Reply to Getting the LOUDEST CLEANEST mix
Getting the LOUDEST CLEANEST mix Hey there DJTT I am on my way to my own little EP release and ive learned an obscene amount in the past few months only thing is... when i look at the decibel output of a skrillex production song its pinned to the limiter THE WHOLE TIME yet still has a nice clean wave form and a solid dynamic, without distortion or any sort of mix mess. im only a few dB away from acheiveing that kind of loudness (not with as much clarity) but i cant seem to make it there without making everything sound like crap! is there something im missing? will i ever be able to do it on my own or should i just send it to a M.E. and stop wasting my time? any help would be great, tips and tricks too... here is a link to my sound cloud. my producitons on there sound like crap compared to what im making but maybe it will give you insight as to where im at. thanks guys Sam | |
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