Is this the ultimate DIY hardware VU meter?

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Is this the ultimate DIY hardware VU meter?
Posted on: 28.09.2010 by Arcelia Siebeneck
Midi2LCD v0.1 - Windows only.

You don't actually need a usb LCD like I'm using in the video above. The included "LCD Smartie" program will emulate the LCD screen whilst you tweak things (or wait for your LCD screen to arrive in the post!).

First of all you're going to need a virtual midi port utility - I recommend LoopBe1 (which is free). Next, download and extract somewhere and then run Traktor. Setup Traktor as per "how to setup Traktor.jpg". Next run "LCDSmartie.exe" followed by "Midi2LCD_v0.1.exe".

Midi2LCD will now ask you to setup the midi ports - make sure you choose LoopBe as your midi input (or whatever virtual midi port software you're using). DON'T choose the same midi port as your output otherwise you'll get a feedback loop.

If you've done all of the above correctly, you should now see the VU meters in Traktor being displayed on the LCD Smartie simulated screen (as well as on your USB LCD screen, if you have one).

I've enclosed the source files in the zip file - anyone who knows how to use AHK should edit \Midi2LCD\LCDSmartie\AHK\source\MidiRules.ahk if they want to add extra midi functions.

Original post:
First of all, maximum respect to thelpb who gave me the idea for this project (he's working on the same thing himself). My LCD's arrived in the post this morning so I thought I'd knock something together in Autohotkey rather than wait for him to finish his midi dll for LCD Smartie. Anyway, nevermind all the technical stuff... check the proof of concept video out: (excuse the quality)

So yeah, it's a bit rough around the edges at the moment and only displays midi CC values (0-127)... once I've worked on it some more it should look more like a traditional VU meter, more like:

Deck A []||||||||||||    []
Deck B []||||||          []
for anyone who's interested in building a DIY controller with one of these built in, do it! the LCD screen's are very cheap:

I'll be uploading the scripts and a how-to later, once it's a bit more polished looking
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by MiL0
hmm if you order one now you probably won't get it until July at the earliest. I've actually paid for two so when my 2nd one turns up I'd be happy to sell it you at cost price.
that would be awesome if at all possible not sure how i managed to miss this post

and yeah, i saw that you're contributing to the mixxx development now... nice one

if mixxx runs too slowly on the Pi, I wonder how hard it'd be to write/modify an existing media player so that it could be used as the basis of a cdj-style midi controller...
as a guess mixxx in it's current guise with waveforms, audio processing and library stuff may be too much for the pi - but that doesn't mean that a stripped down version wouldn't work. i believe it's a safe bet that quite a few people would be interested in something like mixxx running on a pi... i could possibly then even turn my djtech cdj101's into a full standalone media player with a small lcd display i'd love the option of being able to just plug two standalone cdj type controllers into a mixer sometimes...
Shaniqua Nobe
absolutely - arduino is a computer the size of a matchbook - anything one can do with a really old computer can be done with it (about the power of an 286).

Originally Posted by escapemcp
Could you use these for creating an S4-like loop size monitor?

Using the output from the "loop size" midi out command, and limiting the midi-range to 10 (so that it outputs from 0-10 CC values), would there be any way of translating these 11 states to reflect the loop size e.g.

0 | 1/32
1 | 1/16
2 | 1/8
9 | 16
10 | 32

Have been looking for a way to do this for ages, but without success... would this be possible, or can it only display the "raw" cc data output?

Many thanks & great work achieved (so far)!

Louisa Oberc
Originally Posted by MiL0
Otherwise, you'll have to wait until someone gets it all working via an Arduino.
Oh... like this? I can upload a schematic if anyone wants one... but essentially it uses 4x 75HC595 shift registers, two each for each channel (using 2 per channel actually allows for 16 leds, I didnt have enough spares on hand)...

