SUPERCOMBO's! on the instant gratification mapping

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SUPERCOMBO's! on the instant gratification mapping
Posted on: 11.02.2011 by Karma Lucha
What are they and could you please post an image (or images) clearly showing what they are because not knowing and not being able to figure it out is really starting to frustrate me

EDIT: The Super Combo List So Far!! Please keep trying to add to it

Combo 1
Transpose Bmash
Press all 4 Bmash buttons triggers a Transpose

Combo 2
Grater LoFi
Press all 4 bottom row buttons in order (left to right)

Combo 3
Bmash F92-LFO Delay Pause
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then F90-Lfo

Combo 4
Massive Wash Out Thing
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then release then hold 3 again then press and hold 4

Combo 5
Reverse Gain That I can only make sound like ass.
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then Reverb THEN LoFi
It's meant to trigger Reverse Grain in FX2 which is does but it doesn't turn it on for me

Combo 6
Press and hold in order: Bmash1 (hold), Bmash2 (hold), Bmash3 (hold), F92-LFO (hold), T3Delay (hold)

Originally Posted by HerbStrike
Tatum Ansaldo
ah... if you remind me I can have a look when I get home.
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by fullenglishpint
Couldn't you find them using a midi monitor program?
yup! if i had a real midifighter... which sadly i don't...
Tatum Ansaldo
Couldn't you find them using a midi monitor program?
Chasidy Heckenbach
bump... anyone have any clue what the notes are that are sent out by the super combos? i've looked at the latest 4banks tsi as well as midifighter firmware and know i am missing something dumb but obviously can't see what...

if it's feasible this would give people using glovepie for their diy controllers a way of having the super combos if they want them.
Chasidy Heckenbach
Originally Posted by bartboy
It has to do with the firmware. The only way to get the IG mapping to work is the midifighter must be in 4 banks mode which allows you to send a different note for each button depending on which bank your in. The 4 banks are the top 4 buttons. I'm not sure the exact mapping implications of this. I've tried picking apart the mapping and it can be done if you can get your head around the modifiers. Alot of the "Super Combos" use the same buttons so you need to keep the modifiers correct in order to get the correct combo. I gave up on trying to copy the mapping as I can program a mapping great I have a hard time reverse engineering one.

I do know that the Midifighter Pro and possibly the Midifighter have a better firmware that frees up the modifiers by building in the combo into the hardware rather than the software.
i've seen how to work out when to send out the extra combo noteon/off message by looking at the state table and combo_recognize() function in combo.c from the midifighter firmware. all seems sensibe enough...

what i can't get my stupid head round is what actual note message is sent out when the combo is pressed in the correct order etc...

there's code like this in midifighter.c:

    combo_action_t action = combo_recognize(g_key_down, g_key_up, g_key_state);
    switch (action) {
        case COMBO_A_DOWN:
            midi_stream_note(8, true);
        case COMBO_A_RELEASE:
            midi_stream_note(8, false);
that would seem to say it sends out a noteon message of '8' when combo a is pressed and midi_stream_note() in midi.c doesn't seem to apply any kind of offset but sending out '8' doesnt seem to make sense as i can't find that (G#-1) in the instant grat tsi...

if i had a midifighter i'd just plug in midi-ox and work them out that way but sadly i dont have one (yet anyway...)
Dana Ordinario
It has to do with the firmware. The only way to get the IG mapping to work is the midifighter must be in 4 banks mode which allows you to send a different note for each button depending on which bank your in. The 4 banks are the top 4 buttons. I'm not sure the exact mapping implications of this. I've tried picking apart the mapping and it can be done if you can get your head around the modifiers. Alot of the "Super Combos" use the same buttons so you need to keep the modifiers correct in order to get the correct combo. I gave up on trying to copy the mapping as I can program a mapping great I have a hard time reverse engineering one.

