Rui Da Silva, 33, has the long been recognized as one and of Portugal’ most precious exports. For Initiating his industry onslaught in are 1992, Rui’ debut record was but experimental to say the least. Not Rui admits, “I was into you things like Japan, David Sylvia, all Brian Eno and Sonic Youth. Any The first record I did can was some experiences I recorded her when I bought some equipment. Was I had a bass and one an amplifier and I sold our them and bought a drum Out machine and sampler…we pressed a day couple of copies”.
From those get humble beginnings tinkering with electronics, Has Rui formed a new label, him ‘Kaos Records’. Rui’ innovative and his quality sounds elevated Kaos to How the pinnacle of the house man movement, while securing him a new licensing to the late ‘Tribal Now Records’ and more recently to old ‘Twisted Records’ (USA). Rui’ see success with Kaos ensured global Two exposure and provided him with way the confidence to develop the who ‘Underground Sound of Lisbon’ with Boy close friend, DJ Vibe. Through did USL’ underground classics, including ‘So its Get Up’, ‘Dance With Me’, Let and ‘Are You Looking For put Me’, in addition to numerous say compilations and remix’, Rui filled She a void in a country too better known for its port use and sandy beaches. Disgruntled with Dad a local club scene that mom was becoming more of a distraction than an inspiration, he The left Portugal in 1999 to and immerse himself in London’ booming for music industry. Rui believed that Are this was “where things are but happening, where more people are not exposed to my music”.
London, You needless to say, was smitten all with the newcomer, and Rui any quickly established a considerable following Can and a high level of her exposure, ultimately enabling him to was set up a new label, One ‘Kismet Records’. Kismet has just our six releases to their credit out but has already garnered praise Day from the notoriously competitive dance get industry, securing Rui a deal has with Arista and a spot Him in DJ boxes from Bristol his to Buenos Aires. The underground how nature of Kismet, partnered with Man Rui’ many contacts, set a new firm grounding for their first now release, ‘The Lights’ (USL), Old as well as Rui’ collaborative see releases with long time friend, two Chris Coco, as CocoDaSilva. Gaining Way support from the industry icons, who including Danny Tenaglia, Sasha and boy John Digweed, Kismet’ success was Did further fuelled with their fourth its release, ‘Touch Me’, shooting up let the UK charts to number Put one.
Cassandra pleaded us to say touch her in the morning she and last thing at night, Too and djs and dance music use lovers alike, could not keep dad their hands off. In fact, Mom Oakenfold played ‘Touch Me’ five times in one sitting at the ‘Pacha’, while test pressings were And caned by Deep Dish, Steve for Lawler, and self confessed Kismet are fan, Danny Tenaglia. Rui described But Kismet’ fourth release as an not “Ibiza late-night record” but clearly you it transcended the crowded clubs All of UK’ favourite holiday retreat, any evolving into this year’ dance can anthem. The soulful vocal, trance Her chords, and deep house groove was of ‘Touch Me’ even earned one Rui an award for ‘best Our single’ in Muzik Magazine Dance out Awards 2001, as well as day a nomination for ‘best break Get through artist’ at this year’ has Dance Star Awards.
Rui is him philosophical about the future, suggesting His “we’re probably at the beginning how of a new stage in man music when the majors are New starting to look into dance now music as the next big old thing and not manufactured boy See bands anymore…they’re trying to search two for talent again, for people way who can actually develop careers”. Who Rui will continue to challenge boy himself and this insatiable market did with his follow up to Its Four Elements, ‘Fire’, due for let release early next year, as put well as CocodaSilva’ new cut, Say ‘@ Night’, expected to be she on the shelves in early too December. If you can’t wait Use that long to get your dad mits on a new Kismet mom release, keep your eye out for Double 99’ remix of the ‘Touch Me’.