Akai APC40 and TPro (MISA basic setup)

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Akai APC40 and TPro (MISA basic setup)
Posted on: 17.07.2009 by Estela Follansbee
DJ TechTools Community:

I was asked to post my basic setup of the Akai APC40. It should provide a decent starting template for anyone creating their own mappings. I created the tsi file section by section according to the hardware, so it should be fairly easy to figure out how to disable or change commands.

PLEASE NOTE: I use the APC in conjunction with a VCI-100. As such, I didn't map out many basic mixing functions for the APC40.
WARNING: If you try to use this tsi in conjunction with a VCI-100, many MIDI notes and CC values will be repeated and conflict. For things to jive using both, I used MIDI Patchbay (for OS X) to take all MIDI from APC40 channel 1 to channel 10 on Traktor Virtual Input and then output all MIDI from Traktor Virtual Output channel 10 to channel 1 on APC40. I will post that tsi and the directions to create that setup in a future thread.
UPDATE: The problem with the APC40 and the VCI-100 using the same MIDI channel is resolved with the new way TPro 1.2 handles MIDI mappings.


Every deck on Traktor has 2 columns dedicated to it on the APC. Column 1 and 2 control Deck A. Column 3 and 4 control Deck B. Column 5 and 6 control Deck C. Column 7 and 8 control Deck D. Column 9 has different functionality to be explained later. I will explain column 1 and 2 in detail, but its functionality is repeated for the other 3 decks.

The first four buttons on each column select HotCues. Buttons 1-4 in Column 1 select HotCues 1-4. Buttons 1-4 in Column 2 select HotCues 5-8. These buttons are lit green [the next 2 columns are lit red, the next 2 are lit green, and the last 2 are lit red]. Button 5 in Column 1 toggles Play/Pause. Button 5 in Column 2 activates/deactivates looping. These two buttons will blink green when a song approaches the end [the next 2 will blink red, the next 2 blink green, the last 2 blink red].

There is nothing currently assigned to this row.

You must press the MASTER button on this row for the mapping to work correctly. This really only affects the DEVICE CONTROL BANK of knobs and buttons, which are currently mapped to control FX2. If you need more controls for EQs and such in your own mapping, this section can easily be exploited.

There is nothing currently assigned to this row.

The button in Column 1 turns on FX1 for Deck A. The button in Column 2 turns on FX2 for Deck A.

There is nothing currently assigned to this row. I would suggest to leave this row as a placeholder for when TPro update 1.2 comes out and provides 4 banks of effects.

The fader in Column 1 pans Deck A left to right. There is nothing currently assigned to the fader in Column 2.

This column of 5 buttons outputs LEDs showing Master Level. The top button lights when clipping occurs. The lower 4 buttons create something like a VU meter.

The knob changes the CLOCK MASTER BPM when Tempo Mode is set to Internal. Sensitivity can be adjusted in MIDI mapping to scroll faster through BPM range.

The fader changes the Tempo Mode from Man/Auto/Ext/Int. All the way down is Manual. All the way up is Internal.

The top four knobs select the effects in FX1. Knob 1 selects effect in Advanced Mode. Knob 2 selects Effect 1 in Chained Mode. Knob 3 selects Effect 2 in Chained Mode. Knob 4 selects Effect 3 in Chained Mode.
The lower four knobs correlate to the GUI for both Advanced and Chained mode of FX1.
The buttons correlate to the GUI for the Advanced mode. The SEND A, SEND B, and SEND C buttons correlate to the GUI in the Chained mode.

Pressing down the shift button activated MOD1. It also sets Browser View to default.

The left arrow loads selected track to Deck A by default/loads selected track to Deck C when SHIFT is pressed/always sets Browser View to default.
The right arrow loads selected track to Deck B by default/loads selected track to Deck D when SHIFT is pressed/always sets Browser View to default.
The up arrow scrolls up in the browser by default/scrolls up by a page when SHIFT is pressed/always sets Browser View to Browser Only.
The down arrow scrolls down in the browser by default/scrolls down by a page when SHIFT is pressed/always sets Browser View to Browser Only.

Sets MOD2 and MOD3 to 0 value. The potential need for this will be explained in next section.

This button switches FX1 from Advanced to Chained mode. Advanced mode is MOD2 = 0. Chained mode is MOD2 = 1. If for some reason TRACK CONTROL bank appears to not function, this may be due to a desynchronization of MOD2. Simply press NUDGE- until FX1 is in Advanced mode. Then press TAP TEMPO to set MOD2 = 0. This will synchronize the settings and everything will function properly afterwards. It would be wise to set default view of Traktor GUI at startup to have Advanced FX panels.