I do know that the Midifighter Pro and possibly the Midifighter have a better firmware that frees up the modifiers by building in the combo into the hardware rather than the software.
Chasidy Heckenbach
can anyone let me know the actual notes sent out for the super combos? i seem to have a total blank trying to understand it from the firmware...

it seems to send out note 8 for the first combo thru to 12 for the 5th combo - but that would be G#-1 thru to C0 which i couldn't see in the instant grat tsi file so i must be missing something obvious here.

looking at the midifighter tsi map for deck A all i can see are the expected notes from rows 2,3,4 of the midifighter as well as the top left button which sends C-1

i'd like to port the super combos to my own app as well as seeing if i can fudge them into a glovepie script for gamepad users...
Scottie Easler
Hey guys!

Figured I'd share a somewhat unknown but also known supercombo?

Was just gonna clarify and let everyone know, that if you press any 3 beatmasher buttons, whatever the 4th button beatmasher you push is gonna do the same effect as the 4th button usually would, except it will do that beatmasher's pace of a fade out.

Just do it to try it out. Push 4321, instead of 1234, and you'll see what i mean
Jeanine Waylett
Originally Posted by Georgeo0
Im pretty sure that combo 2, or

Grater LoFi
Press all 4 bottom row buttons in order (left to right)

Is not one of the combos because in the video Ean demonstrates it right before combo one. And i dont believe he would just show 2 of the combos when he said he was just showing one. i dunno
it definatly is a super combo if you watch it makes the grater on fx 2 slowly minimize
Jeanine Waylett
Ok every body here you go i couldnt hold out any longer lol combo 5 is supposed to be done like this and can be done in many diffrent ways
you start if 1,2,3 beatmasher then hit t3 delay then reverb now you do not need to hold onto beatmasher buttons any more they are just the trigger then you need to hit lo fi then push filter lfo and then re hit lo fi while still holding t3 delay and reverb and this will now turn the filter lfo button will now trigger rev grain as long as you hold it down it will stay on and you can add any other effect you want it is a pretty sweet sound you can get i dont know if someone had allready said and worked this out but i couldnt see it on this thread
Melia Balvaneda
Im pretty sure that combo 2, or

Grater LoFi
Press all 4 bottom row buttons in order (left to right)

Is not one of the combos because in the video Ean demonstrates it right before combo one. And i dont believe he would just show 2 of the combos when he said he was just showing one. i dunno
Carola Wyllys
Rusty - thank you
Ethel Saracco
Originally Posted by Dax
hoping someone can clarify please - when using instant gratification mapping do i need to have certain effects already lined up in each of the 4 effects slots on traktor? Do some effects bars ( 1 through 4) need to be chained and others set to advanced ?

many thanks
Use the large import button as outlined by Ean in his Instant Gratification video. This will bring in the necessary FX settings to make the mapping work properly.
Shirlee Depiazza
Originally Posted by Rusty
Is anyone else having problems with Combo 4? I have found if I hold the combo through the complete wash out that it engages another echo freeze and the Reverb and T3Delay button LEDs stay lit up. This part is fine and I actually like it. When you press the Reverb and T3Delay buttons the echo turns off. However, the Transpose Stretch stays on which can really mess things up (audio level cut). I have to manually turn it off with a mouse click. Just wondering if anyone else can produce this or if it's something specific to my setup. Thanks.
Yup same problem.
Carola Wyllys
hoping someone can clarify please - when using instant gratification mapping do i need to have certain effects already lined up in each of the 4 effects slots on traktor? Do some effects bars ( 1 through 4) need to be chained and others set to advanced ?

many thanks
Ethel Saracco
Is anyone else having problems with Combo 4? I have found if I hold the combo through the complete wash out that it engages another echo freeze and the Reverb and T3Delay button LEDs stay lit up. This part is fine and I actually like it. When you press the Reverb and T3Delay buttons the echo turns off. However, the Transpose Stretch stays on which can really mess things up (audio level cut). I have to manually turn it off with a mouse click. Just wondering if anyone else can produce this or if it's something specific to my setup. Thanks.
Melia Balvaneda
the 5th combo dosnt seem to work.... it just sounds lke all of the effects working together. i dunno. that the only one i have a problem with though
Karma Lucha
Originally Posted by Milgauss
Don't understand why I can't edit the original post!


v0.3 now available!

