Problems with Indication of loops - APC40

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Problems with Indication of loops - APC40
Posted on: 22.10.2012 by Mica Uchiyama
Hi guys, my very first post. I try to build up my custom mapping in Traktor.

I managed to assign range of variously long loops via loop size select and set. I am now trying to come up with very simple LED system - green light - loop is off, red light - loop is on.

I have assigned out midi signals with the same name, same note, managed to change controller and midi range but now if I press any loop, all loop buttons turn red, not just the one pressed.

I tried to play with condition is in loop and set two outs, each with different setting but it still does not work.

Probably really trivial but could you guys help me? Cheers
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by The Pancaker
Here's the mapping.
Thanks a lot, I will try it tomorrow. The download link worked for me fine. I will only copy those midi signals controlling loops and will add them to my setup. Will upload my mapping, once it is finished. Cheers!
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by The Pancaker

I can send you my apc 20 mapping if it's any use (and if I find it).
Well, I would love that, will try to remap it for my purposes. Thanks in advance..
Brooks Habersetzer
I made a two button loop changer... it took a lot more commands than I first thought but hey if you're willing to put in the effort for flawless control by all means go for it.

I made the two button changer how you'd want it to really be.
Since I mainly use an APC40 you're in luck.

So basically this is how it functions:
it starts off with m1=0 which is green for both, when you press loop button m1=1 it turns red and the loop on, press it again its goes back to m1=0 turns loop off. For the second button it is the same except m1=2.

Added feature: press loop button 1, then press loop button 2, switches loop size and color of the two loop buttons while keeping the loop on. press the active button and loop will turn off.
This is done by using m3=0 as loop off, and m3=1 as loop on.

So finally the real fun will begin if you want to use more loop buttons.
the output for button 1:
Mod 1, controller range 0 0 midi range 1 1 M1=0
Mod 1, controller range 1 1 midi range 3 3 M1=1 (red)
Mod 1, controller range 2 2 midi range 1 1 M1=2
button 2:
Mod 1, controller range 0 0 midi range 1 1 M1=0
Mod 1, controller range 1 1 midi range 1 1 M1=1
Mod 1, controller range 2 2 midi range 3 3 M1=0 (red)
for every button you continue with you will need to the green out (all mods that aren't the one turning on) and the red out so its rather modifier heavy.

You can study the mapping as that's what its there for and i hope its a decent lesson in the possibility of millions of modifiers and more commands, the major problem is organization so i recommend writing it out what you are trying to achieve.

Again the main idea is to block everything except the one function you want at that time, and with modifers you can do this.

also multiple mappings are pretty key if you want to have instense mappings since pretty much get a free set of modifiers with each individual map.

two button loop changer.tsi
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
What it does is when its in loop mode modifier 1=1 and in non loop mode modifier 1=0. So on and so forth for each additional button.

Yep, the video that I have posted got in notified and does it in the same way, although I have had used only four loop values.
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
Oh yeah I suppose it might be a good idea to add some more modifiers!
I imagine the problem being that when you press the loop button it sets it to a modifier and then there is no way to set it back into its original state so the light gets stuck, and yet the loop turns off.

So to fix it: for the 1/16th example from earlier with modifier 1 equal to 1, add another modifier and set that modifier equal to 0, then for the modification set it to M1=1. Do this for each other loop button, increase the modification by 1 for each increase. 1/8th will be modifier 1 equals 0 with modification M1=2, following above example.

What it does is when its in loop mode modifier 1=1 and in non loop mode modifier 1=0. So on and so forth for each additional button.
Sorry, I am lost.
What I have so far:

In Loop Size Select + Set, 1/8 (started with 1/8), M2=0
In Modifier1, M1=1
In Modifier2, M1=1 (how do I set in Modifier =0?)
Out Loop Active On, M1=1, controller 1 1, midi 3 3
Out Loop Active On, M1=0, controller 0 0, midi 1 1)

These five are all maped to one pad. What I am missing?

