Techno track, work in progress, need feedback

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Techno track, work in progress, need feedback
Posted on: 11.11.2013 by Devora Chait

So this is my progression so far and basic arrangement is almost done, the skeleton is there but I'm kind of at a dead-end, it seems the bass is a bit off and the texture sounds in there are still raw, anyway I would like some suggestions and honest feedback. Really, a set of objective ears would be helpful, what do you believe?
Thanks in advance
Devora Chait

So this is my progression so far and basic arrangement is almost done, the skeleton is there but I'm kind of at a dead-end, it seems the bass is a bit off and the texture sounds in there are still raw, anyway I would like some suggestions and honest feedback. Really, a set of objective ears would be helpful, what do you believe?
Thanks in advance
Hellen Mindrup
Track is not available =(

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