midifighter with lego case?

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midifighter with lego case?
Posted on: 31.12.2009 by Laurel Litchko

i'm believeing about doing this with my midifighter. any thoughts on this? probably do this just until the siding from djtt comes out--the exposed part is pretty cool, but i'm extremely hazard prone lol.
Rae Beachy
Very unfortunate that this write up never came to fruition.

Time to go hunting for the massive chest of lego somewhere in my garage....
Lorelei Przybylowicz
+ 3 pleeeease !!!!
Johnie Lytton
+1 :x

Marguerite Salsedo
Huzzah, necro-posting!
Kinda forgot about this, my lego case is still going strong for me
I'd like to see a write up of Ean's case construction too lol.
Laurel Litchko

is this write up somewhere in the pipelines?
Silvia Varelas
Any update on when you'll write up how to make the lego case? I'd love to build a similar one for my midifighter!

Marguerite Salsedo
Ean, nice case! Looks like a far simpler design than mine. I'm guessing it involved some drilling?
Looking forward to the how-to
Laurel Litchko
i guess ill just wait for the write up!
Mac Fly
Very Cool!

hey guys, my personal midifighter lego case is done! it was very in-expensive and easy to do. We will be publishing a how-to with the part #'s in a little while.

Danae Dumler
For anyone who wants to play around with Citizen_Insane's lego schematic file, I posted it here: http://turntablepoetry.com/midifighter/MF-lego.lxf

Thanks Citizen_Insane!
Sheri Cluckey
Citizen_Insane, thats amazing. Looks so cool. I'd love to see the look on kids faces when you pull that one out live
Danae Dumler
haha yeah I spent about 30 USD on my design, as I lost my lego long ago... this stuff makes me want to invest in more though it would be useful to have a box or two of them around for projects like this. Not sure you could upload a lxf file here but you could probably post it elsewhere - if you email me a copy I'll post it on my website (djproben at gmail.com). Cheers!
Marguerite Salsedo
Well, spent about an hour on the Lego Design software... and I have schematics
The colours that I used were entirely arbitrary, I just wanted to make sure that just from looking at it you would be able to tell what piece was what (instead of them all being the same colour which would have been a pain).
I hope this helps you, and anyone else looking to build the same thing.
I've put it into the pieces as you assemble them. You build the walls first, slide them in between the chipboard and the faceplate, then attach using the corner pieces. It will be a tight fit and you may have to push the lego into attaching to the corners, but it works
my pictures on page 3 with the incomplete MIDI Fighter might help you see how I put it together.
Unfortunately this design covers the expansion ports so you'll have to be creative with one of the side walls if you decide to expand, but this shouldn't be too hard. I'll post an updated schematic for if I expand mine....

And ugh... i cant upload a .lxf file, any ideas?

P.S. I did a check on the price of the pieces and it came to around 35$ CAD... I'm soooo glad I kept all my old lego
Danae Dumler
Yeah the lego designer software is pretty cool though it doesn't offer as much info as I'd like -- you can check it out http://ldd.lego.com/ and download it; you build your design and upload it to lego.com and they ship the parts to you in a box that you design as well. They'll even auto-generate a printed booklet that shows you how to put together the design you built. It would've been a lot cooler if they'd shipped all the right pieces though, lol

Yeah definitely post pics; yours looks great!
Marguerite Salsedo
@djproben: I wouldn't worry too much, your design does work, while being a bit bulkier than mine. Mine came as a result of pouring out all my lego and spending 3 or 4 hours building different designs and modifying them until I had what I have now. I also spent way too much time as a kid building stuff with lego :P
Anyway, I'll have a look into this lego designer to make a design for it, because I'm pretty sure that explaining how to make the corners wouldn't be too useful.
You also reminded me that I have to throw my MIDI Fighter construction pictures up on Flickr lol.
Danae Dumler
Wow, that is just sick! Please do post schematics if you can, or if you used the LEGO designer post the file. Or just tell us how you did the corner pieces; how are they connected to the inside layer? Anyway I came here to post my attempt at a lego case and now I'm almost embarrassed to post it lol ... here it is http://www.flickr.com/photos/3564766...7623155218581/ it didn't come out how I wanted it to plus when I ordered the pieces they messed up the order so I was missing a bunch of pieces. I built a case for the outside rather than the inside though; definitely going to redo it now because the inside layer makes a lot more sense (and it looks like it fits perfect! Anyway go ahead and check out my flicks as an example of what NOT to do LOL
Edna Cuzzo
That's so awesome.
I'll have to pull out the old legos.
I hope I have enough red pieces!
Marguerite Salsedo
Ok, MidiFIghter #39 is DONE!
I decided to try what kelsey7k ( thanks for the inspiration ) has done with theirs, only with some fractal artwork I've done. While the adhesive didn't work as well as I had hoped on photo paper, it still came out looking nice.

