Vci-100 1.4 (hd) firmware upgrade

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Vci-100 1.4 (hd) firmware upgrade
Posted on: 20.09.2010 by



Treasa Maffucci
Originally Posted by Johbremat
TSI used to reflect overlay?

All the buttons output the same MIDI messages as the original release, yeah? If I want the high-resolution features but my own custom mapping, do you expect things to go awry?

Change MIDI Channel?

I use 2x VCI-100s with Traktor for independant control of the four decks. When I turn on the second unit, I hold down (what is marked on the overlay as) 'FX Preset 1' to swap into MIDI Channel 2 to avoid conflicts. Is this functionality still available?

Traktor Controller Manager.

I know I can try this for myself, but I figure someone else may know.

If you have two devices that output the same MIDI messages, does the current incarnation of controller options in Traktor handle this? I recall having seen something somewhere *sighs* that suggests this but not sure how what is done.

I figure if there is no longer a second MIDI Channel available this might resolve my problems, but not the preferred option in case I want to use my units simultaneously with different software.
there is no need to boot the second vci into ch2. traktor can handle identical controllers on the same channel no problem (2 vci's for example) its all in the controller manager. just make sure you route each vci into separate ports using the in-port/out-port drop down boxes. super simple
Nick Ross
Maybe I missed this...but how can someone like me (with an arcade modded vci100) check to ensure the 1.4 took properly?
Lindy Jonker
TSI used to reflect overlay?

All the buttons output the same MIDI messages as the original release, yeah? If I want the high-resolution features but my own custom mapping, do you expect things to go awry?

Change MIDI Channel?

I use 2x VCI-100s with Traktor for independant control of the four decks. When I turn on the second unit, I hold down (what is marked on the overlay as) 'FX Preset 1' to swap into MIDI Channel 2 to avoid conflicts. Is this functionality still available?

Traktor Controller Manager.

I know I can try this for myself, but I figure someone else may know.

If you have two devices that output the same MIDI messages, does the current incarnation of controller options in Traktor handle this? I recall having seen something somewhere *sighs* that suggests this but not sure how what is done.

I figure if there is no longer a second MIDI Channel available this might resolve my problems, but not the preferred option in case I want to use my units simultaneously with different software.
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by vbone
Thanks for the quick reply. I am pressing and holding the first button. Secondly, the pitch faders do not work or respond to movement at all. Now, my next question is Does the 1.4 firmware have 1.2 embedded like 1.3?
Yes it does, I've tested it. Try reloading the tsi using the big import button a couple of times. Sometimes it takes a couple of loads for all of the settings to take affect.
Charleen Clausius
Thanks for the quick reply. I am pressing and holding the first button. Secondly, the pitch faders do not work or respond to movement at all. Now, my next question is Does the 1.4 firmware have 1.2 embedded like 1.3?

Originally Posted by minimal
Just go to the controller settings in your prefs, duplicate each tempo bend midi command and while in scratch mode, do a midi learn of each note.

(If that doesn't make any sense then I suggest u do a little midi command tutorial before)

I did it last evening , works fine (didn't do all the faderfx/slice ones though, don't believe I'll be pitch bending while slicing)

Thanks, this tip totally does it for me. cheers.
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by vbone
1. I upgraded my firmware from 1.2 to 1.4. Is there anyway to revert back to 1.2 ? (I've tried the loop hold power on as described in Ean's video to no avail).
Loop? What layout are you using? It should be the top small black button towards top left corner of the VCI. It's labeled as FX preset 1 in this layout

Originally Posted by vbone
With the upgrade to 1.4, my pitch faders are not working. I've done all the basic troubleshooting (cables, updates, reboot,etc..) Is there something else that I am missing ?

Thanks for the help.
Are they not working at all or just not working right?
Charleen Clausius
I use VDJ 6 on a regular basis and had it mapped quite well for my needs. Due to several buttion issues and minor limitations I purchased Traktor Scratch Pro and after researching the community s I decided to upgrade my firmware. The upgrade went well without a glitch. My goal is map TSP to fit my style and needs with 1.4's improvements. At this time, I have two issues that I can not fix.

1. I upgraded my firmware from 1.2 to 1.4. Is there anyway to revert back to 1.2 ? (I've tried the loop hold power on as described in Ean's video to no avail).

2. With the upgrade to 1.4, my pitch faders are not working. I've done all the basic troubleshooting (cables, updates, reboot,etc..) Is there something else that I am missing ?

