Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions.

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Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions.
Posted on: 26.01.2011 by Demetra Pinizzotto
In another thread I added two small tutorials for mapping in traktor.
It seemed like a good way to show beginning mappers where to begin, answer mapping questions, and see what other people are mapping.
This way every one can get new ideas and learn how to map their own.

The format is:
title with subject
description of the mapping, (maybe a very short video to show it)

text explanation in steps
screen shots of the mapping window.

see my two tutorials down here.
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by DJ Zoo
Good day Stewe!

Zoo here once again. I've been loving the Hotcue mapping that you helped me configure in my mixtrack pro. I've tried to make another modification, and it's the LED mapping for the Hotcues this time. I had successfully mapped it to light up when I press the Hotcue buttons, however, when I try to delete just one Hotcue button, all the Hotcue LEDs turn off. What could be the problem? Hope you could help me out once again sir.

Here's the map file for your reference..Attachment 11731

Thanks in advance!
Hi Zoo, I look in your mapping now and see that you have mapped "Delete Hotcue" output for all hotcues and since this command effect to whole deck and not specific hotcue you wanted to. Delete it. Find some other alternative, you can always download someone's mapping which has properly mapped LEDs and then try to replicate same settings in to your mapping.
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by andrejgoshev
a bit nooby question, is there a way to LOCK the "cue" button while deck is playing ? i want to make a little experiment and try djing for a while with audio 2 & kb covers keyboard only and for safety is better the cue is locked
Here are some screenshots Andrej. If that doesn't help I'll make you video

Dorcas Bassignani
Originally Posted by Stewe
Was it similar to this?

no, it was more like

[shift = m1]
[cue mode = m2]
for one button (the one to side of the scratch button on vci100);
copy deck a (m1=0/m2=0)
jump beat back (m1=1/m2=0)
play button [cue mode] (m1=0/m2=1) - transport buttons became cue points, used this as a toggle for play
beatslicer {toggle} [cue mode] (m1=1/m2=1) - used slicer as loop recorder, pre TP2 days

and then the same on the opposite side
Ira Osak
Good day Stewe!

Zoo here once again. I've been loving the Hotcue mapping that you helped me configure in my mixtrack pro. I've tried to make another modification, and it's the LED mapping for the Hotcues this time. I had successfully mapped it to light up when I press the Hotcue buttons, however, when I try to delete just one Hotcue button, all the Hotcue LEDs turn off. What could be the problem? Hope you could help me out once again sir.

Here's the map file for your reference..DJZoo Mixtrack Pro Mapping.tsi

Thanks in advance!
America Caffrey
thanks for the replay guys, but is there a simple way to explain it ?
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by BradCee
lol, battle of the modifiers

in one of my previous vci100 maps i had toggle that relied on another toggle, had sever multi-layer issues due to lack of space
Was it similar to this?

Dorcas Bassignani
lol, battle of the modifiers

in one of my previous vci100 maps i had toggle that relied on another toggle, had sever multi-layer issues due to lack of space
Kellie Myrum
It's the same stuff, just other thing.

Add Modifier 1 / ModCondition M1=2 / button - direct 1
Add Modifier 1 / ModCondition M1=1 / button - direct 2
Dorcas Bassignani
Originally Posted by Stewe
It's better for safety to map this to same button:

Add Modifier 1 / button - inc
Add Modifier 1 / ModCondition M1=1 / button - direct 0
Add cue / ModCondition M1=1

Play track with this cue button (similar to play button) and then eventually press play and disengage cue lock if needed
personal i prefer to use
Add Modifier 1 / ModCondition M1=0 / button - direct 1
Add Modifier 1 / ModCondition M1=1 / button - direct 0
Kellie Myrum
It's better for safety to map this to same button:

Add Modifier 1 / button - inc
Add Modifier 1 / ModCondition M1=1 / button - direct 0
Add cue / ModCondition M1=1