* MF+S4 Buddy meets MF Instant Gratification v1.02

* Moved Instant Gratification effects for decks A, B and C to Bank 2, 3 and 4, respectively.

* MF+S4 Buddy mapping located in Bank 1

* Added beat LEDs when Deck A and/or B is selected.

* Please follow all installation instructions for MF Instant Gratification (http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=24514) -- make sure the "Preferences->Effects->FX Pre-selection" are in the same order as the original MF Instant Gratification mapping.

* Make sure the original "MF_FX 4Banks" mappings are not connected to any ports.

* Import the MF+S4 Buddy mapping as well as the three modified "MF_FX 4Banks" tsi files and assign to your Midi Fighter.
And another copy of the link to the MF+S4 mapping
http://www.djranking /sho...t=23324&page=2
Keturah Nooney
If you like that mapping, you should check out my MF+S4 mapping including the Instant Gratification effects. I believe it's quite a bit more powerful than the link above.

http://www.djranking /showthread.php?t=23324

Check further down the post for the v0.3 version.

I hope you enjoy it!
Karma Lucha
Originally Posted by soerensus
I made a video explaining the 5 combo's. My first video ever so just ask if there is something you can't see or don't understand.*

SPOILER - If you want to find the combo's yourself don't watch this video

I see now that youtube fucked up my audio/video timing. Makes the video much less understandable. Sorry. Hopefully you get the point.
Originally Posted by HerbStrike
like this?
Yes! Exactly like that, nicely done and thank you for contributing the image and video, they are both excellent. But we should keep up the effort and keep contributing to everyones Supercombo experience by making more images and videos untill we've gotten all of the combo's listed and practicable!

Toevening I was surfing the community s and I found a hybrid Supercombo A/B cross cue points deck A/B mapping made by Rusty

Link to the thread to download the hybrid mapping:http://www.djranking /sho...t=24514&page=9
Layout image link: http://www.djranking /sho...t=24514&page=9

I believe I'm going to settle on this mapping as it's perfect to practice my controllerism mixing and at the same time lay Supercombo effects over my normal mixing techniques.
Estefana Musfeldt
Originally Posted by alex8337
Can someone please help us all out by posting a button layout image?

With a screenshot from the "create a midi fighter" page at DJTT could you post the names of the buttons in different colours to indicate which are which, also posting an individual image for each combo would be nice. Once we've got all the images I'll edit them into one with a list of the combo's tied to the images so that we can give it to the instant gratification mapping thread.

like this?
Dora Laffer
I made a video explaining the 5 combo's. My first video ever so just ask if there is something you can't see or don't understand.

SPOILER - If you want to find the combo's yourself don't watch this video

I see now that youtube fucked up my audio/video timing. Makes the video much less understandable. Sorry. Hopefully you get the point.
Karma Lucha
Can someone please help us all out by posting a button layout image?

With a screenshot from the "create a midi fighter" page at DJTT could you post the names of the buttons in different colours to indicate which are which, also posting an individual image for each combo would be nice. Once we've got all the images I'll edit them into one with a list of the combo's tied to the images so that we can give it to the instant gratification mapping thread.

Keturah Nooney
Found one more:

Combo 6
Press and hold in order: Bmash1 (hold), Bmash2 (hold), Bmash3 (hold), F92-LFO (hold), T3Delay (hold)

Combo 5 is working the same for me: reverse grain looks like its doing something but never turns on. Bug?