#include "Midi.h" //from:
#define NUM_LEDS_CH1 12
#define NUM_LEDS_CH2 12
#define LATCH_CH1 6
#define CLOCK_CH1 5
#define DATA_CH1 7
#define LATCH_CH2 9
#define CLOCK_CH2 8
#define DATA_CH2 10
#define CHANNEL_A_LEVEL 1 //CC#
#define CHANNEL_B_LEVEL 2 //CC#

class MyMidi : public Midi {

  MyMidi(HardwareSerial &s) : Midi(s) {}
  void handleNoteOn(unsigned int channel, unsigned int note, unsigned int velocity) {digitalWrite(13, HIGH);}
  void handleNoteOff(unsigned int channel, unsigned int note, unsigned int velocity){digitalWrite(13, LOW);}

  void handleControlChange(unsigned int channel, unsigned int controller, unsigned int value) {
    if (channel != 4) return; // we only are about channel 4 atm
    if (controller == CHANNEL_A_LEVEL) {    
      byte mapped = map(value,0,127,0,NUM_LEDS_CH1);
      unsigned int graphCh1 = 0;
      for (byte i=0;i<mapped;i++) bitSet(graphCh1,i);
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, LOW);
      shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, highByte(graphCh1));
      shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, lowByte(graphCh1));
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, HIGH);
    if (controller == CHANNEL_B_LEVEL) {
      byte mapped = map(value,0,127,0,NUM_LEDS_CH2);
      unsigned int graphCh2 = 0;
      for (byte i=0;i<mapped;i++) bitSet(graphCh2,i);
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, LOW);
      shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, highByte(graphCh2));
      shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, lowByte(graphCh2));
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, HIGH);

MyMidi midi(Serial);

void setup() {
  pinMode(LATCH_CH1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DATA_CH1,  OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLOCK_CH1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LATCH_CH2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DATA_CH2,  OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLOCK_CH2, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, LOW);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, 0);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, 0);
  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, LOW);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, 0);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, 0);
  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, HIGH);

//  Serial.begin(9600);
//  Serial.println("Begin");

void loop() {
Arcelia Siebeneck
Originally Posted by BennyJ
This uses a serial connection so would need to be wired up to a microprocessor style midi brain (like an arduino or midibox)

Originally Posted by BennyJ
This is just 10 led's mounted in a unit so could be used in any sort of circuit. You'd still need some sort of 'brain' to get the led's working but you've got a lot more choices (U-HID, joystick controllers, etc).

The easiest thing to do would be to buy the USB LCD display that I linked to in my first post. Then you can use your pc and some software to control the LCD (make it display VU meters etc).

Otherwise, you'll have to wait until someone gets it all working via an Arduino.
Arcelia Siebeneck
yeah the Arduino would receive inputs from buttons, encoders and potentiometers as well as output to an LCD display. My goal is to create a script that allows all these features and that anyone can upload to a ~
Matha Obray
Originally Posted by MiL0
yeah - you can configure the software to display whatever you like on each VU. If you buy a 4 x width LCD display then you could display 4 decks' VU meters at the same time theoretically. Let me know what you have in mind and I'll reprogram the utility to fit your needs.

In the medium/long term however, I'm looking to replace the USB LCD display with an LCD display that hooks directly up to an Arduino. This means you shouldn't need to run any immediadery software and everything should be plug'n'play. Apart from providing OSX compatibility (which wasn't possible before), it'll mean that anyone who's designing a new DIY controller should be able to use Arduino as the usb midi brain with an easy to implement VU meter.
An arduino can be used to control everything? or would u still need a interface the "the brain' from livid instruments.
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by MiL0
hmm if you order one now you probably won't get it until July at the earliest. I've actually paid for two so when my 2nd one turns up I'd be happy to sell it you at cost price.
that would be awesome if at all possible not sure how i managed to miss this post

and yeah, i saw that you're contributing to the mixxx development now... nice one

if mixxx runs too slowly on the Pi, I wonder how hard it'd be to write/modify an existing media player so that it could be used as the basis of a cdj-style midi controller...
as a guess mixxx in it's current guise with waveforms, audio processing and library stuff may be too much for the pi - but that doesn't mean that a stripped down version wouldn't work. i believe it's a safe bet that quite a few people would be interested in something like mixxx running on a pi... i could possibly then even turn my djtech cdj101's into a full standalone media player with a small lcd display i'd love the option of being able to just plug two standalone cdj type controllers into a mixer sometimes...
Arcelia Siebeneck
hmm if you order one now you probably won't get it until July at the earliest. I've actually paid for two so when my 2nd one turns up I'd be happy to sell it you at cost price.