Play track with this cue button (similar to play button) and then eventually press play and disengage cue lock if needed
Dorcas Bassignani
by locked you mean not working?

go into the controller manager, find the cue button mapping and delete it, then maybe map something else there that's more usuful to you
America Caffrey
a bit nooby question, is there a way to LOCK the "cue" button while deck is playing ? i want to make a little experiment and try djing for a while with audio 2 & kb covers keyboard only and for safety is better the cue is locked
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by BradCee
big thing to miss
When you want to make hold button don't set it toggle
Dorcas Bassignani
Originally Posted by Stewe
Oh, my bad, didn't say... Just set effect on as "hold" mode and effect parameter as "direct".
big thing to miss
Kellie Myrum
Oh, my bad, didn't say... Just set effect on as "hold" mode and effect parameter as "direct".
Julian Ispas
ok got it, wow i believe there's something wrong with my traktor pro 2. it didnt work til like after the 5th time of mapping the same thing.

add in > effect (1 or 2 or 3) on > learn a button > set to hold

add in > effect (1 or 3 or 3) amount > learn the same button as above > set to direct > set a number from 0 to 1

this is assume u have choosing beatmasher in the effect (1 or 2 or 3) slot. or u can map for the beatmasher effect to be selected when u press a buttong with "add in > effect (1 or 2 or 3) select > learn the same button as above > set to direct > select the beatmasher.

and remember to direct all 3 mappings to w/e effect bank you want to (1 or 2 or 3 or 4)
Julian Ispas
Originally Posted by Stewe
You need to map same Beatmasher knob to four buttons with four different parameter values.

Add in> FX Unit> Knob>
-Interaction mode set to button
-Type of controller set to direct
-Button 1 value is 0.600
-Button 2 value is 0.800
-Button 3 value is 0.900
-Button 4 value is 1.000

I didn't wrote step by step because it is same setup for all four buttons except of different values at the end.

that doesnt work like that video. if you notice when he presses and holds it activates the effect, but when he releases it deactivate it.

the mapping you listed on sets the effect to that value, you need more mapping to turn on the effect....and it has to be in away that when u hold the button it stays on...and off on release.

i've been trying to mimic, but no luck so far
Pierre Aliseo
Originally Posted by Stewe
Go to "output routing" in preferences and as "output master" set S4 headphones channels.

You can also leave one phone for tick as it is now and set other phone to be master output so you can hear both thing.
Thanks a lot! Much appreciated.

Kellie Myrum
Go to "output routing" in preferences and as "output master" set S4 headphones channels.

You can also leave one phone for tick as it is now and set other phone to be master output so you can hear both thing.
Pierre Aliseo
Hey guys, did a quick search - couldn't find anything. Is there a way to have the master output go through your headphones in the Ean Golden s4 track preparation mapping? I fool around on my s4 with just the headphones on usually (bedroom use) and would like to be able to hear the track I'm prepping when I'm using his mapping. Currently only hear the tick of the metronome through the headphones...

Dorcas Bassignani
Originally Posted by needforseeed
Hello community !

Got a slight I/O kind of problem with my APC40 and Traktor 2.

I assigned an APC knob - it's Track Control 1 or Ch01.CC.048 - to the virtual Traktor EQ knob in Direct Mode. Using Output to Ch01.CC.048 (Controller Range 0.000000 - 1.000000, Midi Range 0 - 127, Invert deactivated, Blend activated) I can synchronize the knob to actions I do with, let's say, my mouse. It kinda works, but: Around 0%, the knob is like glued to the setting! It glitches around, and the knob needs to be turned really fast to get out of the 12 o'clock position. When deactivating Blend, the knobs moving like a charm, but then you can't sync the knob from Traktor back to the APC40.