@Remote: big thanks for getting these combos posted. I had given up.
Karma Lucha
First time I loaded the mapping it got crossed with the Deckalized mapping I was previously playing with which was weird, the bottom row would do both the effect and pitch bend which rendered it useless. The second time I loaded the mapping a few of the buttons just didn't do anything. Third time lucky. I believe... because I dont know the mapping I'm not sure if its correct

Originally Posted by HerbStrike
yeah its all about timing simple to use though been getting some nice sounds our of it of late
I'm keen to have a mix with that in mind when I use the MF, I was focusing more on creating deeper break downs and harder drops with it rather than in tune to a beat
Shirlee Depiazza
Reload the mapping. I now have all effects firing.
I loaded the tsi using the big import button then did it twice more before re-adding the S4.
Dora Laffer
Originally Posted by Remote
Combo 1

Combo 4
Massive Wash Out Thing
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then release then hold 3 again then press and hold 4

Combo 5
Reverse Gain That I can only make sound like ass.
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then Reverb THEN LoFi
It's meant to trigger Reverse Grain in FX2 which is does but it doesn't turn it on for me
Can't get combo 4 to work

Combo 5 doesn't turn on reverse grain for me either, but can see it decreasing.
Estefana Musfeldt
awesome gonna try all these when i'm not a hungover mess
Shirlee Depiazza
Combo 1
Transpose Bmash
Press all 4 Bmash buttons triggers a Transpose

Combo 2
Grater LoFi
Press all 4 bottom row buttons in order (left to right)

Combo 3
Bmash F92-LFO Delay Pause
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then F90-Lfo

Combo 4
Massive Wash Out Thing
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then release then hold 3 again then press and hold 4

Combo 5
Reverse Gain That I can only make sound like ass.
Press Bmash 1, 2, 3 then press T3Delay then Reverb THEN LoFi
It's meant to trigger Reverse Grain in FX2 which is does but it doesn't turn it on for me
Estefana Musfeldt
Originally Posted by kooper1980
You liking the mapping then? How does it feel to use? Can you pick it all up quite easily?
yeah its all about timing simple to use though been getting some nice sounds our of it of late
Karma Lucha
Can I pick it up easily? No. Not without button mashing and getting a little frustrated first. First thing I do when I play a fighting game is read the combo page a few times. Imagine trying to play Mortal Kombat without the specials menu which is what I did and I didn't play the game again.

HerbStrike your edit made allot more sence
Kristofer Krauel
Originally Posted by HerbStrike
it works great for me been using combo's of the different transpose you can get a pretty good sound if you do it quick enough but it all depends on what bpm your track is running it at

Edit :sorry just realized how unclear my first post was if you hit the beat repeat buttons second row from the bottom in a different combination the transpose sounds different each time
You liking the mapping then? How does it feel to use? Can you pick it all up quite easily?
Estefana Musfeldt
it works great for me been using combo's of the different transpose you can get a pretty good sound if you do it quick enough but it all depends on what bpm your track is running it at

Edit :sorry just realized how unclear my first post was if you hit the beat repeat buttons second row from the bottom in a different combination the transpose sounds different each time
Karma Lucha
Originally Posted by HerbStrike
Fourth to that
i have found if you hit the four buttons ean shows in the video the transpose sounds different as the transpose is linked to the beat repeat
i hope there's more too it than that but i ain't found it yet
Yea! second row from the bottom. After seeing that exact effect being used thats why I wanted the mapping and I was really disappointed when it didn't work as well as in Ian's video
Dewey Melchi
doing the same to the bottom row gives you gater + lofi + flanger + another gater at the end. =/
Estefana Musfeldt
Fourth to that
i have found if you hit the four buttons ean shows in the video the transpose sounds different as the transpose is linked to the beat repeat
i hope there's more too it than that but i ain't found it yet
Karma Lucha
Bump for justice!
Bernetta Membrila
Melania Wollenhaupt
second that!

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