Reply to Softstep by Keith Mcmillian
Softstep by Keith Mcmillian So, finally figured out what to buy, and bought it. Previously I had the horrendously implemented Behringer FCB1010. I modded this out with UNO firmware... and bought the Fcb Editor, worked well enough, clunky for sure. Nuff said, that unit finally broke when i kicked the powerstrip during an update. So i began looking for a new solution. Let me say.... Wow, i absolutely love this Softstep pedal. Finer details: 10 Multitouch pads with a 4 way x/y nav of which the up/down are assignable. Left/right changes bank. Let me explain how this works... Each pad can detect pressure, rotation, direction. Each pad can send 6 simultaneous midi messages or OSC events. Each pad can have a LED text string display values or parameter. Each pad state can have an associated LED state, blinking, on/off The basic triggers are: Foot On/Off, Pressure On/Off, Pressure X, Pressure Y, Pressure Latch, X/Y latch, Wait Trigger, Long Hold Trigger, Fast Trigger, Double Tap Trigger. Note each of these triggers can be assigned at the same time to the same PAD!!!! with different midi output sources and messages. For instance you could multiplex a Foot on message and send to multiple midi interfaces. Conditional outputs allow min/max range, toggle, or discreet value. Limitation: I HAVE BEEN UPDATED WITH INFO, multipad is an option. Implementation: I've tried many different paradigms so far, still kinda feeling out, what my feet seem most inclined to do.. Fundamentally i am working on a "do no harm" setup that i can't mess anything up to bad with my obviously less dextrous feet. I created a Traktor FX section. 3 pads are set as X Pressure, and they are mapped to Effect Amount. Here is an example command chain. Foot On->Effect 1 On, Deck A Foot move right/left->Effect 1 Amount increase/decrease Foot Off->Effect 1 Off, Deck A I created an autolooper, super simple hold foot down for length of loop to set. Foot On->Set Cue->LoopIn Foot Off->Loop Out I also took and made two banks of Instant Gratification MidiFighter mapping. Set all the pad's to Pressure on, and the Echo Delay to a toggle. Mashing with feet. I also created a cue section that when you do a long trigger hold it will delete the cue. If anyone has some interesting ideas for this device, i would love to chat and see if we can make it work. l0rdr0ck P.S. Did i mention it is made of carbon fiber? LOL, super nice. | |
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