Wonder if we will make it.
Mica Uchiyama
Yeah, I had had so far always just two indicating leds for loop on/off for deck A and B.

I managed to cluelessly copy your setup for both decks and remap it so it fits perfectly now but I am definitely not able to add another set of modifiers so will stick with this setup.

Thanks for helping me.
Loyce Mekonen
I had the idea some time ago, but never got around to do it since I believe it would need another PITA set of modifiers to tell all of the leds when to be on and off. And to be completely honest, I can't be arsed to try it now that I don't use my APC. An easy work around would be assigning a different led to indicate loop on/off state.
Mica Uchiyama
I have downloaded your mapping and it seems pretty perfect but do you believe you could modify it that once the loop is off, the button stays orange as all the others so you are sure no loop is on?
Loyce Mekonen
That's great! Please let me know how everything works out!
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by The Pancaker
Here's the mapping.
Thanks a lot, I will try it tomorrow. The download link worked for me fine. I will only copy those midi signals controlling loops and will add them to my setup. Will upload my mapping, once it is finished. Cheers!
Loyce Mekonen
Here's the mapping. It's labeled Deck A but is supposed to be both decks. The mapping includes the loop indicator with ins and outs, and hotcues. For the loops, it uses the bottom two rows on the "clip matrix" which if I recall correctly, are all yellow, lighting up with green on the selected loop.
The Hot cues are the two bottom rows outside the clip matrix that only light up green.

EDIT: download link's not working. Shoot me a PM with your email and I'll send you the .tsi file.

This is an apc pic which shows the midi notes per controll which fits with the notes on my APC20. Take in consideration that the values vary by the number and not by the note itself, at least in the clip matrix. Also, the track selection buttons (second "only green" row of bottons) are shown in this picture with CC values, which in my APC are actually displayed as D3 (plus the channel number).

Brooks Habersetzer
Glad it worked for you, but I would use The Pancaker's map if he can find it. The APC40 and APC20 buttons share the same midi commands so it should be familiar to map it. You don't have to cancel the idea, and if its too many modifiers there's always the option to make multiple mappings. I said it before, it gets a lot more complicated because the extra mappings in a much bigger way will involve the led concept that The Pancaker has said. For the map itself it is as the Pancaker put it, a pain in the ass, and the constant headaches of locating the individual problem when it goes bad, but the ease in which it works in the end is the nice relieving part.
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by The Pancaker

I can send you my apc 20 mapping if it's any use (and if I find it).
Well, I would love that, will try to remap it for my purposes. Thanks in advance..
Loyce Mekonen
I did this some time ago and it was a total pain in the ass. I made the loop selector using 8 buttons, which meant assigning one modifier per button. That means, if I wanted lit only the first button then each of the other buttons needed the command to be "off" while the first one was on. In the end it meant 8 modifier states per button, and that duplicated for a second deck.

It was gratifying though when it was done.

No way around that sadly.

You basically have to make a grid, 1st = Mod 1:1, 2nd = Mod 1:2, 3rd = Mod 1:3 and so on. And then assigning the modifier value per led. So if you want 1st button on, the Led will need Mod 1:1, but you'll need the rest of the modifier values to tell such led to be off. It's seriously a pain in the ass.

I can send you my apc 20 mapping if it's any use (and if I find it).
Mica Uchiyama
Well done, it works great!

I drew a chart for it and if I want to add a third button, that would mean adding another output modifier with scenario M1=3. In terms of inputs, what do I have to add? Another modifier1 maybe?

I planned to have a row of 6 loopers for deck A and then for deck B but will probably cancel it. I could have an empty line in between signalizing what loop is on with red button lit up always above/below it?

An easy way how to do it without running into 15 modifiers again?
Brooks Habersetzer
I made a two button loop changer... it took a lot more commands than I first thought but hey if you're willing to put in the effort for flawless control by all means go for it.

I made the two button changer how you'd want it to really be.
Since I mainly use an APC40 you're in luck.

