New MidiFighters

New MidiFighters
Posted on: 30.04.2011 by Gloria Lemmel
So after reading the most recent blog post and watching the video, I'm really interested in these new Midi Fighters. I'm not going to lie, when I first saw the title, I got fairly upset because I had thought that the original Midi Fighter was getting replaced, in which case the $200 investment that I made a month ago would be out of date soon, but looking at these new standardized decked out MFs I'm excited to see what they can bring to the table. As soon as they come out I'm expecting a huge amount of reviews, so I'm excited about that. In terms of looks I really like the original 4x4 grid look, and hope that the original Midi Fighter isn't phased out after major production of these units comes, so if one of you DJTT guys is reading this, KEEP THE OLD MFs AVAILABLE!!!!

Overall this blog post left me craving more information, and I hope it will come sooner than expected, but one thing that I thought was missing was new functionality. Just something more than the old MF can provide. I understand that the faders and knobs are a good addition, but what can the new MF provide me that I couldn't get from my old MF. That's really the question floating in my brain. I'm still extremely excited to see the full announcement next week, and will be sure to stay posted. If you guys have any thoughts on these new MFs be sure to let us all know, because I bet we're all just as interested as you are in this topic.
Vernie Beharry
Street Knowledge - DJTT needs to get their shit together. . . .Let me know if you want to do it for you. 10+ years in sales, management and customer service.

jprime - With grammar like that?

and Professionalism, indeed. . .
Gretta Briner
What about the Novation Twitch review?
Deanne Baston
Originally Posted by midifidler
I cant say too much more at this point but the 'classic' wont be going anywhere, we will keep selling and supporting the original MF.
I believe even with the intro of new "SUPER" MF's the basic principles of the MF are present to a point where not supporting the orig would compromise the integrity of the "SUPERs".
I personally am not looking for an upgrade kit, but just getting a third MF to use. I am interested to see what the specific uses of each design will be and their mappings.
Can't wait to see them!

Until then, my good ol' trusty MF's will do the trick!
Breanne Penge
Originally Posted by Street Knowledge
Let me know if you want to do it for you.
With grammar like that?
Lauretta Ehrhorn
Will be purchasing 2 upgrade kits if they're offered. Exciting news
Ella Rick
Can't wait
Rashida Stieb
Originally Posted by EanGolden
Sorry Guys,

We didnt want to announce the product without being able to ship it right away and some delays to our arcade buttons forced us to move the Pro announcement back one week. It will be going up for sure on wed so please check back then.

Sorry again for the confusion and thank you for your passion for our products!
Can't wait Ean-San!

Sorry Guys,

We didnt want to announce the product without being able to ship it right away and some delays to our arcade buttons forced us to move the Pro announcement back one week. It will be going up for sure on wed so please check back then.

Sorry again for the confusion and thank you for your passion for our products!
Tatum Ansaldo
It is getting frustrating. I've been waiting for the full novation twitch article for aaaaaaages and still nothing:

Originally Posted by Ean on the blog, April 5th 2011
Along with the fader FX concept pulled from our VCI-100 SE, there is a really interesting story about where many of the elements in this design came from. Once the madness of Musik Messe has calmed down a bit (look for our full report shortly), I will write a full article on the topic which promises to be juicy, titillating and full of international intrigue!
Lizzette Greb
i just want a new midi fighter, i have been looking like every day and still no word? can you just give out a date you are believeing of making the announcement?
Kiyoko Wellisch
Well then formally announce the delays.
Tatum Ansaldo
flashflooder said they had a delay on parts delivery. I guess they want to release them on the day they make the full announcement.
Kiyoko Wellisch
@street knowledge- Completely right dude. Serious lack of professionalism on behalf on DJTT. If they want to be taken seriously as a business they have to act like a serious business.
Quiana Sedey
lol over TWO weeks later from the day we heard we would get new information within the week and no new information. Good job on deadlines guys!

