I'm about to take the red pill and start a Eurorack modular setup, god help me.

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I'm about to take the red pill and start a Eurorack modular setup, god help me.
Posted on: 31.05.2012 by Romelia Stankard
The decision has been made, I'm going to start off with a small 3u system and order as much as I can tomorrow so that I can still eat for the next week- which puts me at about a $1600 budget tops including shipping. Eventually I will expand to 6u and get another set of z-ears and put it in a $15 Ikea converted 6u rack space for a budget case.

Still debating what to order and how to get in budget, I'm just under $1800 now, $1500 would be ideal. Selling a pair of 1200s last evening was what I needed.

All modules are multifunctional and it's pretty much frequency modulation and routing madness in a small package. Forget a traditional setup I'm going for more wild.

The expert sleepers module is an alternative to midi/cv and is supposedly much tighter, allows using the expert sleepers software for additional modulation in your DAW but mostly looking at it for better timing through digital connection (they make a bigger optical version instead of spdif but I don't have a card with optical out) since I don't really want to use the software at first but then it is tied to my daw.

I may just get a cheaper midi/cv interface so I can get in budget just not sure yet. Also looking for used modules but stuff on the muffwiggler community flies. The good stuff gets snatched up in hours it's crazy.

I'm nuts for considering this, but it's what I've wanted for a long time and I can't wait to see what this does for my workflow and experimentation.

Also those fancy stackable patch cables are expensive, $100+ on cables.

one of the osc doing some FM


I guess I'll keep this thread updated on my adventures.
Romelia Stankard
Yeah true

Well I got to play with it a little toevening and was geting some cool stuff. I'm trying to work it into this track I've been sitting on for the past month so hopefully I can finish that in the next week and post something up.

It's an interesting way to work- you kind of just hit record and tweak away for a while and hope you catch something good. It's very different from what I'm used to and enjoyable.

I just placed another order with analogue haven for another tip top z-ears set to start to fill up 6u. I need to find a way to fund this hobby.

I need another job or something.
Rochel Gleese
Or Serge I'd love a 3 panel version of that. Your talking $12000 and higher!
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by mostapha

Is that not the kind of thing you could do with LFO Tool? Or am I just not reading enough into it?
Kind of, it's just a bit of a different kind of modulation and I don't really know of anything else out there that closely replicates the way the PEG works. Not saying you can't find a work around with lots of automation but it get really convoluted and is just not something I could see most people doing.

Originally Posted by JasonBay
This is gonna be Xone in t-minus 18 months

(Look at the size of the rack behind him!)
Tell me about it. That rack is 12u. I'm aiming for 9u which will probably happen way sooner than I expect- I could see myself realistically having a setup like that in a year but any bigger and it start to get crazy.

I'm starting to sound insane justifying a setup like that in my head though. Eurorack is relatively affordable when you compare it to formats like Buchla where 2-3 modules can cost more than that entire setup.
Dorie Scelzo

Is that not the kind of thing you could do with LFO Tool? Or am I just not reading enough into it?
Georgina Schatzman
This is gonna be Xone in t-minus 18 months

(Look at the size of the rack behind him!)
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by mostapha
That's pretty cool.

I just looked at what you had in the picture and it didn't seem that different from a normal subtractive synth……maybe I was looking at it wrong.

I'll have to look you up next time I'm in/near Miami (probably won't be 'till next spring). I'd love to hear the thing in person. There definitely is a draw to something like that……I believe I'm trying to convince myself not to so I can maintain some semblance of practicality.
Yeah the main thing that is different is the pingable envelope generator, it is pretty crazy and nothing really like it in any hardware synth or software unless you started building max patches to replicate it. Crazy rhythmic stuff and modulation with oscillators and filters and can make some crazy stuff.

but for the most part you're right it is still pretty basic and I find myself wanting a lot more- it will get really fun when I add the next 3u.
Cristian Carmona
pretty dope man, mad props
Dorie Scelzo
Originally Posted by Xonetacular
Oh yeah. It sounds completely different than anything I have ever used.…
That's pretty cool.

I just looked at what you had in the picture and it didn't seem that different from a normal subtractive synth……maybe I was looking at it wrong.

I'll have to look you up next time I'm in/near Miami (probably won't be 'till next spring). I'd love to hear the thing in person. There definitely is a draw to something like that……I believe I'm trying to convince myself not to so I can maintain some semblance of practicality.
Dorie Scelzo
Originally Posted by JasonBay
So.... what do you have against circuit bending?
Mucking about with circuitry is all well and good, but Zhao seems to know what I'm talking about……

Originally Posted by Zhao
The circuit bending Mostapha and I are referring to is taking circuits (often toys) that produce audio, and adding patch bays, potentiometers, etc. to affect the sound making it glitch out and make unbelievable noises…that don't hold any musical value to me personally.
That's it.

