Reply to Headphones... Any recommendations... So confused!
Headphones... Any recommendations... So confused! Well, my trusty Technics RP-DJ1200s are coming to the end of their happy little lives, and so the time comes to buy some new ones. I've read all tons of reviews on here, and elsewhere on-line, and now im just even more confused! I know one of the replies I would get would be "Go and listen to some, and find some you like" etc etc, but I don't want to spend hours choosing new cans by trying and listening to heaps of pairs and just saying "No" to countless pairs... So, my short list at the moment is as follows: Pioneer HDJ 2000 Senheisser HD380 Pro KRK KNS8400 and A&H Xone XD 53 This is subject to change depending of the responses I get here. Top budget is | |
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