and yeah, i saw that you're contributing to the mixxx development now... nice one

if mixxx runs too slowly on the Pi, I wonder how hard it'd be to write/modify an existing media player so that it could be used as the basis of a cdj-style midi controller...
Chasidy Heckenbach
it *may* be too underpowered for mixxx - tho it runs fine on netbooks. i need to check the spec of the RPi again. i entered my email address into the RS website today actually - to hopefully get one sometime. tho just remembered now that u posted some link the other month for pre-ordering or something? i was out of cash at the time. any clue the best way to try and get hold of one?

today i wrote my first bit of code for mixxx - implemented a spinback and brake effect for the mixxx core the last couple of weeks have just been writing mappings in javascript - to hopefully get in the 1.11 release.

if you have issues with mixxx - then there's the bug tracking system, mailing list and irc channels to let people know about them
Arcelia Siebeneck
yeah hopefully my RPi will arrive in June then I'm gonna start working on a cdj-style controller again (if I can get Mixxx to work )
Chasidy Heckenbach
wow - necro thread probably better to pick up a rasberry pi now for something like this - almost full pc power in the size of a matchbox
Shaniqua Nobe
absolutely - arduino is a computer the size of a matchbook - anything one can do with a really old computer can be done with it (about the power of an 286).

Originally Posted by escapemcp
Could you use these for creating an S4-like loop size monitor?

Using the output from the "loop size" midi out command, and limiting the midi-range to 10 (so that it outputs from 0-10 CC values), would there be any way of translating these 11 states to reflect the loop size e.g.

0 | 1/32
1 | 1/16
2 | 1/8
9 | 16
10 | 32

Have been looking for a way to do this for ages, but without success... would this be possible, or can it only display the "raw" cc data output?

Many thanks & great work achieved (so far)!

Sulema Eshel
Could you use these for creating an S4-like loop size monitor?

Using the output from the "loop size" midi out command, and limiting the midi-range to 10 (so that it outputs from 0-10 CC values), would there be any way of translating these 11 states to reflect the loop size e.g.

0 | 1/32
1 | 1/16
2 | 1/8
9 | 16
10 | 32

Have been looking for a way to do this for ages, but without success... would this be possible, or can it only display the "raw" cc data output?

Many thanks & great work achieved (so far)!

Lillia Mestdagh
Just got my Arduino code working ... Twin VU meter that can be assigned to any MIDI CC number(s). Works exactly the same as MiL0's LCD, just for Arduino

To use this code with Arduino you will need this MIDI library installed...

This code assumes you have working MIDI I/O hardware on your Arduino and a working LCD display. Don't forget to change the LCD pin numbers to the pins you are using! My pin config is different to the Arduino examples as I have a custom Arduino board. For more info on LCD, see this Arduino page ...

PHP Code:
#include "WProgram.h"
#include "Midi.h"
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7); //CHANGE TO PINS YOU USE
// HELLO WORLD EXAMPLE: (12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2) ///////////


byte VU_VAL_A 0;
byte VU_VAL_B 0;
byte VUM5[8] = { 0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F,0x1F };
byte VUM4[8] = { 0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E,0x1E };
byte VUM3[8] = { 0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C,0x1C };
byte VUM2[8] = { 0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18,0x18 };
byte VUM1[8] = { 0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10,0x10 };
byte VUM0[8] = { 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00 };
byte b;
byte c;

MyMidi : public Midi {

MyMidi(HardwareSerial &s) : Midi(s) {}
void handleControlChange(unsigned int channelunsigned int ccnumberunsigned int ccvalue)

       if (
ccnumber == VU_CC_A){

VU_VAL_A ccvalue;
       if (
ccnumber == VU_CC_B){

VU_VAL_B ccvalue;


MyMidi midi(Serial);

void setup(){

void loop(){

void VU_A(){
= (((LCD_CHARS_PER_LINE 5) * VU_VAL_A) / 127) - (b);
int x 08x++){

         if (
b){ lcd.setCursor(x,VU_A_LINE); lcd.write(5); }
         if (
b){ lcd.setCursor(x,VU_A_LINE); lcd.write(0); }

void VU_B(){
= (((LCD_CHARS_PER_LINE 5) * VU_VAL_B) / 127) - (b);
int x 08x++){

         if (
b){ lcd.setCursor(x,VU_B_LINE); lcd.write(5); }
         if (
b){ lcd.setCursor(x,VU_B_LINE); lcd.write(0); }

Louisa Oberc
Heh, beat me to it

keep in mind that the more stuff you are doing (writing to lcd's, turning leds on and off, etc) the less time you have to process midi... and beyond anything else, midi latency is a no-no... One solution (which is what I will likely use on my controller) is to use two arduino's, one for midi input (leds/lcd) and one for midi output... Getting two arduinos talking to each other is pretty trivial...

