torrents keeping music alive (sensible descusssion please)
torrents keeping music alive (sensible descusssion please) Posted on: 25.05.2012 by Marguerite Truka I like to mix in alot of old tracks and have a broad music rang in my song selection. However the main stream sources do not offer a portal for high quality older music! With EDM there are a few choices mainly beatport. There are private torrent sites with huge selections of tracks, that are only high quality and there is no bad transcoding there. Why is there no legal alternatives it seems for getting a huge range of top quality music from artists popular and not so popular. Even artists like kool and the gangs early stuff is not availible though legal channels. I am no longer a member of any sites like this since oink got taken down, however my big gripe is having to still buy music on vinyl in 2012. I love collecting my vinyl but in this day and age I should be able to get music legally without going down this channel. Please do not talk about any specific places to get copywrited material, as it would be nice to discuss this without the mods having to close this thread down | |
Yong Aptekar 25.05.2012 | There is a time limit, but its over the top. Songs like"she'll be comin' round the mountain" are part of public domain. That's why Disney "releases, for the last time, from the vault" their old movies. It renews the copywrite. |
Leeanna Ayla 25.05.2012 | I believe the idea of a time period is not bad. Maybe something like 30 years and it can be made publicly available? It's a long way off from happening though if ever. |
Brunilda Kora 25.05.2012 | This is a really interesting thread. I'm staying the hell out of it! |
Reda Holdsworth 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by Sherlock Ohms
Margie Pavell 25.05.2012 | It amazes me that alot of CDs haven't made it to MP3. I had to buy three CDs from Amazon recently so i could rip them to have them. Why haven't record companies moved to Digitize older stock? I am sure they could make a killing... So i torrented a track recently. It was a vinyl only release and it was sold out everywhere, and it was a f-ing bomb! Had to have it. Not particularly proud of it. Have you ever looked at the list of songs in some of those torrent packs? ALOT of's easier to dig and buy your own music than trying to sift through the garbage... |
Edwina Fagel 25.05.2012 | I can't play illegal music out anyways and earning money with illegal music is really really wrong, because thats whats DJing is all about, buying tracks, but when I'm buying my music directly from the label/artist or get vinyl + mp3 free then the money is leaving my paypal account much easier than buying trough beatport/itunes where I have no control over who gets the money. The indrustry should change, it's about 10x easier just to get stuff hot off the torrents and enjoy than buy music. A few day ago I bought some stuff from TrackItDown and guess what, it was mislabeled. Wrong album cover and misspelt song names. When I'm buying tracks for 2$ each I want them to be perfect, available in every format there is (flac, wav, 320 mp3), easily downloadable. They ain't. So yeah, playing illegal music for money is wrong, but just for listening I totally support guy's using torrents just to show the industrie that buying music has to be easier. Just my 0,002 cents. |
Georgina Schatzman 25.05.2012 | Another interesting side fact, will have to do some digging to find the report, but on average people who download music "illegally" still end up spending more money on music than those who don't download music "illegally". So the people who are supposedly killing the industry are also doing more than other to support. |
Georgina Schatzman 25.05.2012 | There already is a service out there where you can pay a monthly fee (believe it was between 10 and 15 dollars) per label, and you'll get all their stuff for free. Kind of expensive to be honest. If they only do one EP a month that would only be about 8 to 10 dollars (assuming it's a 4 track EP at 2 to 2.50 a track). But you do get a lot of cool from the label as well. Exclusive remixes, news, collector items and so on. If they dropped it down to a flat rate of $5 a month per label I would easily put down a $100 plus a month to sign up to this. |
Linda Chavda 25.05.2012 | Not going to input much opinion here, but surely it's only a matter of time that a company opens up providing a better level of quality and ease than a torrent while charging and feeding the labels back their percentage. In all honesty I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.. maybe beatport should look into expanding |
Trista Karle 25.05.2012 | I agree on double standard of infringement and never understood this or making a remix of a old track and slapping your name on it and a new title it seems a double standard is trending. It has been this way for a long time but is really snowballing. Agreed trying to find high quality transcodes through legal sources is damn near impossible.the odd time you can find one it's had no cleaning of the audio done which sucks. Fairly glad I digitized my vinyl collection back in the late 90s as I would be kicking myself had I not. Sasha vs garbage when I grow up Dave mathews band space between Tiesto mix Salt tank eugina Deepsky stargazer Kaycee escape Kai tracid liquid skies Hell even Kai tracid too many times Bbe seven days & one week Brainbug evening mare I could go on and on about this but I'll quit listing releases Various test pressings with rare mixes of tracks that are impossible to find on torrents or legal sources. Back then there were vinyl release groups that were great at what they did since was before could get cd singles. It wasn't until about 2002 that it was possible to find cd singles that weren't just promo's and the vast majority of vinyl I'd purchased would have to be imported and usually had to use google translator to even get through the site. Vinyl digging was fine but wasn't untill 2001 that could find anything besides house or d&b where I lived Just my .02 |
