Is DJForums down?

Is DJForums down?
Posted on: 27.09.2011 by Halley Wurzer
Site hasn't loaded for me in like a week???
Ladonna Schlender
Originally Posted by U-31
Fpmsl, i told everyone on the day i joined this community , i'm an inveterate piss- taker,
soz dude, I just had to run with that one when it landed on my lap!
No problems U-31, what really made me laugh is when and why Karlos closed the thread!

I mean, despite arguing, I thought we were all being civil to each other
Nella Libin
Originally Posted by Capitan

Hell, I've even found out since I've been here that I'm a sexist! (I won't be posting any more jokes again! LOL)

Fpmsl, i told everyone on the day i joined this community , i'm an inveterate piss- taker,
soz dude, I just had to run with that one when it landed on my lap!
Belle Tufnell
Originally Posted by DJ ATX
Wait till this cat starts tearing up the house. You guys will be kicking me back to the shelter. hahahahah
^This. lol. Good one ATX!
Sadye Yankee
Originally Posted by Citizen_Insane
Was never a DJForums member but just saw your username and thought of this:
Yeah Dr. Who Dat? Is a hip-hop producer. He's pretty damn good. I like his music a lot but really i just believe the name is pretty cool. I get mistaken for a saints fan a lot though. I use the name on some other sites and maybe one other person has been able to correctly identify it.
Ladonna Schlender
I've thought about this for a while and here's my take on it.

As DJF started to have problems, very little, if any, information was forthcoming about what was really going on and what, exactly, the powers that be there were doing about it.

Anybody that had the audacity to ask was immediately shot down in flames by either the mods or other users that may, or may not, have had a bit of inside info.

Since then, many DJF people have found there way here or to the new site set up - Djsyndicate (see top of page 56 for a link).

Others have been visiting the 2 Facebook pages relating to DJF (see page 12 for the links).

The only people who have not found their way to these places appear to be the mods/powers that be at DJF to either explain what happened or what is in the pipeline.

It seems to me that they have complete disdain for all the users yet, if they resurrect the site, will hope that people go back to it.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed DJF, but their lack of interest and, at the time, down right arrogance, in the way they treated members, makes me wonder if they deserve anyone to go back.

This community has been very accommodating to all the DJF members and get my respect and loyalty for that

Hell, I've even found out since I've been here that I'm a sexist! (I won't be posting any more jokes again! LOL)
Teodoro Woolever
Originally Posted by photojojo
I kind of look at this like my cat, When we first picked her up from the shelter she wouldn't get out from under the bed. That's like this thread.

After awhile she would walk around the house, but wouldn't let anybody touch her. That's like i know these refugees are lurking in some of the other threads, but not posting.

After a little longer we got her a few things she likes and she warmed up to us and was friendly. That's like the new CDJ/Vinyl subcommunity .

Now she's a full on cat that goes outside and everything. Give it some time and I believe some of the refugees will be active members.

Wait till this cat starts tearing up the house. You guys will be kicking me back to the shelter. hahahahah
Tesha Freudenstein
also this thread is a good place to stay in touch with all the members from over there. some don't use the same name as on DJF and it might cause some troubles recognizing people we know
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by Jester.NZ
so if i close this thread you guys may actually contribute to this community ..
I kind of look at this like my cat, When we first picked her up from the shelter she wouldn't get out from under the bed. That's like this thread.

After awhile she would walk around the house, but wouldn't let anybody touch her. That's like i know these refugees are lurking in some of the other threads, but not posting.

After a little longer we got her a few things she likes and she warmed up to us and was friendly. That's like the new CDJ/Vinyl subcommunity .

Now she's a full on cat that goes outside and everything. Give it some time and I believe some of the refugees will be active members.
Eulah Klemz
Marguerite Salsedo
Originally Posted by aleph
Just checking the new temp location of djf
Umm, nope. This is DJ Tech Tools, it's a community too, but it's not DJ Forums.