Does someone know a workaround for this, so that you can send back the EQ knob position to Ch01.CC.048 without any glitching? I mean, it works well in Ableton Live - okay well, it's an Ableton controller, I know - but all I know is that it also just sends out MIDI signals, as you can read in the APC40_Communications_Protocol_rev_1.pdf (you can google that up). So no weird protocols or stuff (Kontrol F1 anyone?)
Thanks for the support!

Okay, seems like this bidirectional thing is really somthing Ableton-Live-exclusive. Could probably find out a way how to remote control all the settings with Ableton Live. Probably Max would help me out there, but I can't do any Max, unfortunatly :/ (Or should I say, yet?) But Ableton is not part of my DJing yet. Will send Traktor audio signals to Ableton ("syncing" them) when getting a decent soundcard and 2 decent 1200s ^^
have you booted the apc in dumb mode?

Kellie Myrum
Seem like nobody knows how to fix this for ya... I never really played with that controller so I couldn't be of much help to you NFS. It would be stupid for Traktor not to supports this feature you are talking about (give it bit more testing) eventually try to use midimasher. If mm can't work that out ether contact NI support and see what they can come up with.
Werner Kust
Hello community !

Got a slight I/O kind of problem with my APC40 and Traktor 2.

I assigned an APC knob - it's Track Control 1 or Ch01.CC.048 - to the virtual Traktor EQ knob in Direct Mode. Using Output to Ch01.CC.048 (Controller Range 0.000000 - 1.000000, Midi Range 0 - 127, Invert deactivated, Blend activated) I can synchronize the knob to actions I do with, let's say, my mouse. It kinda works, but: Around 0%, the knob is like glued to the setting! It glitches around, and the knob needs to be turned really fast to get out of the 12 o'clock position. When deactivating Blend, the knobs moving like a charm, but then you can't sync the knob from Traktor back to the APC40.

Does someone know a workaround for this, so that you can send back the EQ knob position to Ch01.CC.048 without any glitching? I mean, it works well in Ableton Live - okay well, it's an Ableton controller, I know - but all I know is that it also just sends out MIDI signals, as you can read in the APC40_Communications_Protocol_rev_1.pdf (you can google that up). So no weird protocols or stuff (Kontrol F1 anyone?)
Thanks for the support!

Okay, seems like this bidirectional thing is really somthing Ableton-Live-exclusive. Could probably find out a way how to remote control all the settings with Ableton Live. Probably Max would help me out there, but I can't do any Max, unfortunatly :/ (Or should I say, yet?) But Ableton is not part of my DJing yet. Will send Traktor audio signals to Ableton ("syncing" them) when getting a decent soundcard and 2 decent 1200s ^^
Yolande Gudorf
Hi all "crazymappers"))). Im not new to the traktor, and also in very good relations with mapping since traktor 3, im using only mappind did by myself . This topic aldo give me good advices for use , so first of all THANK U GUYS FOR HELPING)))
Ok. Now im using s2 for main control in NHL mode and prepration in MIDI mode, and x1 in MIDI mode for effect combos and hotcues control. This mapping im using since 2.1.2. I didnt upgrade to 2.5, cause issue with second gridmarker, but now when 2.5.1 released i did the upgrade and everything working fine, although better, except one thing - LED of sample state. In previous verdion it work likd this : slot empty- led off
Slot playing- led on( full brightnes)
Slot stoped, or muted - led on( half brightnes)
But now its give me only 2 states off/on with no half brightnes.....
So i tryed many things and combinations, with no result and the last thing that i did - import of default mapping of s2, and i found strange thing - in my mapping when i programming OUT it give me signsl type -out , LED, and regular 4 boxes with midi range.
In the default mapping it have signal type -OUT, controller type -BUTTON, interaction mode - direct, and no boxes with midi range 0_o
So now im liitle bit confused, how can it be?
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by djverse
Hey guys
I got an mpd32 and i can't map cues for the pads
Is any1 here who can tell me the way so i can map my midi-pads for cueing ?
You are talking about hotcues? When add (Set/store hotcue) make sure you determine each button to specify number 1-8 and that Traktor midi in/out port is set to MPD32.
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by killerkdawg23
I am pretty horrible at this whole mapping thing and need some help. How do a map a basic midi pad so that different buttons do different values of beat masher so i can do build ups with them. I want to map it like he has the beat masher mapped to the midi fighters in this video.

