Pitch bend fader gives negligible adjustments

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Pitch bend fader gives negligible adjustments
Posted on: 23.11.2009 by Marybeth Sardone
Hi all!

I just got my VCI-100SE 4 days ago and it is everything I dreamed of in a midi controller. I LOVE the build quality, performance, and features of this controller.

However, there is one downfall and I believe it can be fixed somehow, but I am not sure.

The issue: My pitch bend faders for the +/-8 bpm only changes the pitch through a window of roughly 1.0 bpm.

How can i get them to be more sensitive and adjust more accurately?

Marybeth Sardone
Originally Posted by nancement1
She LOVES the build quality, performance, and features of this controller.
She? Excuse you. And thanks Ean and dero2.
Marybeth Sardone
Hi all!

I just got my VCI-100SE 4 days ago and it is everything I dreamed of in a midi controller. I LOVE the build quality, performance, and features of this controller.

However, there is one downfall and I believe it can be fixed somehow, but I am not sure.

The issue: My pitch bend faders for the +/-8 bpm only changes the pitch through a window of roughly 1.0 bpm.

How can i get them to be more sensitive and adjust more accurately?

Marybeth Sardone
Originally Posted by nancement1
She LOVES the build quality, performance, and features of this controller.
She? Excuse you. And thanks Ean and dero2.
Mariko Swayney
She LOVES the build quality, performance, and features of this controller.
Herlinda Koep
when is the new release coming out? i also have the same problem where my pitch fader is pretty much usless so i have to hit sync before hand to get the bmp the same then mix etc...

also should i upgrade traktor to the latest version im using version 1.2??


we are about to release a new TSi that allows for greater than +/- 8 % adjustments..
Madalene Ranjan
Go into preferences and look in the transport menu. You can adjust the pitch fader range and the pitch bend sensitivity there.

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