Reply to Custom padKontrol software
Custom padKontrol software So, as a computing student i need a project for this summer and i have a Korg padKontrol which i am only partially satisfied with. I hope to be able to create a custom midi translator (similar to bomes) for the Korg padKontrol, pictured below. The crazy thing about the padKontrol is that you can only midi map the two knobs at the top right, the pads and the x-y scratchpad. All of the other buttons, including the rotary encoder control the padKontrols menu system and behavior. However, by sending obscure midi sysex messages you can set the controller to 'native' mode, which sends midi output from every control on the device. You can also send messages to turn the button LED's on/off and even write a message on the LED display. The downside is that the communication is all done in the sysex format. While 'normal' MIDI follows global standards, the format of sysex messages is completely up to the manufacturer and varies from device to device. I hope to create a bespoke piece of software specifically for the padKontrol that allows complete use of all controls. I also wish to implement usefull feedback from Traktor into the LED's. (Im believeing of having the buttons flash to the beat, that would be awesome ) This is going to be Mac only. Sorry windows users. If anyone has:
I would love to hear back from you. Dups. EDIT: Just found out about farmpad. How i did not bump into this during my research is beyond me. I might still have a shot at this just for fun. | |
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