Circuit bending the way people do it now involves basically just soldering in pots and occasionally logic gates and changing cap/resistor values randomly. I have yet to hear anything come out of it that i would describe as anything but pointless noise.
Patrica Giancaterino
The circuit bending Mostapha and I are referring to is taking circuits (often toys) that produce audio, and adding patch bays, potentiometers, etc. to affect the sound making it glitch out and make unbelievable noises. I will say I don't mind some of the more ambient ones, such as a circuit bent buddha box (believeing of doing this myself), but it's things like this
that don't hold any musical value to me personally.
Sorry, not trying to hi-jack a thread here
Georgina Schatzman
Nice dude, sounds like you're really enjoying it! Some much for a girlfriend, no?

And you need to post some sicks samples when you get comfortable. Doesn't have to be full tracks, just a cool bassline with a simple kick/snare/hat groove and so on. Curious to hear what you're coming up with
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by mostapha
Also, xone, I hate you. That's really pretty. Does it actually sound different than any other 2-osc subtractive synth (other than the filter per osc thing) so far?
Oh yeah. It sounds completely different than anything I have ever used. Aside from it being all analog and everything sounding amazing (I'm double spoiled as it being my first analog synth) it can make some really interesting sounds. Just with the two VCObs I can do double frequency modulation with each oscillator modulating each other for some weird cross modulation. Since each oscillator outputs sine, triangle, pulse, and saw waves all at the same time I can route audio from, for example, a saw wav to the filter then also use a sine wav from the same oscillator to FM the second oscillator, then do the same from the second oscillator to FM the first and still output another wave from that oscillator further down the audio chain.

The pingable envelop generator opens up more possibility for crazy modulation that I haven't scratched the surface of yet and there isn't really anything like it on any standard fixed architecture synth.

I need to figure out what module to get for that last 6hp and how I'm going to afford to expand and double the size- but even with 3u it is pretty interesting- I need to read the manuals for these modules.
Georgina Schatzman
Originally Posted by mostapha
Circuit bending might be the stupidest thing I've heard.
How so? Unless I'm mistaken, isn't circuit bending when you crack open a piece of hardware and customize it to your liking? Back in the day that's what a lot of studio engineers used to do (when they were actual engineers). They would open up compressors, EQs, consoles and so on and switch out parts for better or different parts, and just add new features altogether even. This allowed them to have a truly unique and original sound.. Even if everyone had an LA2A, theirs was still different sound but worked just as well.

I've also seen guys take older synths and drums machines and add more modern features well and just more functionality.

So.... what do you have against circuit bending?
Dorie Scelzo
Circuit bending might be the stupidest thing I've heard.

On the bright side, it got a friend of mine into making custom guitar pedals……which is cool.

Also, xone, I hate you. That's really pretty. Does it actually sound different than any other 2-osc subtractive synth (other than the filter per osc thing) so far?
Patrica Giancaterino
Dammit, I've wanted a good analog drone machine for some time now.. you make me wish I had money.
Anyways, congrats! Nothing wrong with 20 minutes of drone however, what really gets on my nerves is 20 minutes of circuit bent nonsense.
Romelia Stankard
I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm hooked and now understand the hype

I'm going to need a lot more modules

Note the classy cardboard front panel

It's amazing the things you take for granted like how envelopes really work- like I knew how they work but conceptually it just seems different when you have to actually believe about CV, gates, and physical routing when you take it for granted in software or a routing table.
Georgina Schatzman
Originally Posted by Xonetacular
I've been watching youtube videos of people making modular drone patches and noise for like 30 minutes in fascination, I really hope I don't turn into one of these people that only uploads 20 minutes of noise and drone tweaking to soundcloud
And so it begins
Romelia Stankard
this is some incredible all modular patching

Romelia Stankard
I've been watching youtube videos of people making modular drone patches and noise for like 30 minutes in fascination, I really hope I don't turn into one of these people that only uploads 20 minutes of noise and drone tweaking to soundcloud
Rochel Gleese
Nice one!
Georgina Schatzman
That's using the old noddle noggin
Romelia Stankard
problem solved, I made some extended feet for the rack ears of the happy ending kit to hold me over until I get a rack or decent case

Romelia Stankard
Damn, that was fast on the stuff I bought used. Really glad I was impatient and paid $40 extra for 2 day air from my analogue haven order which comes tomorrow or I would have been going crazy if I had to wait until friday or next monday for it.

i'm skeptical that the a-190 will fit in the tabletop ears it looks deep
Rochel Gleese
I have a Kenton Pro2000 as I have a couple of old analogs (TR-606 sold, TR-808 cold dead hands, TR909 not working 100% sell, and SH101 swapped for an old DJ mixer score!).

I'm going to use the Kenton and numerology to start, i'm actually not 100% on the Ustep because I probably could just use the Numerology at the start.

hopefully there's no gaping holes in the first 3U, i'll check with the knowledgable Muffwigglers before final order.

Cyclebox will give a lot more for buck, digital doesn't scare me that much as that's what i pretty much use except for my SH-101
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by ekwipt
This is how i'm believeing about it:

That looks fun. the cyclebox looks cool I just believe I would want analog oscillators until I had a bigger system before I add some VA modules. The PEG looks awesome too I just realized at the last minute it would probably be smart to have a regular ADSR too since the PEG is pretty much just AD- you can get sustain out of it but it is kind of a workaround.

would you just sequence from the ustep or would you get a MIDI/CV interface too?