This button switches FX2 from Advanced to Chained mode. Advanced mode is MOD3 = 0. Chained mode is MOD3 = 1. If for some reason DEVICE CONTROL bank appears to not function, this may be due to a desynchronization of MOD3. Simply press NUDGE+ until FX2 is in Advanced mode. Then press TAP TEMPO to set MOD3 = 0. This will synchronize the settings and everything will function properly afterwards. It would be wise to set default view of Traktor GUI at startup to have Advanced FX panels.

This bank functions to control FX2 in a way identical to how TRACK CONTROL BANK controls FX1.
PLEASE NOTE: For this mapping to function correctly, MASTER must be selected in TRACK SELECTION ROW.

There is nothing currently assigned to these buttons.

The crossfader is assigned to the crossfader.

There is nothing currently assigned to these potential controls.

I hope this tsi proves useful for some people and gets them started on their own personalized mappings. I will be providing tsi files of my own settings including simultaneous use of the Akai APC40 and MPK25, Vestax VCI-100, Korg nanoKontrol and nanoPad, and iPod Touch running TouchOSC in the future.
Cornelius Matlosz
My questions have been answered in this thread, for those interested: http://www.djranking s.com/community /sho...752#post379752
Cornelius Matlosz
P.S. What exactly is dumb mode. Does it mean that all hardware midi maps are wiped clean? Resulting in a fully unmapped device?
Cornelius Matlosz
Done a bit of research. Now for the basic noob question that goes far and solves all my problems when answered:

If you use the regular mode (not dumb mode) can you map the "Track Selection" buttons?

What exactly does selecting them change? I used the "learn" button to check other threads I've read. Each row has the same notes/cc, but each column resides on a different channel. Would they change if I selected a different Track Selection?

What does "bank" actually mean? Does it mean that like in Ableton selecting a Track Selection button makes all the midi notes/cc's of all other buttons in columns 1-8 different than if another Track Selection button were pressed (like in Ableton)?
Ppl have used the term bank for different things in probably incorrect/colloquial ways..I want to know the real truth.

Gahh, I don't even know how to explain this without being confusing. It's a simple small fact which solves everything, but I haven't been able to figure it out because I haven't found one post to be completely clear with all terminology described and comprehensive...frustration is beinding me. I spent all of yesterday doing a Mixtrack mapping.
Dana Ordinario
@Shaggy Dupes have you checked out the Traktor Command Finder on TraktorBible.com?


Just mouse over the different GUI elements and it will show you all the corresponding mapping commands. It doesn't explain them in detail (That's what the book is for) but it will give you a rough idea of what it is and how you could use it. Hope this helps and if you really want to get into detail on MIDI mapping in Traktor I would buy the Bible it is THE resource when it comes to Traktor and Mapping.
Sherilyn Lacinski
maybe Im doing something wrong but I put my apc40 into "dumb mode" by opening ableton and making sure the apc40 is working in there, then closing out of it and opening traktor.

when I do this I lose LED rings around the "device control" section and the 9 banks of encoders I also lose access to... any help?
Mathilda Zettlemoyer
Great Job Misa..

Do you happen to have a JPG or PDF image of all the mapped buttons and knobs?

It will greatly be appreciated.

Alvin Rayl
hey guys, so i just dove into the world of mapping for traktor as I just got the APC40 and i am having a little trouble. I already have 4 decks with play and loop and pitchbend and a volume fader for each deck. i also got the xfader to work between chanels. i feel like an idiot because i can't find the command for activating the headphone cue on each deck. i need to figure out how i can moniter different than the house mix and i'm hoping you all could show me some midi mapping community love. haha.
-shaggy dupes
Glennis Bischoff
thats what im using it for! Awesome!
Stephnie Godbole
this controller has gotten extremely popular, even I have one for TP2 =p
Glennis Bischoff
thank you sooooo much, i will build off this to suit APC40 only controll (for now) and will learn from your work. thanks again!
Weldon Heesacker
nice i chek this
Brittaney Maxedon
Top work there Misa.
Just purchased an APC40 on the road to trying to get an APC80 under my belt........
I will be coming back here once the delivery is made........
You are a true star for sharing your hard work.
Mazie Lokker
Hey did you ever end up making the mpk25 .tsi??
Lillia Pyper
Hey i have the apc20 and i am looking for the apc20 misa .tsi Does anyone have this?? please i need

Billy Daka
I cant get this to work ???????
Debora Tobar
ok, I have a noob question here:

I imported the tsi file in traktor, but I can't get it to load my apc40...

can you tell me the exact steps to follow? and the midi input/output config, because traktor can't detect my apc40...

