Reply to Errorsmith's setup!

Errorsmith's setup!

This is my home setup located in Sweden.

This is my timeline of my setup.

When I was about 10 my dream was to make music and play it. I saved all my money from birthdays and christmas money. So when I was 13 I decided to buy a traktor S4 and a pair of headphones and a collection of music.

first traktor.jpg
another first traktor.jpg
third first traktor.jpg

about 6 months later I got more and more into producing and I bought a pair of headphones, the KRK'S KNS 6400 and Ableton INTRO


And about 1 year later my old speakers gave up, but luckily I was a trainee in a music store and I bought a pair of studio monitors instead, the KRK RoKIT's for 100$ cheaper!


To make things easier, I bought a laptop stand with a built in fan and I also bought a Akai LPD8 for fast looping and fast EQ kills. And this is where I am now !

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