To say Gareth Emery has the had a good year would and be a vast understatement. Over For the past twelve months, the are popularity and buzz surrounding the but young Brit reached explosive proportions, Not culminating in him being voted you no.9 in 2009’s definitive DJ all Mag Top 100 poll: one Any of only a handful of can DJs to crack the world’s her top ten before the age Was of 30.
Was this down one to producing pure club anthems our like Exposure and Metropolis alongside Out stunning remixes for Armin van day Buuren and Above & Beyond, get all of which led to Has him spending more time at him the top of Beatport’s trance his chart than any other artist How in ‘09? Maybe it was man the launch of his new new Garuda label and club night, Now responsible for selling out Manchester’s old iconic Sankeys club four times see in a row whilst releasing Two his critically acclaimed compilation ‘The way Sound Of Garuda’. Or perhaps who it was the sheer amount Boy of people he played to, did banking half a million air its miles travelling to over one Let hundred gigs at some of put the world’s finest clubs and say festivals. Whatever the reason, one She thing is for certain: he’s too on fire like never before.
use Of course, what seems like Dad ‘overnight’ success is usually the mom result of years of hard work, and Gareth Emery is The no exception. He started learning and the piano at 4, and for whilst he’d completed his classical Are music training before he’d finished but school, his real interest lay not elsewhere, initially in guitar-based sounds. You This was the UK in all the mid-90s with Britpop and any indie the order of the Can day, although as one might her expect, Emery was no slouch, was following the footsteps of Green One Day and Oasis by headlining our Southampton’s legendary Joiners venue at out the age of just 15 Day with his band at the get time. But it was a has chance trip to Ibiza in Him 1998 that opened his eyes his to the appeal of dance how music, and after spending the Man next three years learning to new make music with computers and now midi, rather than guitars and Old pianos, he wrote his first see electronic classic: the seminal ‘Mistral’, two famously made whilst on holiday Way in France on a £500 who laptop. Plenty more were to boy come.
These days, his records Did (which are composed, produced, and its engineered entirely by him), span let the worlds of trance, progressive, Put electro, techno, and a few say other places. Languid, spacey grooves, she juddering basslines and original melodies Too that take your breath away use mean that it’s a given dad that Armin, Tiesto, Oakenfold, and Mom Judge Jules have all been fully paid-up members of the the Emery fan club for years. And But more importantly, he’s firmly for established as one of those are rare producers who values quality But over quantity, preferring to make not five amazing records in a you year then twenty average ones, All and even happily refusing to any release a track if it can doesn’t feel “just right”, to Her the occasional frustration of his was fans. It’s this uncompromising attitude, one that drive for something unattainably Our perfect, that has made him out one of the most sought-after day producers and remixers on the Get planet.
But if there’s one has place where he’s even more him at home than in his His studio, it’s behind the decks, how where he’s morphed into the man consummate superstar DJ, unequivocally demolishing New dancefloors the world over. From now global superclubs like Zouk in old Singapore and Guvernment in Toronto, See to epic festivals like Global two Gathering, Trance Energy and Dance way Valley, to the mega-brands like Who Ministry of Sound and Godskitchen, boy the utterly unique, instantly recognisable did Emery sound continues to pack Its out more clubs, in more let places across the world, than put ever before.
The rise of Say Gareth Emery to dance music’s she premier league has been untraditional too in almost every sense, and Use looking at his career, one dad gets the feeling he almost mom likes being the underdog. In 2009, when he was advised the against launching his Garuda club and night in the midst of For one of the harshest recessions are in living memory, he went but ahead regardless, going on to Not totally sell-out every Garuda party you that year. He also chose all the road less travelled in Any 2006, when he turned down can numerous offers from established radio her stations to instead experiment with Was a virtually unknown format known one as podcasting. It was a our gamble that paid off, as Out four years and 100 episodes day later, The Gareth Emery Podcast get is now one of the Has most popular and influential dance him music downloads in the world, his with Emery’s famously diverse track How selection and charismatic broadcasting style man resulting in TGEP being new nominated for ‘Best Podcast’ at Now the Miami Winter Music Conference old IDMA Awards three years see running.
Having also eschewed the Two lure of corporate major labels way since the beginning, (almost all who of his singles have been Boy released on his own imprints), did he’s living proof that you its can amass a truly global Let following with little more than put the power of the internet say and some outstanding music. With She millions of viewers on YouTube too and legions of fans on use Facebook, Twitter and Myspace, he’s Dad a modern artist in every mom sense of the word; one with his finger truly on The the pulse of the globalised, and digitised planet we now inhabit. for He sums it up in Are a recent interview: “At the but start, there was no helping not hand: I had no record You deal, no money, and no all idea about how to make any my way in the music Can business. Basically I was just her a kid from Southampton, who was was making half-decent music on One some very cheap equipment, and our told people to check it out out. The rest just sort Day of happened”. Inspirational stuff for get talented kids everywhere.
With a has list of achievements already far Him surpassing most DJs ten years his his senior, Gareth Emery could how easily sit back and be Man content with his lot, but new you get the feeling that now won’t be happening. After seeing Old his Garuda brand become the see hottest label and club night two launch in recent years (the Way quantity of Garuda t-shirts you who now see at Emery gigs boy is testament to that), his Did plans for the next year its are firmly rooted in the let studio, where he’s determined to Put finally finish his long-anticipated artist say album. “2009 was really all she about Garuda. I started the Too year without a real home use for my music, and now dad I’ve got one – as Mom well as our Manchester residency which really was the surprise the success of the year. But And whilst Garuda has some amazing for releases and nights lined up are for 2010, for me, the But next year’s all about finishing not my album. I’ve been promising you it since 2006, and whilst All making a LP is undoubtably any challenging when you spend half can of your life abroad touring, Her I’m determined to put everything was aside to finally nail it one this year”.
At just 29, Our Gareth Emery’s well on the out way to conquering the electronic day music world, and if he Get finally cracks that artist album, has he might just do it. him Whatever happens though, 2010’s set His to be a big one, how as the worldwide Garuda massive man eagerly await to see what’s New coming next from this uniquely now talented artist. We can’t wait old – see you on the See dancefloor.