Thanks for the help.
Sherryl Dvorscak
Can I downgrade back to fw 1.3 ?
Tonya Lende
i want the fw 1.3 back.

where can i download it??
Maria Callard
Sorry i found the Firmware Upgrade Solutions... my question for the first done
Maria Callard
I have the firmware upgrade kit ordered. My pc has no serial port....
What problems do the serial to USB cable, exactly?
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by EuphoricF
But the behaviour of the play button in the new mapping is crappy... :-(
Need to search for the fixed one.
Post 141, top of previous page.
Sherryl Dvorscak
I have a glitch problem (since 3.6.3 and fw 1.4) when I use the juggles's and shift buttons!
need help please
Keeley Gobble
Originally Posted by photojojo
God bless duct tape!!
But the behaviour of the play button in the new mapping is crappy... :-(
Need to search for the fixed one.
Leeanna Ayla
God bless duct tape!!
Keeley Gobble
It is flashing...
Putting the VCI on a Roll of Ducktape seems to work now.

Now I will directly check it out in Traktor...

THANK YOU for that awsome hint! :-)
Keeley Gobble
Originally Posted by photojojo
Are you 100% sure no buttons are being pressed when you try to get into boot mode? I put three rolls of duct tape under my VCI so that it will sit up off the table and no jogs or buttons get touched. I've heard of some sensitive jogs getting activated while the VCI was laying on a pillow.
Okay. Sounds interessting. I will give it a try. I will report back here when I tested it.
Thank you for that hint.
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by EuphoricF
Damn.. it looks like my UpgradeKit doesn
Keeley Gobble
Originally Posted by dros
Maybe you're trying with a USB to serial adaptor, which is not recommended.
Today I tried the same usb-serial Cable (And Computer, OS, Drivers...) I used for the upgrade to 1.3.
It also does not work. It really looks like my Firmwarekit is damaged.

Maybe I will order a new one and hope that this will help me upgrading the firmware.
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by dj-rob69
Is anyone else having this same problem? When I hit Play to play a track the song starts, but when I hit play again to stop the track it just takes it back to the beginning if the track, a cue point, or loop. In order for me to stop the track I have to use my keayboard and press the play button on the software

flashflooder has put one together for that makes it go back to normal play/pause.

http://www.djranking /att...6&d=1285651704

File attachment is from post 13 in this thread.

http://www.djranking /sho...t=18333&page=2
Suzanna Paddock
Originally Posted by dj-rob69
Is anyone else having this same problem? When I hit Play to play a track the song starts, but when I hit play again to stop the track it just takes it back to the beginning if the track, a cue point, or loop. In order for me to stop the track I have to use my keayboard and press the play button on the software
That's just the new mapping doing a re-play. No sir, I don't like it, but it's no biggie to change in the mapping. If I remember correctly u had to change m3=5 to m3=0 and vice versa in the PLAY mapping
Ebonie Klym
Is anyone else having this same problem? When I hit Play to play a track the song starts, but when I hit play again to stop the track it just takes it back to the beginning if the track, a cue point, or loop. In order for me to stop the track I have to use my keayboard and press the play button on the software
Leeanna Ayla
Someone said recently they had to update Renases to the current version to get it to work.
Dj Tykarma
You should try with a serial to serial cable on a PC with a good old serial port. It is also not recommended to use null serial cables usually found with dial-up modems.
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by dros
Maybe you're trying with a USB to serial adaptor, which is not recommended.
I used a USB - serial cable for mine and it worked fine, unfortunately sounds like the chip's been damaged since upgrading to 1.3
Dj Tykarma
Maybe you're trying with a USB to serial adaptor, which is not recommended.
Keeley Gobble
Damn.. it looks like my UpgradeKit doesn
Jamika Codding

The posted firmware upgrade software link did not work for me on Win7 or on XP (I am using Parallels on MacBook Pro). It gave some funky error when trying to install. I had to use the next release of 4.05 (01) for it to work:

Disco mode works! Yay!

Dj Tykarma
Thanks for the info.

I did the upgrade. So I guess you're talking about the fact the shift+filter enabled key control works only partially (it only goes down on Deck A and up on Deck B)

Not a major issue indeed. I hope it'll get fixed soon!

Other than that I don't see any issues so far.

BTW, I believe I'm going to easily get used to the new CUE/PLAY modes!

Keep up the good work DJTT team and DaveX!
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by dros
Is it just a mapping issue or will I have to upgade the FW again?
I'm not sure, but since the filter knob works fine in its primary function I'd guess it's a mapping problem.