So basically this is how it functions:
it starts off with m1=0 which is green for both, when you press loop button m1=1 it turns red and the loop on, press it again its goes back to m1=0 turns loop off. For the second button it is the same except m1=2.

Added feature: press loop button 1, then press loop button 2, switches loop size and color of the two loop buttons while keeping the loop on. press the active button and loop will turn off.
This is done by using m3=0 as loop off, and m3=1 as loop on.

So finally the real fun will begin if you want to use more loop buttons.
the output for button 1:
Mod 1, controller range 0 0 midi range 1 1 M1=0
Mod 1, controller range 1 1 midi range 3 3 M1=1 (red)
Mod 1, controller range 2 2 midi range 1 1 M1=2
button 2:
Mod 1, controller range 0 0 midi range 1 1 M1=0
Mod 1, controller range 1 1 midi range 1 1 M1=1
Mod 1, controller range 2 2 midi range 3 3 M1=0 (red)
for every button you continue with you will need to the green out (all mods that aren't the one turning on) and the red out so its rather modifier heavy.

You can study the mapping as that's what its there for and i hope its a decent lesson in the possibility of millions of modifiers and more commands, the major problem is organization so i recommend writing it out what you are trying to achieve.

Again the main idea is to block everything except the one function you want at that time, and with modifers you can do this.

also multiple mappings are pretty key if you want to have instense mappings since pretty much get a free set of modifiers with each individual map.

two button loop changer.tsi
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
What it does is when its in loop mode modifier 1=1 and in non loop mode modifier 1=0. So on and so forth for each additional button.

Yep, the video that I have posted got in notified and does it in the same way, although I have had used only four loop values.
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
Oh yeah I suppose it might be a good idea to add some more modifiers!
I imagine the problem being that when you press the loop button it sets it to a modifier and then there is no way to set it back into its original state so the light gets stuck, and yet the loop turns off.

So to fix it: for the 1/16th example from earlier with modifier 1 equal to 1, add another modifier and set that modifier equal to 0, then for the modification set it to M1=1. Do this for each other loop button, increase the modification by 1 for each increase. 1/8th will be modifier 1 equals 0 with modification M1=2, following above example.

What it does is when its in loop mode modifier 1=1 and in non loop mode modifier 1=0. So on and so forth for each additional button.
Sorry, I am lost.
What I have so far:

In Loop Size Select + Set, 1/8 (started with 1/8), M2=0
In Modifier1, M1=1
In Modifier2, M1=1 (how do I set in Modifier =0?)
Out Loop Active On, M1=1, controller 1 1, midi 3 3
Out Loop Active On, M1=0, controller 0 0, midi 1 1)

These five are all maped to one pad. What I am missing?

Wonder if we will make it.
Brooks Habersetzer
Oh yeah I suppose it might be a good idea to add some more modifiers!
I imagine the problem being that when you press the loop button it sets it to a modifier and then there is no way to set it back into its original state so the light gets stuck, and yet the loop turns off.

So to fix it: for the 1/16th example from earlier with modifier 1 equal to 1, add another modifier and set that modifier equal to 0, then for the modification set it to M1=1. Do this for each other loop button, increase the modification by 1 for each increase. 1/8th will be modifier 1 equals 0 with modification M1=2, following above example.

What it does is when its in loop mode modifier 1=1 and in non loop mode modifier 1=0. So on and so forth for each additional button.
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
Ok assuming that you have an abundance of modifiers, I would believe that there you will need 1 modifier if you use 7 loop levels or 2 modifiers if you use more. So first set the input, say 1/16th beat loop. then add a modifier in, set the modifier 1 equal to 1. Then 1/8th can be modifier 1 equal to 2. Follow this setup until you run out of modifiers saving 2 of them. I will save 0 in this example. Then save another depending on whether or not its in a page so it can be canceled out.

If you have more than 7 loops start on modifier 2 and do the above.

On the loops attached to modifier 1, add modifier 2 equal to 0.
On the loops attached to modifier 2, add modifier 1 equal to 0.