I pretty much just need an attenuator and mixer module now and then it's time to expand to another 3u- I might go to ikea to get a rast table to build a rack today.
Rochel Gleese
This is how i'm believeing about it:

Romelia Stankard
So as of this morning this is the damage and what I have coming in the mail to me. I'm out of money so it will have to do for this week

Tiptiop happy ending kit tabletop 3u rack and power supply system
Doepfer A-190-1 MIDI/CV io
2x bubblesound VCOb triangle core oscillators
Doepfer A-140 ADSR
4ms Pingable Envelope Generator
Maleko Borg Filter
Pittsburgh Modular Dual Index (dual amplifier with built in mixer)
12x stackable cables
10x regular cables

I believe the modular planner only has the old tiptiop zeus PSU panel that is 6hp and the new ones I will get are 4hp. Which leaves me 8hp of space in this rack. Only thing I believe I will want pretty quickly is a little mixer or attenuator for cv and audio signals, then a better dedicated LFO is on the list since not sure how using one of the VCObs will work so I will be expanding soon.
Romelia Stankard

Georgina Schatzman
Originally Posted by Xonetacular
(tiptop audio is making the individual 808 modules).
Don't say things like that! Now I have to go on the Googles
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by mostapha
I'm just going to leave this here: http://sequentix.com/cirklon.htm

next to this:

And wait.
It has 16 CV out? Nice.

Maybe at some point in the distant future- I've got a lot of stuff I want to get first but looks pretty nice. I would have to have a lot of studio gear to make something like that useful or at least 12u of eurorack with a bunch of drum modules to hook up to it (tiptop audio is making the individual 808 modules).
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by djlotus
If you can get your hands on a TB-303 I will drive to Florida and marry you just to mess with your gear.
Honestly vintage gear doesn't really interest me too much- I'll probably get a x0xb0x at some point. If you're unfamiliar the x0xb0x is an identical clone of the 303 with some improvements and literally uses identical circuit paths and transistors, but has improvements like USB and MIDI, better case, etc. and can be picked up for cheap. It sounds as close to a 303 as two different 303s do from each other. There is someone selling one for $325 shipped right now.

http://www.muffwiggler.com/community /viewtopic.php?t=60652

Dorie Scelzo
I'm just going to leave this here: http://sequentix.com/cirklon.htm

next to this:

And wait.
Sylvia Greener
Looks and sounds very interesting. Would love to work more with analogue gear as well but as you said:
Originally Posted by Xonetacular
this is getting pricey
Maybe I will get a Lexicon MX 400 by the end of the year. Couldn't you need something like that as well?

Keep us updated!
Ira Alsadi
If you can get your hands on a TB-303 I will drive to Florida and marry you just to mess with your gear.
Romelia Stankard
^man I would love to. octatrack or machinedrum seems cool- I really want a linear 16 step sequencer on a drum machine but not for a while.

What do you know, I'm already learning there are probably more modules I will want relatively sooner.

I haven't decided whether I want to cram as much stuff as efficiently as possible into 3u and work within the confines of that happy ending kit tabletop or expand to another rack already. I figure it may be healthy to work with only 3u in those confines but a lot of the fun is filling up space.

I am going to need a more standard ADSR- then probably a dedicated more suitable LFO (the dixie is an lfo/VCO) and some attenuators. This would fill it perfectly plus add a buffered multi.

or I just get a cheap used doepfer ADSR and by the time I get an LFO just expand more

this is getting pricey
Georgina Schatzman
Just need to invest in some proper drum machines and you're golden!
Georgina Schatzman
best of luck my friend! Looking forward to some analog techno goodness!
Romelia Stankard
Just ordered this:

I found a decent deal on two bubblesound triangular osc. and the nicer doepfer midi/cv module used from a guy on the community s.

Rest I got from analogue haven plus like 12 stackable cables and 10 regular cables and it came to $1550 shipped, so worked out perfect.
Romelia Stankard
damnit it the z3000 mk2 is now out of stock at analogue haven. modular world is already frustrating, hah.
Romelia Stankard
Originally Posted by JasonBay
I'm not a religious man, but for this I'll make an exception. I'll be praying for your soul toevening .

Have you checked out the Pittsburgh Foundation?


It's a Eurorack modular setup, more like a "starter" kit to get you heading in the right direction. When I decide to take the plunge (sooner than later hopefully) this is most likely where I'll be starting.
Yeah- I'm leaning more towards building a mismatched modular setup since I want to do some weird stuff and have some unique modules up front which is why I'm leaning towards the PEG. The oscillators also act as LFOs, the filter is also a gate, the VCA also has a built in 2 channel mixer- the z3000 does crazy waveshaping and FM, and the PEG does a whole lot of weird stuff.

Of course I want a Makenoise Maths but they are sold out everywhere

I'm believeing about getting the pittburgh MIDI/CV interface since it is $140 and I don't really want to use silentway but I hear most midi/cv interfaces have bad timing.

edit: actually looks like the pittburgh midi is being replaced and I hear it is buggy


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