In fact the filter seems to be more accurate in this firmware than in 1.3, I believe they mentioned something about it only being one channel this time instead of split so maybe they just missed it when changing the map
Dj Tykarma

Is it just a mapping issue or will I have to upgade the FW again?
Tatum Ansaldo
Originally Posted by flashflooder
Please see this thread, and specifically, this post for questions regarding the updated VCI-100SE mapping: http://www.djranking /sho...230#post163230
Thanks, that's all cleared up then!

Originally Posted by dros
Would you recommend me to do the upgrade and use the latest mapping right now or should I wait until things get more stable
I'd recommend it, the Jog wheels and pitch faders are significantly improved. The only real problem so far seems to be the key function, so I guess it depends whether you use that or not!
Dj Tykarma

I just received my firmware upgrade kit for the VCI-100.

I have a gig in about two weeks from now, and i'd love to use the new features such as the HD jog-wheels.

Would you recommend me to do the upgrade and use the latest mapping right now or should I wait until things get more stable ?

Jodi Lacerra
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
Hi Guys, I'm very confused!

upgraded to 1.4 no problem, nice work on disco mode DaveX! Only thing is that my play buttons no longer work as play/pause but rather cue play... haven't found mention of this anywhere else on this thread, sorry if I missed it. Looking through the tsi file I found no cue play commands so why is this happening?

Please see this thread, and specifically, this post for questions regarding the updated VCI-100SE mapping: http://www.djranking /sho...230#post163230
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by andriguous
Whenever I try to write the firmware, it says "Error No 15024: Boot failed" after I press program flash. Whyy?!
Did you change the delay in the advancesetup.exe file?
Tatum Ansaldo
Hi Guys, I'm very confused!

upgraded to 1.4 no problem, nice work on disco mode DaveX! Only thing is that my play buttons no longer work as play/pause but rather cue play... haven't found mention of this anywhere else on this thread, sorry if I missed it. Looking through the tsi file I found no cue play commands so why is this happening?

Althea Tincknell
Whenever I try to write the firmware, it says "Error No 15024: Boot failed" after I press program flash. Whyy?!
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by weltraumpapst
damn .sat about an hour here to get this damn led working, cause i reread the features

regarding the test mode. how does it work? if i turn my vci on pressing the two buttons. what do i have to do to test the LEDs?
From post 38 in this thread

Originally Posted by photojojo
What I call the buttons or knobs are what they're called in the current overlay.

After you get into test mode you'll see left deck slice is lit. Press it and echo lights up keep pressing and the next button lights up. Go through the series you'll get to faders staring with the cross fader. As you move it all of the bottom buttons will light up as you move the fader back and forth. The rest of the faders and knobs go in this order:

left volume fader
Right volume fader
left pitch fader
Left EQ high
Left EQ mid
Left EQ Low
Left Filter
eft gain
Mix Level
Right gain
Right EQ high
Right EQ mid
Right EQ lo
Right filter
A knob
B knob
C knob
D knob
Right pitch fader

I can't figure out the next bit. It seems you press a few lit buttons and then you get to the jog wheels. I don't see what your testing between len and when you get to the jog wheels. When your done just turn it off and back on again.
robin loo
Originally Posted by DaveX

New features
- 4x pitch faders resolutions
- 4x jog wheel resolution
- All the buttons under the jog wheels can now be lit using MIDI out messages
- Left sync button is now mapped to note G-8 (73 hex) and behaves like right one (no more hardware toggle) (LED is still mapped to note A#4, 46 hex)
- Filter knobs send both regular 0-127 CC message only (unlike 1.3 firmware)
- A MIDI CC command is sent along with the Note ON command when the pitch fader is centered (so it's possible to reach the exactly the center position even using the DJTT mappings)
- Outer part of jog wheels sends Midi ON/OFF message on separate channel when in scratch mode (channel 2)


Bonus #1

Did you know that there's a factory test mode hidden in every VCI ? It's used in the factory to test all the buttons, faders, knobs and LEDs.

With 1.4 firmware: While your VCI is off, hold RIGHT ECHO+PLAY buttons (VCI-100SE mapping) and turn it on.

With previous firmwares: While your VCI is off, hold LEFT ECHO+PLAY buttons (VCI-100SE mapping) and turn it on.

damn .sat about an hour here to get this damn led working, cause i reread the features

regarding the test mode. how does it work? if i turn my vci on pressing the two buttons. what do i have to do to test the LEDs?

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