Now for your outputs. Use two of the active loop on outputs on each loop button. For when you want the light to turn red. Turn blend off set min and max controller range to 1 and min and max midi range to 3. Set the modification to M1=1.

For green set controller range to both 0 and midi range to both 1. Set the modification to M1=0.

Do this for the rest the loop buttons. So in the example above 1/8th the modification will be M1=2, and so on.

What this effectively does is split apart the the loop size and loop on. This will work best if the button you press turns the loop on and off, which is what I assume you are doing.
Thanks a lot man, I was hoping someone will show it to me step by step. Although it does not work, haha. Once I set the in modifiers to m1=1 and m2=0, it is no longer working. If I set it to M1=0, M2=0 the loop button works again. The LED lighting is gone for any of those settings (might be because of two outs?)

EDIT: I have changed the outputs from "size select + set" to "loop active on". However, when I set modifier1 to any other value than 1, its stuck and the loop button stops working.
Brooks Habersetzer
Ok assuming that you have an abundance of modifiers, I would believe that there you will need 1 modifier if you use 7 loop levels or 2 modifiers if you use more. So first set the input, say 1/16th beat loop. then add a modifier in, set the modifier 1 equal to 1. Then 1/8th can be modifier 1 equal to 2. Follow this setup until you run out of modifiers saving 2 of them. I will save 0 in this example. Then save another depending on whether or not its in a page so it can be canceled out.

If you have more than 7 loops start on modifier 2 and do the above.

On the loops attached to modifier 1, add modifier 2 equal to 0.
On the loops attached to modifier 2, add modifier 1 equal to 0.

Now for your outputs. Use two of the active loop on outputs on each loop button. For when you want the light to turn red. Turn blend off set min and max controller range to 1 and min and max midi range to 3. Set the modification to M1=1.

For green set controller range to both 0 and midi range to both 1. Set the modification to M1=0.

Do this for the rest the loop buttons. So in the example above 1/8th the modification will be M1=2, and so on.

What this effectively does is split apart the the loop size and loop on. This will work best if the button you press turns the loop on and off, which is what I assume you are doing.
Kellie Myrum
I saw this request before but never actually have multicolor LED controller to test it out in both colors.

Not showing DJ skills here btw.
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by Souvlaki
Yeah the problem arises as each selector is still part of the whole looper. When an out that sets the looper as on or off will trigger all the lights that use the same, you can half ass it with loop size selector to show just the loop size and use another button to symbolize the loop being turned on. Other than that you could go in to modifier heaven and end up using a modifier for each loop size and place a mod out to the colors you wish.

Yeah, I have got another button indicating loop on/off. Could you elaborate a bit and give me an example how to set up modifiers for each loop so they light up individually? Would appreciate that!
Brooks Habersetzer
Yeah the problem arises as each selector is still part of the whole looper. When an out that sets the looper as on or off will trigger all the lights that use the same, you can half ass it with loop size selector to show just the loop size and use another button to symbolize the loop being turned on. Other than that you could go in to modifier heaven and end up using a modifier for each loop size and place a mod out to the colors you wish.
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by Stewe
Do you use this values in controller range?

/32 - 0
/16 - 1
/8 - 2
/4 - 3
/2- 4
1 - 5
2 - 6
4 - 7
8 - 8
16 - 9
32 - 10
Yes, I have read that earlier. I have my midi out set at the same note, loop size select + size, controller range 1 1, midi range 1 3, set for 1/16 loop. When I press it, the loop is on but the pad is still green. I am using APC40 in dumb bode.
Kellie Myrum
Do you use this values in controller range?

/32 - 0
/16 - 1
/8 - 2
/4 - 3
/2- 4
1 - 5
2 - 6
4 - 7
8 - 8
16 - 9
32 - 10
Mica Uchiyama
Originally Posted by padi_04
Unclick "Blend".
Blend has not been checked in any of the commands. Still not working. Do you simply use select size and set, use according tone and that's it?
Nedra Fresneda
Unclick "Blend".

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