Want a custom controller???

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Want a custom controller???
Posted on: 09.06.2009 by Graham Frazier
When i am finished with the 3... yes 3 controllers i am building right now, i have decided to give back to the community that has helped and inspired me so much.

So sometime around the end of the summer, maybe sooner, i will be offering my services to the good people here. Just tell me the design/features you want and i'll use my ample free time to construct a high quality midi controller, custom built for you.

The cost will be: cost of parts, shipping, and a very small charge for my time and effort.
The rewards: a top notch custom controller for you, and the chance for me to work on new ideas beyond my own, and build up my portfolio.

Start coming up with ideas/layouts, and you could have your custom controller by this fall, maybe sooner.
Adolf Hit
rather than one knob/ lcd per channel you would want to make it in modular groups of controls.
eg a rack of four knobs and 5 buttons - FX
a line of 5 center detent pots - eq's

even though in terms of over all layout and control focus every body wants something a little different to the next guy, the same paradigms (ouch i said that?) hold true when you look at the arrangment of functional groups of controls for the bread n butter of mixing controls.

To acheive a modular design the best approach is to use a central higher spec processor to handle the USB and act as a host to all the modules, the modules would be fitted with slower low spec (cheap ) micro controllers and be connected serially via either an SPI or I^2C bus. Each module would have a unique address so it knows which packets are meant for it, and an identifying code which lets the host controller identify its type.

To design a system like that is no small feat if you want it to work well, though in saying that it is by no means out of the reach of hobbyists with a reasonable skill set.
Breana Singerman
it doesn't have to be modular, it can be set like that. I just liked how they had it so you can design your own controller. There are somethings that can be taken away and so on as I don't need some of them. Obviously if you do start making it I have a few more idea's I'd like to include and so.
Hamza Ishaq
Originally Posted by Str8upDrew
Semi-modular you say...
yeah, cause totally modular would be 1 control/LCD per module and I can see no way this is gonna work. But what do I know . Looking forward to the other suggestions/designs/ideas
Graham Frazier
We might be able to come up with something....
Semi-modular you say...
I don't know though, my original idea was do make these so people could have a custom layout/design to fit their playing style. When modules get involved everything is already in a pseudo-fixed position, and that takes away the personal feel.

But, i may be wrong, people might not care about a personal feel, as long as the function is there???
Hamza Ishaq
he he, I know. And super expensive. It was more intended as a starting point for the community. As you seem to have the experience and kindly offered your services, I was believeing maybe we all could come up with some kind of semi-modular design which would work for most people. If the design and the software would then be open-source, it could be used by many people here to build their dream controller... or you sell the modules??? dunno, if we all can come up with a good design, maybe a donation pool could be arranged and the prototype development financed from that... then see what's next... Just believeing out loud.

Have you seen xndr's modules at http://www.machinecollective.org ? (Also check his flickr page). His prototyping modules come close to what I envisioned, but lack the LCD feedback. And I prefer long strip-modules than square-modules. Think it's more flexible. Anyway, some good designs on his site, also on the enclosures.
Graham Frazier
If you want it, it can be done. Just to let you know though, it's going to take a long time to build all of those modules and getting them all to work together.
Graham Frazier
Speaking of screen-key's...


I want one...
Hamza Ishaq
As much fun as it would be, the little LCDs aren't LCD-buttons, cause a single screenkey goes for 30-50
Graham Frazier
Originally Posted by Nephew

Little something I whipped up, but instead of 8 channels I would want 10
If you really want that it can be done. Just a few questions for you...
-Do you want the small lcd's to be color or will gray/green scale do?
-Would you like the computer to be integrated?
-Would you want to keep it modular for the possibility of adding future controls?
-Rotary encoders or standard pots?
-Any led rings or bars?
Graham Frazier
My digital camera is busted, don't know what the problem is, i probably could fix it, but its old so i'm going to just get a new one. As soon as i get it i will post pics of my current projects.

It all depends on what you need, some good starting points are the hale-32, the leo bodnar HID (not midi), the arduino (capable of quite a bit), and the midi box, just a few suggestions.

I do use the midibox for some projects, i haven't tried a stm32 core yet but i really want to soon. The 32 is interchangeable with the older core, so i plan on swapping it out with my 1st midi box project that i haven't used in years.

-the modular controller
Looks like quite a build, Those lcd buttons can get really expensive, if they just want little lcd screens it would be cheaper, but the lcd buttons would be more fun, a 12" touch lcd can be costly too. This would take a lot of time for design and coding. I haven't got any experience with OSC, but i've heard its pretty easy.
On a controller like this i would probably want to take away the laptop all together. Put the computer end of this inside the 12" lcd case.
Making it modular would be a nice challenge. Trying to conceal all of the cables in the case would be a bitch.
Maybe add a keyboard module, the have you could have a custom Openlabs Neko style thing going on.

It could be done, but in all honesty, i don't know if it would be a good idea for me to get into a module based system. But on the other hand....
you just got the gears going...... to the drawing board.....
for a module based system of my own design. (nothing as extravagant as seen above) but my system wont cost thousands of dollars like i foresee that build costing.
Breana Singerman

Little something I whipped up, but instead of 8 channels I would want 10
Diogo Ribeiro
i have some awesome ideas for controllers. Would you be using midibox?
Breana Singerman
I'm liking where this is going
Hamza Ishaq
this one's gonna be a challenge :eek: :eek:

http://www.djcommunity s.com/community s/showp...6&postcount=19

It's a modular design, but here's an example layout.

Originally designed for a stanton contest on djcommunity s,
Hamza Ishaq
yeah, would like to see your previous controllers as well
Doug Bieling
Hi There,

Any chance you could answer my question i posted a while back re a custome midi controller?

What is it i need to start building a controller. I take it its soem sort of central midi unit that all my buttons and faders connect to. What is it called , where can i get one from ?

Any information greatly apprecited.

I have an old mixer that i am considering modding to become a midi controller.

Breana Singerman
Yeah, curious to see the quality of you're work. I'm very interested in doing this as I have some idea's floating around and would love to get them made out.

Arcelia Siebeneck
can we see some pictures/links of the 3 custom controllers you've already done?
Cristian Carmona
ok...to the drawing board!
Graham Frazier
Draw it up, i'll work it out.
Feel free to make any changes you would like, the possibilities are endless.

You just gotta write you own .tks/.tsi, that takes way too much time.
Cristian Carmona
something along those lines would be nice. I carry a huge flight case for my vci, so size is not a problem
Graham Frazier
Like the vestax tr-1

Or i could make something, but i seriously doubt i could get it to be that thin.
Cristian Carmona
i would like a vci-100 w/out the jog wheels (wishful believeing, I know)

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