Reply to UC-33/e vs BCR2000
UC-33/e vs BCR2000 Please pardon for the large post.. Looking to add some knob control to compliment my monome setup. I used search and couldn't find a thread on this subject already, so I figured I'd make one because these controllers are old but still useful and relevant. I plan on using a setup with 8 channels in live of possibly volume and mostly FX. So a few points I'd like to have people clear up between the two are -build quality (both case and actual components) -driver quality -am I really going to hate soft takeover that much? -is there better controller for the price? -Difference between UC-33/e? I was dead set on the BCR mostly because I heard the build quality of the UC was horrible. After some searching I've heard users say the UC's build is actually pretty good. Then I realized, it'd be nice to have some faders plus the UC is smaller plus the BCR is ugly. Either way my facts on the units are too cloudy to make a definite decision, so if you all could post which you have used and which you prefer. And no K2 recommendations or anything, I'm looking for cheaper control. Thanks a ton for the help! | |
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