Sources for electronic music/djing radio show

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Sources for electronic music/djing radio show
Posted on: 05.01.2014 by Cecile Miessner
Hello, a friend and I are starting a music radio show at our university and we want it to be about electronic music in general (we dont wanna stick to just EDM) also a little bit about the great great world of djing. Mostly it will be just putting on great music but Im the writer and I need to find some sources to research what we are actually going to say at every show, maybe I had in mind like some pages kinda like this one. What other source/page/whatever do you guys know or recommend?

best regards.
Cecile Miessner
Hello, a friend and I are starting a music radio show at our university and we want it to be about electronic music in general (we dont wanna stick to just EDM) also a little bit about the great great world of djing. Mostly it will be just putting on great music but Im the writer and I need to find some sources to research what we are actually going to say at every show, maybe I had in mind like some pages kinda like this one. What other source/page/whatever do you guys know or recommend?

best regards.

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