What do you look like?

What do you look like?
Posted on: 09.12.2010 by Kala Pellar
We have the introduce yourself, but can we have a 'post your picture' thread?

Mainly cos I just heard there are chicks on this site! lol.

This is me pretending to be Tiesto, lol:

Kristofer Krauel
Originally Posted by V-Hoff
And this is my best friend Rocco

is that a REAL dog or a toy one??!!
Ethel Feigum
Here's me Druuunk! at a gig a while ago...

...And me trying to get drunk on St. Patty's Day a few years back...

Irwin Ney
And this is my best friend Rocco

Irwin Ney
Wedding Pictures!


This was shot @ Pacha Buenos Aires - Argentina
Monroe Sha

Im the guy on the far left with the Mickey gloves. This was the morning after a great party. Watching the sunrise.
Marshall Aby
@Karlos - not the sound tech guy? It was about 18 months ago
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by Gr0wTesK
haha me too. I blew my hamstring for good a year ago. Now I just dj and drink beers and eat burgers. And I've lost like 20 pounds haha
I've been down for a year with achilles tendentious and it's not getting any better. And I've gained almost 20 pounds.
Arline Gruel
Originally Posted by photojojo
God, I wish I could still run.
haha me too. I blew my hamstring for good a year ago. Now I just dj and drink beers and eat burgers. And I've lost like 20 pounds haha
Leeanna Ayla
God, I wish I could still run.
Arline Gruel
Julietta Mistretta
rogue pic snapped by wife

ed: note the smooth mix from movember to decembeard

Leeanna Ayla
The only regular girls I know of are Lola, Armyofme, and Monika, but Monika never really comes around any more. Beware though, Lola's fond of telling young boys she's a man. :eek:
Kala Pellar
A have a few red x's so I might have missed it, but only 1 chick so far?

What gives? This is a major sausage fest!
Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by JesterNZDJ
That your beemer dude? My dad just flicked off his honda vtr100 (rocketship , but was costing him $200 a weekend in back tires!) and bought an 1100 rs. beautiful machine, torque up the wazzoo and smooth as james bond drinking a martini.
Yep, it's a 1993 GSPD

And I do some unholy things on her

Originally Posted by paulmac
how do i get my pics to show up in my post and not just have a box with a X in it??
You either attach the image to the trhead in advanced posting options or you have to host it somewhere. Most hosting sites will have a link that you can click that already has the [img] tags around it. If they do just use that and paste it into the thread. If nit right click on the image wherever you have it hosted and select copy image url. Then come back here and click the icon that has the mountain in it in the advanced posting box and paste the url to the image in there and hit okay.
Candy Vardy
Man its so funny to see some of you guys of what you actually look like.

When you get to know the guys around here you kind of make up an image in your head of what they look like. Now that we all posting up pics, we can see what everyone really looks like and its funny as hell..
Nick Ross
Originally Posted by paulmac
how do i get my pics to show up in my post and not just have a box with a X in it??
Weird...thought you looked like a box with an X in it!
Roy Houn
how do i get my pics to show up in my post and not just have a box with a X in it??
Nick Ross

technically my last gig with the vci

nayit ruiz jaramillo
Originally Posted by lethal_pizzle
Proud Gallery, Camden, London
Woah ... my mate Sam works at Proud. At least i believe he still does.

Do you know Sam Talbot ???
Kala Pellar
Originally Posted by lethal_pizzle
Proud Gallery, Camden, London
I love Proud, saturday daytime drinking in the Stables is sweeeeeet.
Marshall Aby
Proud Gallery, Camden, London
Harold Jaras

Random X
Originally Posted by lola
mm loving the treasure trail, jest
Hahahahaa... Damnz.... you'z a wickit!

Originally Posted by Lecko
Angry? Pouting? Mehhh same thing

Hahahaha, pouting even... Got to remember wearing my contacts when browsing!
Random X
Originally Posted by lola
good question, hm how about ADE '11?
That could be awesome!


Wowzers.... Post 6000 already!
Carlee Pickard
This is me, but just letting ya'll know the only time my eyes look like that when I start DJ'ing. I go into a trance and get all red eyed n crazy!

Julianna Riecken
Originally Posted by Tekki
That's probably the reason for the angry look right?
Angry? Pouting? Mehhh same thing
Latoria Kavulich
That your beemer dude? My dad just flicked off his honda vtr100 (rocketship , but was costing him $200 a weekend in back tires!) and bought an 1100 rs. beautiful machine, torque up the wazzoo and smooth as james bond drinking a martini.
Leeanna Ayla
Changing my oil before a big ride

A, uhm, few years ago.

Ciara Cuttill
... 'tis I
Sheba Rostas
Originally Posted by JesterNZDJ
heres a more recent pic (for the ladies)

mm loving the treasure trail, jest
Cristian Carmona
Originally Posted by JesterNZDJ
Trust Jesc to bring some actual professionalism into the conversation
Man I had to do a photo shoot do get a decent head shot for the flyers.
Latoria Kavulich
Trust Jesc to bring some actual professionalism into the conversation
Latoria Kavulich
heres a more recent pic (for the ladies)

Cristian Carmona
Sheba Rostas
yeah and next time somebody posts a 'what do you guys look like' thread, i'll be the dj in the picture

for now just a lowly party girl
Latoria Kavulich
Where's Jester?

Normal story, cant find bugger all of myself playing, this is about the best i could find, playing shit tunes for drunken hillbillies lol

Latoria Kavulich
Originally Posted by Obrigado
it's me
Sheba Rostas
Originally Posted by Tekki
So, when are you coming over?
good question, hm how about ADE '11?
Teresia Janusch
ok, so here we have me playing at a club called thompsons in belfast, my fave dj booth ever acoustically, then theres an old poster, then finally a more recent pic taken at my friday evening residency in my home town

Leeanna Ayla
Originally Posted by MIDI MAN
here is a picture of me drinking beer on a motor bike... enjoy
Damn crazy Canadians!!

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