bug. This way I can examine each and determine what is going wrong.

The only bugs I have experienced to date are:
  • Supercombo#5 does not always trigger on Decks B/C/D. I thought I fixed this in the final uploaded version, but I have heard others who are still experiencing this. The tsi is correct, some of the lines just don't seem to be triggering effects as they should so to fix this I had to just remap the same functions.
  • The Combo#1 Transpose Stretch seems to lock on sometimes if you trigger it when there is an advanced effect in FX bank 3 (e.g., the Slicer from a VCI-100 mapping). I am pretty sure that this is due to the fx bank switching types and in that process it doesn't turn on the combo effect when it should, but then when it is supposed to turn the efect off, it then turns on. I should be able to fix this in the next update to this mapping. For now, if you are going to move between a chained and advanced effect for FX bank3 I would tap the Slice button on the VCI or the F92LFO/T3Delay buttons on the MF (2nd row, middle buttons) to switch the FX bank 3 to the correct type first to avoid any unexpected behavior.
robin loo
Originally Posted by u7z
Hey everybody,

i ve got the newest firmware and the activated the four banks mode.. but i have problems with the .tsi
When I import the .tsi into traktor S4 (loading the mapping and effect settings like in the video) will load the wrong effects instead of the beatmasher the delay for example.. does anybody know why?

load it again.. had the same problem, after loading the whole tsi again, everything was fine..
Shirlee Depiazza
Originally Posted by u7z
Hey everybody,

i ve got the newest firmware and the activated the four banks mode.. but i have problems with the .tsi
When I import the .tsi into traktor S4 (loading the mapping and effect settings like in the video) will load the wrong effects instead of the beatmasher the delay for example.. does anybody know why?

Reload the mapping over it's self do this 3 times and then try it.
There's a bug/quirk (I actually just realised why it does it like that heh, nerd awesome) in Traktor that causes the effects setting not to take properly the first time.
Kristian Egans
Hey everybody,

i ve got the newest firmware and the activated the four banks mode.. but i have problems with the .tsi
When I import the .tsi into traktor S4 (loading the mapping and effect settings like in the video) will load the wrong effects instead of the beatmasher the delay for example.. does anybody know why?


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