I, and any public rep for any major company would be terminated if I told a customer "I will get that info to you this week!" and just didnt follow up with them for over double your STATED deadine. DJTT needs to get their shit together. Let me know if you want to do it for you. 10+ years in sales, management and customer service.
Melia Balvaneda
Originally Posted by midifidler
we are just waiting on a few of the components, (they were supposed to be here this week) and perfecting the mappings then they will be ready to rock!
Chin Thoroughgood
Originally Posted by midifidler
we are just waiting on a few of the components, (they were supposed to be here this week) and perfecting the mappings then they will be ready to rock!
Wallace Ferraro
looking so much forward to it
Adolf Hit
We are just waiting on a few of the components, (they were supposed to be here this week) and perfecting the mappings then they will be ready to rock!
Danae Dumler
I just hope there are more DIY kits at a lower rate. In fact I'd like to get a kit without the midifighter - just the faceplate and buttons/sliders.
Jami Nejad
Originally Posted by BennyJ
I like em but i hope they dont cost much...i really do.
Damn straight.
Matha Obray
I like em but i hope they dont cost much...i really do.
Melia Balvaneda
in the new video Ean said that the one he is using is one of four....... o_o now im pretty excited!
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by kilobytekaushik
Listen, a college broke, like me can't afford a 180 dollar worth box of only 16 arcade buttons. Ok many are making out of gamepads + 4 pots, bomes n loopbe.
So the normal one should cost a little less or throw in 2 pots along the corners.
And overseas shipping costs a bomb,15 dollars in India.
That's all very well, but making units in small batches with high quality components costs money. So does international shipping, it's just a fact.

DJTT is a small company making a niche product, did you know that every single one has all the button mountings soldered on by hand? I'm sure they'd like to charge less for it but manufacturing and labour costs are expensive.

Most people who make their own (which I applaud) end up spending about the same as the cost of an official one.

Back on topic, these new MFs look sweet. Depending on the price I might be interested in upgrading!
Karry Sappington
Listen, a college broke, like me can't afford a 180 dollar worth box of only 16 arcade buttons. Ok many are making out of gamepads + 4 pots, bomes n loopbe.
So the normal one should cost a little less or throw in 2 pots along the corners.
And overseas shipping costs a bomb,15 dollars in India.
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by Metrojolt
I'm praying for $200ish, but doubt it'll happen.
it won't, sadly. That's what you end up paying for a standard midi fighter if you want buttons, a case and a painted top.
Jami Nejad
I'm praying for $200ish, but doubt it'll happen.
Melia Balvaneda
yeah prices im excpecting like 300 or 350?? i dunnno. im not expecting cheap, but just less than the custom ones now, because these new ones wont be made to order
Jami Nejad
Any price estimates on these babies?

I really hope it's less than the $450 custom controller.
Ella Rick
Originally Posted by Rusty
I too would like to see an upgrade kit for existing MF owners.
This ^^^^
Ethel Saracco
I too would like to see an upgrade kit for existing MF owners.
Marguerite Salsedo
Any word on cases of some sort for those of us with the (now old I guess) custom midi fighters? I love mine to death but man am I worried about taking it places without a casing of some kind.
Coreen Pankow
they call em midifighters for a reason

you gotta have more than one... im already saving..

i <3 My Midifighter
robert chanda
Patience. All will be revealed.

Oh, and new firmware feaures will pretty much always hit the Midifighter Classic first, so don't worry. We love them too.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Other than those so we can see the different styles.
Nedra Fresneda
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Any pictures of the new ones? Also what's the knob quality like? The old custom ones didn't look al that nice (though I've never seen one in the flesh).
From the homepage acrticle

Quiana Sedey
I would LOVE an upgrade kit. please DJTT do this and let me know when I can put down a deposit.

Also, as not everyone has a soldering iron, or the technical know how, an option to clip/plug in or to send the original MF back to you for the upgrade would be AWESOME.
Kiyoko Wellisch
Any pictures of the new ones? Also what's the knob quality like? The old custom ones didn't look al that nice (though I've never seen one in the flesh).
Gloria Lemmel
Lol I guess I didn't make my point clear enough. I know that the old MFs are going to be replaced, these are replacing the custom MFs or being sold alongside them, but with a more standardized feel. I guess everyone saw that I just wrote in caps not to get rid of the old MF. But like a few people said, an upgrade kit would most likely be extremely profitable for DJTT *cough...nudge* and these new ones look really great too.
Adolf Hit
I cant say too much more at this point but the 'classic' wont be going anywhere, we will keep selling and supporting the original MF.
Gilma Marchini
Originally Posted by dylooooon

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