Other option would be to move up to a faster microprocessor, but that is beyond my skill set at the moment
Louisa Oberc
you mean a normal lcd 2x20 type screen right? not the ones you have in your cdj2000 style build...

More flexibility for sure, but not so much less wiring in the sense of the pin requirements of lcd's over using leds with multiplexers (64+ leds using 3 pins vs 7 pins for each lcd)

They're fairly easy to program, however it can depend on the type of screen you have. The one you posted about is usb based... talking usb from an arduino is not an easy task... I would likely go with one like this:

It's pretty much the same thing, but without the usb controller built in... the downside is that it takes 7 digital pins to use (when used in 4bit mode).. There is plenty of example code out there... it can be as simple as this:

  while (analogRead(aPinIn) == 0) {
    if (dispWaiting) {
      lcd.setCursor(centerText("No Resistor..."),0);
      lcd.print("No Resistor...");
      dispWaiting = false;
There would be a bit more involved for a vu meter, as you would probably want custom characters so you can use each column of the lcd characters...
Arcelia Siebeneck
nice work man - you're definitely an asset on these community s! I can't wait until my arduino arrives so I can try some of this stuff out.

I believe it might be more useful to use an LCD display like my original post though, rather than LED's. Should mean less wiring but also an LCD display is arguably more versatile than LED's. Any ideas how easy it is to program LCD display code for the Arduino?

edit: ah, there's a library here:

looks really straightforward! should be fairly trivial to get a VU meter working...

edit2: check out this colour LCD arduino shield:

for sale here for $19.95: [ame=""] RGB LCD Shield for Arduino 65K color KIT: Electronics@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

edit3: and here's a more standard LCD display like I used in my original post:

[ame=""] LCD Module for Arduino 16 x 2, White on Blue: Everything Else@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Louisa Oberc
Ok, I was bored, so I whipped this up... I havent tested it, but from memory it should be right...

Edit: minor correction to the schematic... R26 (in the midi in section) should be a 1k resistor

Louisa Oberc
Originally Posted by MiL0
Otherwise, you'll have to wait until someone gets it all working via an Arduino.
Oh... like this? I can upload a schematic if anyone wants one... but essentially it uses 4x 75HC595 shift registers, two each for each channel (using 2 per channel actually allows for 16 leds, I didnt have enough spares on hand)...

#include "Midi.h" //from:
#define NUM_LEDS_CH1 12
#define NUM_LEDS_CH2 12
#define LATCH_CH1 6
#define CLOCK_CH1 5
#define DATA_CH1 7
#define LATCH_CH2 9
#define CLOCK_CH2 8
#define DATA_CH2 10
#define CHANNEL_A_LEVEL 1 //CC#
#define CHANNEL_B_LEVEL 2 //CC#

class MyMidi : public Midi {

  MyMidi(HardwareSerial &s) : Midi(s) {}
  void handleNoteOn(unsigned int channel, unsigned int note, unsigned int velocity) {digitalWrite(13, HIGH);}
  void handleNoteOff(unsigned int channel, unsigned int note, unsigned int velocity){digitalWrite(13, LOW);}

  void handleControlChange(unsigned int channel, unsigned int controller, unsigned int value) {
    if (channel != 4) return; // we only are about channel 4 atm
    if (controller == CHANNEL_A_LEVEL) {    
      byte mapped = map(value,0,127,0,NUM_LEDS_CH1);
      unsigned int graphCh1 = 0;
      for (byte i=0;i<mapped;i++) bitSet(graphCh1,i);
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, LOW);
      shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, highByte(graphCh1));
      shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, lowByte(graphCh1));
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, HIGH);
    if (controller == CHANNEL_B_LEVEL) {
      byte mapped = map(value,0,127,0,NUM_LEDS_CH2);
      unsigned int graphCh2 = 0;
      for (byte i=0;i<mapped;i++) bitSet(graphCh2,i);
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, LOW);
      shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, highByte(graphCh2));
      shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, lowByte(graphCh2));
      digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, HIGH);