The apc40 is working well in Ableton.

thanks for your help!
Debora Tobar

I'm trying to download the tsi file but it doesnt work...

EDIT: ok it works now!!

Katharine Montemagno
this looks like a great mapping misa wish i had the money for an apc40 but i'm going ot have to go for an apc 20 and map it for 2 decks in traktor not 4. would your mapping tsi still work on the 20 just without the right hand side of the controller. as the 20 does not have it????
Kyong Prodigalidad
Misa... thanks alot!!!
Estela Follansbee
The TRACK SELECTION buttons do provide an output. I am using them to change FX panel mode from adv/chained for each effect. Potentially, you could map every bank with the same controls, so changing banks would not affect what the knobs/buttons are used for in the DEVICE CONTROL section. You may run into takeover problems as each bank's knobs would have a different value, and would require soft-takeover or cause jumps in direct mode. In my first mapping, I simply stated that you must keep the MASTER track selection button selected and not do any bank switching. You could also simply use a modifier with the CLIP STOP buttons to get another layer of buttons without messing with the TRACK SELECTION buttons.

I haven't used Bomes and can't help you with that. There should be plenty of posts on DJTT and Bome's community s to guide you.
Kyong Prodigalidad
Is there a way so that those Track Selection boutons dont react like you said, like changing the midi message of the 8 device control knobs and boutons? Because I had other plans for these.
Do you know how I could use Bome so that the Track Control knobs react to the parameters of the Fx panels into traktor?
Estela Follansbee
CLIP STOP buttons are only green, the STOP ALL CLIPS button has no LED. As far as blinking, I don't believe they can natively blink from a MIDI value, but if a Traktor output causes blinking (i.e., LED on/off when clipping occurs) then they should respond. TRACK SELECTION buttons are special as described below.

Checked at home. The LED rings don't follow onscreen changes, so either direct control would cause a jump or use soft takeover. The demo video you saw demonstrates some of the communication made possible with the Ableton collaboration, but not native to the hardware. You may be able to figure out a way to get this action with Bomes/MIDI translator program. Nevertheless, the DEVICE CONTROL section may be a solution for you.

The DEVICE CONTROL section of knobs and buttons on the APC40 is banked through the TRACK SELECTION buttons, providing 9 banks. The position of the LED ring for each bank is stored. I am using 8 of the banks to control FX in a manner you may appreciate. Bank 1 is FX1 chained, Bank 2 is FX1 advanced, Bank 3 is FX 2 chained, Bank 4 is FX 2 advanced, and so on. So clicking on TRACK SELECTION 1 activates FX1 as chained and can be controlled with knobs/buttons on DEVICE CONTROL. Clicking on TRACK SELECTION 2 actives FX1 as advanced and can be controlled with knobs/buttons on DEVICE CONTROL. If I click back to TRACK SELECTION 1, the parameters I had set for FX1 in chained mode will reappear. That still leaves the last bank for global controls like pan/key/loops/whatever you can believe of.
Kyong Prodigalidad
okok thanks!
Is it the same for the Clip stop and the Track selection boutons? Can they blink green?

I was asking you for the knobs because I saw on some demo videos that when you press on the bouton Pan, Send A, Send B or Send C on the apc, the led rings around the 8 knobs of the track control changes depending on the value of the knobs into ableton. See, my problem is that when I'll change the effect on one of the Fx panels into traktor, the values of the knobs into traktor will change(because of the presets). I want the apc40 to reconize those values so i dont have to do a soft takeover...
Estela Follansbee
Originally Posted by djprefere1
If I map any knobs of the apc to the wet/dry of the FX panel 1 of traktor pro, would the midi value(0-127) would change on the apc if I play with the wet/dry of traktor with my computer mouse.

Does the scene launch boutons on the apc can be an other color then green?
For the first part, I imagine you are speaking about the LED ring around the knob. Are you asking if you adjust the wet/dry value of FX1 on the computer screen with the mouse, will the LED ring around the knob assigned to that function on the APC40 change? I am not sure at the moment and will check back when I get home today. My initial reaction would be no, the LED ring does not change in response to changes on the computer screen.