Nedra Fresneda 25.05.2012 | I had nothing to do with it |
Leeanna Ayla 25.05.2012 | And the first causality has occured Troll, you will not be missed. |
Marguerite Truka 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by aye bay bay
back to th title of this thread. I honestly believe torrent communities are leading the way in high quality varied music downloads. Do I agree with it no but it doesnt take away from the fact that its true. So sombody needs to come up with a solution or do record companies not care about these other acts and old music. Is it not finically viable to do it. |
Nilsa Erben 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by aye bay bay
Catherin Espinueva 25.05.2012 | Seen a metalica record for 25$ shits expensive. |
Leeanna Ayla 25.05.2012 | And since it looks like we've got a trend of brand new members coming here to post in this thread it looks like I'll be swinging the ban hammer without my usual sense of fairness soon enough. |
Leeanna Ayla 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by aye bay bay
rofl |
Catherin Espinueva 25.05.2012 | I would imagine finding music on vinyl would be hard, especially classic hits. They aren't cheap either. 12.00 each, man. |
Leeanna Ayla 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by Nosferatu
Tyisha Towle 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by Ed Paris
Marguerite Truka 25.05.2012 | I believe there does need to be a legal channel for high quality digital music. I complain cuz im running out of room to store vinyl. There is money to be made there aswell, hence the sucsess of beatport. you can get 90% of the music on there cheaper on Iruinmusic (sorry typo Itunes) but ppl still choose the better option. @photojojo's comment it really isnt avaliable. Ive just had to buy all of 2 kings in a cypther's music as I cannot find it online at all, and relativly speaking they where fairly big. I believe there needs to be a legal channel for people to be able to use. Going off topic slightly there is a big legal battle over selling second hand digital music, as the record companies pushed for it to be defined as a tangable product, just like you can sell ur old cd's should you be able to sell ur old mp3's? I believe the record companies are destroying themselfs as people can more and more easily self promote. The day the big record companies die will be a great day for music |
Matt Kane 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by erotic
Tyisha Towle 25.05.2012 | My particular stance on this is that while I support artists (being one myself), I have to agree with Xonetacular. While I can be seen at any one of Detroit's record stores digging, the feeling of finding that (seemingly) one in a million gem, is just too few and far in between. My focus has shifted to collecting (what was until the Internet) the almost impossible to find. Digging for the sake of digging is not (to me), an effective use of my time anymore..(kids, job, house stuff). Will buying "Jimmy Castor Bunch's It's Just Begun" on eBay give you that feeling... for that matter will Jimmy's estate get his share of the sale? This is a thread is a train wreck waiting to happen. As Xonetacular stated, there's a double standard at play here. |
Yong Aptekar 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by Xonetacular
Romelia Stankard 25.05.2012 | I just feel like there is such a pretense and double standard on copyright in the DJ community. On the one hand there is this absolute that we should never torrent or download a single song under any circumstance, yet none of us would believe twice about uploading an hour and a half DJ mix of other people's music to soundcloud (and offering free download) or downloading a 2 hour set from any number of DJs. No one seems to have a problem with making and uploading mashups or making an edit or bootleg of a track with minor tweaks like an extended intro or looped section then slapping our name on it next to the artist and uploading it and offering it for free for anyone to download. Yet people freak out at the thought of downloading a track under various circumstances. Why is one form of piracy and copyright infringement ok with everyone yet the other is not even open for discussion with a lot of people? |
Spencer Kilcoyne 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by Xonetacular
Each to his own mind ... |
Spencer Kilcoyne 25.05.2012 | tbh, I love the feeling when you *finally* find a 12" that isn't available any other way and that you've wanted for ages ... (yes Das EFX / Jussamen (Pete Rock Remix) I'm looking at you) |
Romelia Stankard 25.05.2012 | I usually regret getting involved in these discussions, but anyway... Yes you may be able to hunt down some rare used vinyl on discogs or from some other obscure source, but in the end does it it really make a difference if you pirate it? It's not like buying someone's 20 year old secondhand vinyl is supporting the artist directly in any way (except maybe in some philosophical sense). Honestly at that point, isn't just getting that track played and heard support enough and more than anyone could hope for? |
Leeanna Ayla 25.05.2012 | It is available, just not as easily or cheaply as through a torrent |
Spencer Kilcoyne 25.05.2012 |
Originally Posted by tombruton69
Originally Posted by tombruton69
Sorry, I'm completely anti torrenting for music. If you want it that badly and its not available digitally, buy the CD, if not the vinyl ... <e2a>none of this is a personal dig by the way ...</e2a> |
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