MyMidi midi(Serial);

void setup() {
  pinMode(LATCH_CH1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DATA_CH1,  OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLOCK_CH1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LATCH_CH2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DATA_CH2,  OUTPUT);
  pinMode(CLOCK_CH2, OUTPUT);

  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, LOW);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, 0);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH1, CLOCK_CH1, MSBFIRST, 0);
  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, LOW);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, 0);
  shiftOut(DATA_CH2, CLOCK_CH2, MSBFIRST, 0);
  digitalWrite(LATCH_CH2, HIGH);

//  Serial.begin(9600);
//  Serial.println("Begin");

void loop() {
Matha Obray
Ah ok makes sense
Arcelia Siebeneck
Originally Posted by BennyJ
This uses a serial connection so would need to be wired up to a microprocessor style midi brain (like an arduino or midibox)

Originally Posted by BennyJ
This is just 10 led's mounted in a unit so could be used in any sort of circuit. You'd still need some sort of 'brain' to get the led's working but you've got a lot more choices (U-HID, joystick controllers, etc).

The easiest thing to do would be to buy the USB LCD display that I linked to in my first post. Then you can use your pc and some software to control the LCD (make it display VU meters etc).

Otherwise, you'll have to wait until someone gets it all working via an Arduino.
Matha Obray
Would this work?

Or could i use this
Matha Obray
But how many? I want to do a 4 channel mixer with a 4 band eq
Arcelia Siebeneck
yeah the Arduino would receive inputs from buttons, encoders and potentiometers as well as output to an LCD display. My goal is to create a script that allows all these features and that anyone can upload to a ~
Matha Obray
Originally Posted by MiL0
yeah - you can configure the software to display whatever you like on each VU. If you buy a 4 x width LCD display then you could display 4 decks' VU meters at the same time theoretically. Let me know what you have in mind and I'll reprogram the utility to fit your needs.

In the medium/long term however, I'm looking to replace the USB LCD display with an LCD display that hooks directly up to an Arduino. This means you shouldn't need to run any immediadery software and everything should be plug'n'play. Apart from providing OSX compatibility (which wasn't possible before), it'll mean that anyone who's designing a new DIY controller should be able to use Arduino as the usb midi brain with an easy to implement VU meter.
An arduino can be used to control everything? or would u still need a interface the "the brain' from livid instruments.
Arcelia Siebeneck
yeah - you can configure the software to display whatever you like on each VU. If you buy a 4 x width LCD display then you could display 4 decks' VU meters at the same time theoretically. Let me know what you have in mind and I'll reprogram the utility to fit your needs.

In the medium/long term however, I'm looking to replace the USB LCD display with an LCD display that hooks directly up to an Arduino. This means you shouldn't need to run any immediadery software and everything should be plug'n'play. Apart from providing OSX compatibility (which wasn't possible before), it'll mean that anyone who's designing a new DIY controller should be able to use Arduino as the usb midi brain with an easy to implement VU meter.
Matha Obray
Hmmm im believeing about using this on a custom mixer i might make...but is there a way to split the vu's per deck..and run them to individual channels on a mixer's vu indicators?
Arcelia Siebeneck
don't shoot the messenger! I can't get mac support working unless there are OSX drivers for the LCD and someone ports AHK to Mac, which is unlikely to put it mildly
Loralee Cherpak
mac :,(
Chau Honrado
yea in the same boat as oskars,

love the hack! but very firmly based in macland
Wava Egizi
Not very kool

But I love the idea and your project!
Arcelia Siebeneck
Autohotkey is PC only (Apple don't allow the kind of control that AHK gives you over the operating system unfortunately).

Also, LCD Smartie isn't available for OSX afaik. So the answer is no, and very unlikely to happen.
Wava Egizi
Doesn't work with Mac right?
Arcelia Siebeneck
first post updated - all the files are included and you don't even need a USB LCD screen to get started!
Arcelia Siebeneck
sent you an email with all the details... let me know how you get on
Lala Cortina
Originally Posted by MiL0
do you have AIM/msn/email? pm me your details and I'll send you the files so we can both work on this
PM sent~
Arcelia Siebeneck
do you have AIM/msn/email? pm me your details and I'll send you the files so we can both work on this
Lala Cortina
Can't tease me like that and not share! :P
Arcelia Siebeneck

I'll clean up the code and get something uploaded as soon as possible
Joan Kollmorgen
Nice work - look forward to seeing your progress

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