Thanks for the hospitality, I'll take a look around if you don't mind
No problem, have fun looking about.
Latoria Kavulich
so if i close this thread you guys may actually contribute to this community ..
Matt Hanberry
Just checking the new temp location of djf

Thanks for the hospitality, I'll take a look around if you don't mind
Shaniqua Tisa
Originally Posted by mostapha
Eulah Klemz
Originally Posted by mostapha
Dorie Scelzo
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by Rev1911
Off topic, but I can't get djranking s to run smoothly on Tapatalk on my iPhone4s. DJForums ran without issue. I need my community s while I'm at the office!
Yeah Tapatalk doesn't work well here. I wish it did as I spend a lot of time on my iPhone.
Shaniqua Tisa
Originally Posted by DrWhoDat
What i really miss is the marketplace at djcommunity s. I was able to buy a turntable and mixer there for great prices without much hassle or wait. There seemed to be such a wide range of gear for sale. The marketplace here is good but doesn't seem to get nearly the attention that the one on djcommunity s got.

I posted under a different name at djcommunity s (Joeybits) i wasn't a big contributor or anything. Usually i'd just lurk the mixes or hip hop sections.
Dude, I'm in the same boat. I used to lurk over there ("Don Draper") and picked up some tech 1210s at a great price. I spent hours and hours going over their 'show your setup' threads when I first started spinning. Good times.

There were some characters over there, too. I do appreciate the djranking s approach, though. More business-like and seems to be less riffraff.

Off topic, but I can't get djranking s to run smoothly on Tapatalk on my iPhone4s. DJForums ran without issue. I need my community s while I'm at the office!
Marguerite Salsedo
Was never a DJForums member but just saw your username and thought of this:
Sadye Yankee
What i really miss is the marketplace at djcommunity s. I was able to buy a turntable and mixer there for great prices without much hassle or wait. There seemed to be such a wide range of gear for sale. The marketplace here is good but doesn't seem to get nearly the attention that the one on djcommunity s got.

I posted under a different name at djcommunity s (Joeybits) i wasn't a big contributor or anything. Usually i'd just lurk the mixes or hip hop sections.
Clarence Karle
Happy holidays everyone! As 2012 draws near, it appears that DJF won't be resurrected... So no hardcore holiday trolling, peeps.

Anyone have some great gigs to show for the time since DJF went away?

Tesha Freudenstein
Originally Posted by blueprint
I was/still am a mod there but I never saw that thread Manu, either way, just an update, we've got the new server and we're just configuring it for launch.

Patience is virtue.

This community is pretty cool but I want my djcommunity s back
:eek: yeeeees! finally
Palma Hanslip
Originally Posted by pyroja
Thumbs up if you're here from DJF!
The majority of this thread haha
Hilario Lorang
Originally Posted by Jester.NZ
sounds like the 4chan of djing community s.
Thumbs up if you're here from DJF!
Kylie Prusko
Originally Posted by blueprint
I was/still am a mod there but I never saw that thread Manu, either way, just an update, we've got the new server and we're just configuring it for launch.

Patience is virtue.

This community is pretty cool but I want my djcommunity s back
good to hear that 2.0 is in the works.
hope you were able to save some of the info from OG- DJForums
Terese Bachorski
Originally Posted by blueprint
I was/still am a mod there but I never saw that thread Manu, either way, just an update, we've got the new server and we're just configuring it for launch.

Patience is virtue.
That thread was there, but quite a few years back

And I have some patience, actually I enjoy getting more time for myself. All good things come to those who wait. Till then, djf is still alive. Actually,

nayit ruiz jaramillo
Originally Posted by Manu
I just registered, so funny to hear you had some say already, feel free to share
Ive been a Moderator here for a while now:eek:
Jason Mcewing
I was/still am a mod there but I never saw that thread Manu, either way, just an update, we've got the new server and we're just configuring it for launch.

Patience is virtue.