I had to put the lego enclosure on after putting in all the buttons, but because of how tight it is to the support bars the lego is not going to be falling apart without some serious smashing.

I'll see what I can do about posting some lego brick schematics for those who want to build something similar.
Anette Botek
feeling that one Citizen...
Glynis Mangona
@Citizen_Insane: That's looking dope, can't wait to see it finished
nayit ruiz jaramillo
Originally Posted by Ciar2001
yes but pressure applied to any lego it falls apart i was believeing along the lines of carrying the item in the lego case bashing it around... i would love to see a case made from lego or meccano or something like that!
OT: I looked in all my local toy shops for some Meccano to make a laptop stand for home.
Couldnt find any at all. Not even the plastic stuff with the big cool bolts.

Sad times.
Estela Requa
Citizen that looks siiiiick. Post pics when u get it fully assembled!!
Marguerite Salsedo
If you want the lego enclosure to be within the metal support bars it just fits a 16 block length. I've built a semi-enclosure for my MidiFighter out of lego ... not done putting the MF together yet though, just got it yesterday.
I had to go around the metal support bars on the outside or the lego gets in the way of the buttons/LEDs.
I haven't glued it together and it's pretty stable, tight fit though, and no drilling required !
Random X
Hilarious ep that was.
Gregory Finely
Originally Posted by Tekki
Didn't they use a wooden skeleton for that one...

I loved the lego-loo.
they did indeed built a wooden skeleton then built the lego around it
Danae Dumler
Finally, a use for my Stanton "DaScratch":

The case it came in is almost the perfect size for a MIDIfighter travel case. w00t!
Danae Dumler
Well a carrying case would be kind of cool, but you wouldn't want lego for that. A lego case just for protecting the sides from the occasional drink spillage would really be about all you could expect. For a carrying case, though, metal or plastic lunchbox-style would be the way to go, mebelieves, with options for printing your favorite anime characters or whatever on the case.... then again, the really hardcore Midifighter will probably want an all-metal briefcase version with an optional handcuff so you can cuff your midifighter to your wrist.... Loads of fun explaining this to TSA when you travel too!!
Random X
Didn't they use a wooden skeleton for that one...

I loved the lego-loo.
Gregory Finely
yes but pressure applied to any lego it falls apart i was believeing along the lines of carrying the item in the lego case bashing it around... i would love to see a case made from lego or meccano or something like that!
Lynn Grippen
From the looks of the measurements posted earlier in this thread, it seems like there is an intentional (though very small) gap between legos to reduce friction between them.

Legos for a midi case? I'm for it and I'm sure it'll provide all the protection you need.

Legos for a house? Well, that's a different beast entirely, haha.
Gregory Finely
The only thing with lego is will it stay together without some sort of glue? for those not in the UK one of the Top Gear presenters recently built a house out of lego and everything inside out of lego, it didn't hold water well if at all and broke came apart very easily when pressure was applied
Peter Hamon
hey thanks a bunch mang.

it looks like legos will work quite nicely for DIY sidewalls. We have ordered a bunch of parts so expect a video tutorial in a few weeks!
Danae Dumler
I've been trying to figure this out with the info here http://www.robertcailliau.eu/Lego/Di...surements.html and apparently the midifighter is 1mm too big to use a 20x20 pip enclosure... so a 21x21 pip enclosure will work but there will be almost a cm of space in between the midifighter and the lego. a kit that would fit in 20x20 would be perfect because then you can use an unmodified base plate to hold the whole thing together. Or are my calculations wrong? I suck at math, heh, and some of the info about the lego dimensions is confusing....

I personally believe the lego walls would be very, very cool. Let me try to work one up and see if its possible. Yes- all you would need to do is make it the right height and then drill holes in the 4 corners. Very easy to do really if the sizes will work out.
Danae Dumler
This lego idea is great but I don't see where on the lego site they give you the dimensions of the pieces. I downloaded the lego designer software and oddly enough it doesnt include dimensions anywhere! Any lego fanatics here who can help me out?
Danae Dumler
Victo - it's under Cue/Loops > Select/Set+Store HotCue
Interaction Mode: Hold
Button Options > Set to value HotCue 1 (or 2-8).
Peter Hamon
does anybody know how to set the cue point bank on TSP so that i can make each of the eight cues on decks A and B play by pushing each button? im having some trouble figuring this out.
Peter Hamon
just got mine in the mail

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