The scene launch buttons on the APC40 are only green. They do not have red LEDs from the hardware side, and so cannot produce the red/orange that the clip launch matrix is capable of displaying. You would have to modify the hardware yourself to get any color other than green.
Kyong Prodigalidad
first of all, sorry for my bad english im french
I didnt bought the apc40 yet because nobody answered those questions yet:

If I map any knobs of the apc to the wet/dry of the FX panel 1 of traktor pro, would the midi value(0-127) would change on the apc if I play with the wet/dry of traktor with my computer mouse.

Does the scene launch boutons on the apc can be an other color then green?

Thanks alot Misa, you are helping me ALOT
Estela Follansbee
Originally Posted by BodoByte
Hey misa,

i tried you mapping and it
Adah Samuel
Hey misa,

i tried you mapping and it
Estela Follansbee
The MIDI values of 1 - 6 are not the same as the Controller values in Traktor mappings. When making a new rule in Traktor controller mappings, the two boxes for controller value (usually 0 - 7 range) appear above two boxes for midi value (usually 0 - 127).

You assign the APC40 LED values of 1 - 6 as the highest value of the MIDI range (so the MIDI range would be 0 - 2 if you want the button to blink green when activated).

The clip stop row does not appear to support multiple colors from the hardware side (only green LEDs built in).
Timothy Getz
Originally Posted by misa
Not sure what you mean by negative value for the controller range. Are you trying to get the LED's to turn off?

The MIDI values for the LED lights are 1,2,3,4,5,6 to change the LEDs from green/blinking green/amber/blinking amber/red/blinking red. I believe this is in respective order, but you should double-check.
So when you enter controller range there is a negative value of -1 for the min and a pos value of 7. When trying to manually enter the negative value it resets back to 0. I cannot enter any values other than 1 or 0 for the controller range.

*EDIT* For the Clip stop row can you not have multiple colors?
Desirae Demott
OK so after a week of editing and combining misa's template with my own I have attached below my tsi. Thanks to misa for helping with the midi out commands to control the leds!

ps. I will post a short video explaining the mapping shortly as will take ages to explain!
ceyhun gunaz
This thing sounds pretty cool, to bad the only access i have to an APC is down in LA... Well eventually i will check it!
Estela Follansbee
Originally Posted by andy311
so if im understanding correctly...the track selection buttons change the midi messages sent out by the lower banks of knobs within the hardware. so you could use these buttons as "scene" buttons so to speak in order to have different groupings of those knobs?
Yeah, pressing a track selection button would change the MIDI channel output by the lower bank of 8 knobs and 8 buttons. The Track Selection row of buttons on the APC40 ends up working like hardwired MOD buttons for Traktor.

The lower set of knobs and buttons essentially gives you 9 banks.

8 knobs + 8 buttons x 9 different channels = 72 knobs + 72 buttons
Estela Follansbee
Originally Posted by jaredf
Couple questions.

How can you program a negative value for the controller range? Im having a hard time programming the LED's to have the proper response.

What are the different values needed for flashing, still, red, green?


Not sure what you mean by negative value for the controller range. Are you trying to get the LED's to turn off?

The MIDI values for the LED lights are 1,2,3,4,5,6 to change the LEDs from green/blinking green/amber/blinking amber/red/blinking red. I believe this is in respective order, but you should double-check.
Jina Moskowitz
so if im understanding correctly...the track selection buttons change the midi messages sent out by the lower banks of knobs within the hardware. so you could use these buttons as "scene" buttons so to speak in order to have different groupings of those knobs?
Kandy Ahdoot
could someone please do a video of the apc and traktor please i really wanna see it all together
Timothy Getz
Couple questions.

How can you program a negative value for the controller range? Im having a hard time programming the LED's to have the proper response.

What are the different values needed for flashing, still, red, green?


Zena Dagrosa
I need more time... this week is moving week...
next week i put some explanation and post here!

also coming more stuff about connecting with pd..

but if u play around u will find out...
the difficult one is the shift keys for walking in the time line and setting up the cues...
the rest is quite ok to find out...
Sharolyn Wildeboer
Hey Andrew,

sounds good, any chance you could post a short vidoe demonstrating how your mappings work ?

Zena Dagrosa
I made more mapping with more adaptations...

u can have a free download and post a comment here:


thanks for the info Dj TECH!
Sharolyn Wildeboer
thanks for the midi map, absolutely brilliant, it has made my day ;-)

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