This community is pretty cool but I want my djcommunity s back
Terese Bachorski
Originally Posted by Karlos Santos
Hahaha you wanna see we say about you lot in the Bat Cave

I just registered, so funny to hear you had some say already, feel free to share
nayit ruiz jaramillo
Originally Posted by Manu
Turned out there was a thread there with my name on it, and mods sharing their opinion on me My only regret is that I should have saved the pages or screencap them.
Hahaha you wanna see we say about you lot in the Bat Cave
Terese Bachorski
It's mostly down to the mods appreciation. I also got banned for posting a picture outside of off topic at some point, wasn't even offensive or anything.

I managed once to get into the mods secret hidden community s, and even post there (much to their surprise). Turned out there was a thread there with my name on it, and mods sharing their opinion on me My only regret is that I should have saved the pages or screencap them.
Felipe Willia
Originally Posted by Manu
Mostly strong language in the wrong section, etc. Even got banned for insulting trolls and idiots (including a gertybateman ). Good times.
By far, the worst thing I ever did there. Only got me a warning.

I had posted a funny picture (or animated .gif) in a thread about arguing, that contained nudity. (I believe it was even sexually explicit.) The post was deleted so quickly, that the mod who deleted it, was probably the only one who saw it.

The incident ended up on my permanent DJF record. That's why I know the thread was about arguing. (Arguing was in the thread's title.)
Terese Bachorski
Originally Posted by Jumanji
To this day, I still have no idea why I was banned. Most likely I gave a political opinion someone didn't like, or one of the pictures I posted in "Add Your Own Caption" offended someone.
lol, I had such a long list of yellow and red cards in there. Mostly strong language in the wrong section, etc. Even got banned for insulting trolls and idiots (including a gertybateman ). Good times.
Felipe Willia
Originally Posted by Boomcie
I never saw anyone get banned without receiving previous warnings about their activities. If someone got banned after one post they had to do something that was a blatant violation of the community rules,
You must not have been paying much attention then. Because receiving a warning before getting banned was the exception, not the norm. And the vast majority of members that got banned were brand new members.

I had been a member for a few years (With circled stars.) & got banned for several weeks (I believe it was for 2 months, but I can't remember how long the ban lasted.) without any kind of warning. I just went to the site one day (Earlier this year.) & a message said I had been banned from DJ A couple of days later, when I'd try to go to the site. It looked exactly like it does right now. ("Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".) Checking regularly confirmed that the site wasn't down during the time that I had no access to the site.

To this day, I still have no idea why I was banned. Most likely I gave a political opinion someone didn't like, or one of the pictures I posted in the "Add Your Own Caption" thread offended someone.
Tesha Freudenstein
any word when DJF 2.0 will go up?
Keli Muennink
How do you have the time to go on all these community s? I believe this community takes up enough of my time
Latoria Kavulich
sounds like the 4chan of djing community s.
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by Boomcie
35. You may be banned on a whim for our amusement, for no reason at all. If you don't like it, tough, start your own community .
I've banned someone on here because I thought it would be funny. He was in on the joke though.
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by Boomcie
I never saw anyone get banned without receiving previous warnings about their activities. If someone got banned after one post they had to do something that was a blatant violation of the community rules, such as creating a new account after your previous one was banned.

If you want to see a community where the mods are ban happy take a trip over to the OT of where the mods can and will ban you just for amusement. It's even in the site rules

35. You may be banned on a whim for our amusement, for no reason at all. If you don't like it, tough, start your own community . was occasionally like that but it was usually provoked. They had the public ban log and it was often amusing to read the moderator comments as to why someone was banned.
Tamekia Piraino
Originally Posted by Jumanji
It's not that hard to understand when you realize that some of the mods were extremely ban happy. I've personally never seen any community that was (is) so quick to ban people over the tiniest most insignificant stuff. Especially so if it was (is) a person's first post.
I never saw anyone get banned without receiving previous warnings about their activities. If someone got banned after one post they had to do something that was a blatant violation of the community rules, such as creating a new account after your previous one was banned.

If you want to see a community where the mods are ban happy take a trip over to the OT of where the mods can and will ban you just for amusement. It's even in the site rules

35. You may be banned on a whim for our amusement, for no reason at all. If you don't like it, tough, start your own community .
Brittany Cisna
Whadddd up ya'll?

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