You need to map same Beatmasher knob to four buttons with four different parameter values.

Add in> FX Unit> Knob>
-Interaction mode set to button
-Type of controller set to direct
-Button 1 value is 0.600
-Button 2 value is 0.800
-Button 3 value is 0.900
-Button 4 value is 1.000

I didn't wrote step by step because it is same setup for all four buttons except of different values at the end.
Rea Justo
Hey guys
I got an mpd32 and i can't map cues for the pads
Is any1 here who can tell me the way so i can map my midi-pads for cueing ?
Lael Lindroos
I am pretty horrible at this whole mapping thing and need some help. How do a map a basic midi pad so that different buttons do different values of beat masher so i can do build ups with them. I want to map it like he has the beat masher mapped to the midi fighters in this video.

Willard Battley
@ Adrian Lake
I've also been interested in mapping the S4 and I found this it might give some ideas of what is faisible or not on the S4
Kellie Myrum
Since I don't have S4, I'm gonna leave this up to someone who actually owns it and can troubleshot it for you properly. I have tried some time ago to manually map "effect on" to knob (if that's what you want) when I helped one friend to create a mapping for S2 (shouldn't be different than S4) on this community and it wasn't doable from my system.

Sorry for I couldn't be of much help to you.
Ferdinand Pritchett
Originally Posted by Stewe
Never heard of it before. Where does it display that massage?

Try to map filter first, then change deck assignment to C.
It ("inappropriate control") shows up in a red font in the controler mapping window when I click the 'learn' button in the field where it should show the dedicated knob/fader/button. I want to map an "Effect On" on the "Deck C Filter" of my S4...

Edit: Do I have to disable the primary function of the know? How can I do this?
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Adrian Lake
I want to mapping the "Deck C Filter" but it says "inappropriate control" when I w push learn...
any ideas?
Never heard of it before. Where does it display that massage?

Try to map filter first, then change deck assignment to C.
Kellie Myrum
Originally Posted by Geek
So thats that, then.
Unfortunately... If some more people report this as an issue they might fix it in future.

Don't know why they said that sensitivity and acceleration are not supported when they actually are (set to 0% and see). It's just tree scrolling isn't acting in same manor as for list.
Syreeta Stockam
And here's their answer:


just tried it out, one click will always control a one step jump, no matter which

There is no way to change this at this point of time.

Rotary sensitivity and acceleration are not supported for this assignment.

Best regards
Xxxxxxxxxxx, Native Instruments Support Team
So thats that, then.
Syreeta Stockam
Originally Posted by Stewe
Please share what they got to say about that.

regarding browser.list faster scrolling with encoder:

NI support wanted me to use the support tool for report's and a screenshot, might as well put the screenshot here.

First browser.list is 100%, second is 199% and this works right.
First browser.tree is 100%, second is 199% and this doesn't work.

But the fact that they are asking for questions would suggest this is a bug, not an feature which in turn is encouraging Traktor_01.jpg
Ferdinand Pritchett
I want to mapping the "Deck C Filter" but it says "inappropriate control" when I w push learn...
any ideas?
Ferdinand Pritchett
thanks mate, I just added it manually and it worked...
Kellie Myrum
Ever tried to manually enter control, can it be added at all? Does it work with other mappings for S4?
Ferdinand Pritchett
Hey guys

unfortunately my S4 doesn't want to 'learn':
when I click "learn" and push the button / knob nothing happens...
what do I have to do? Are my settings right?


if this is the wrong thread, plz correct me, I'm new to this...
Syreeta Stockam
No worries, should take couple days.

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