which midi to trigger cue points?

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which midi to trigger cue points?
Posted on: 22.07.2011 by Shu Dietiker

I own an x1 kontroller from traktor which i find awesome because of the backlight but since I now own an s4 and I don't believe I need it except for triggering 8 cue points.

I'm looking for something similar to the nanopad from korg. does anyone have any idea of a tiny midi controller with perhaps only 16 tiny pads which would also be backlit???

Kiyoko Wellisch
Spesh since it comes with the worlds most fucking useless knob caps. Even my thin little fingers have problems with them.
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by MrPopinjay
Or you could use the "PAD" bank for one deck and the "CC" for the other. Each selection button lights up nicely.
arse.... yup.... i forgot that that would be a tad easier than using a rotary
Kiyoko Wellisch
Or you could use the "PAD" bank for one deck and the "CC" for the other. Each selection button lights up nicely.
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by moey2k2001
thanks for all the suggestions. I guess all the tiny stuff don't really light up except the vestax pad one but its quiet expensive for just what i need....
looks cool - but those lights are only constantly on - which defeats the main reason for having them light up in the first place to show you what's activated or not. handy in a dark environment tho i guess.

the lpd8 is a pretty well made little unit - no comparison to the nano's from what i can see - only has 8 pads but would do for one deck.

could use the built in banks or use one of the rotaries with a modifier in traktor to control 2 decks quite easily. using a rotary with full-left to control deck A and full-right to control deck-B would probably be the easiest in use.
Kiyoko Wellisch
I don't see why you would. Those things break so quickly, not at all worth the effort in my opinion.

And it also seems like one of those projects where if you don't know how to do it already it's not the kinda project you should take on.
Shu Dietiker
thanks for all the suggestions. I guess all the tiny stuff don't really light up except the vestax pad one but its quiet expensive for just what i need....

what about this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PSj0ZcHXf8
how do you modify this to have light in it?
Kiyoko Wellisch
Point is if you want backlit pads/buttons you're limited to the APCs, Launchpad, monome or the Midi Fighter. I don't really believe any of those other than the Midi Fighter are really ideal.
Chasidy Heckenbach
the OP asked for backlit pads - of which at least the trigger finger isnt. ofc a midi fighter would be almost ideal and has some small led's for feedback at least...
Kiyoko Wellisch
Midifighter or the mpd16/mpd18 sounds like the best bets to me.
Lesha Roan
i failed to read the post thoroughly enough to notice your emphasis on "tiny," which none of my suggestions are...lpd8? haha
Lesha Roan
Trigger Finger? Pad Kontrol? MPD24/26/32? gives you some extra knobs and stuff, too. that's what i use my MPD26 for, hot cues on a couple pages, effects and sample deck controls on the other two pages and the knobs/faders for more effects/sample controls.
Chasidy Heckenbach
i love my launchpad but the pads arent perfect if you need to quicky juggle cue points - could be good enough tho.

the new vestax padone has 12 backlit pads if 12 was enough but its quite expensive for what it is. the lpd8 is a bargain price but only 8 pads but i've seen quite a few people just using one per deck. they're not quite backlit - but there is a ring of light that lights up round them. best bang for the buck - even buying two - and then you'd have 16 extra pots - tho i guess you might not be interested in those...
Marcellus Androski
Launchpad perhaps...?

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