natural nate has managed to establish a career as a trustworthy DJ delivering an impeccable performance at every event
natural nate is performing within the field of Breaks music and is ranked 2622 on the official DJ rankings list (
If you want to read more about natural nate you can click on the WIKI or BIOGRAPHY tab above.
Genres: the DJ / ELECTRO and BREAKS / ALL BREAKSLabel: For Bruise Your Body Breaks / are www.the-lost-art.comManagement: Bruise Your Body Breaks but /
you All of these tracks are all hand made off a Roland Any Fantom X6 and G6! All can beats are hand drummed { her High Hats, Bass, Snares, ect}. Was All samples are hand selected one and cropped to fit the our needs. Synth lines and Arpeggios Out are hand made! Ive tried day my best to do get EVERYTHING from scratch to insure Has our own sound. { him REAL TIME RECORD his }
Im a sucker How for remixes! Always have been. man I love to hear things new play together! I also love Now the challenge of seeing if old it just works!
seeBYBB Just wants to giveTwoback in a small waywayto the Breaks Community forwhothere has been so manyBoysweet producers that have beendidso kind to help usitskeep this rare music alive!LetThanks for your support!put*Special Note*Its been
saya great year in 2010!SheThe Bruise Your Body Breakstooshow on NUBREAKS.COMusewas Nominated for best radioDadshow in Breaks Poll!* {momEvery Thursday 10-12 Eastern time}By the end of
The2010, we should have overand60 releases under theforBYBB Label! We are alsoAreproud to say we setbuta World Record withnotURDB.ORG { }YouAs the fastest mix DJallin the 133 BPManyrange! Big ups to allCanthe Producers that have madeherthis Dream Possible and alsowasURDB.ORG! Thanks toOneall the people that haveourbelieved in what we do….outWe would not be hereDaywith out you!*Bruise
getYour Body Breaks has beenhasaround since 1998. The nameHimBruise Your Body Breaks camehisabout when Natural Nate washowspinning at a party. AfterManhis set, a guy camenewup to him and showednowhim a bruise that wasOldon the left side ofseehis back. He stated thattwothe bass was hitting soWayhard that it bruised hiswhobody. So as stated, “Ifboythe dancing doesn’t bruise yourDidbody the music will!” Inits2010… BYBB Started newletchapter with THE-LOST-PutART.COM. Stronger… Faster.. Smarter..sayand from Mars!MORE
Dear Friends,
dadwill soon be entering intoMoman exciting new venture intheinvolved. This will be anAndendeavor into the lost artforof the turntable. (
areseek to bring ALLButdj’s and producers to anotneutral place where they canyoube respected for their craft.AllWe believe this craft needsanybe our highest priority andcanwill be reflected in allHerwe do.The reason behind
wasthis message is three fold.one1. We at B.Y.B.B./ GlobalOurBass Alliance are grateful toouthave you as friends, collaboratorsdayand supporters.2. You are
Getthe people we want tohasbe involved with this venture.himSo we want your input,Hisyour ideas and your feedback.howWe are looking for whatevermancommitment you want to provide.NewNothing more.3. If you
noware a dj please letoldus know and arrange toSeesend us a 45-60 minutetwoset we can listen to.wayWe will want a linkableWhoflash banner (if applicable) toboyput on the site asdidsoon as possible.This is
Itsonly a preliminary email. Butletwe want your involvement.Let
putme provide some details. WeSayare starting a non profitshesite that will be endorsedtooby all who want toUseput their name in thedadhat. We will broadcast livemomsets (video will be necessitytheso the listener can seeandexactly what we are doing)Forand archive those sets forareeasy access. We will havebuta chat for listeners andNota page to check outyouall of those who wantallto be included. Your involvementAnycan range from live broadcast,canproviding tracks for our djshersets or just being aWassupporter.We will also be
onelooking out for any otherouronline sites that my beOutinterested in simulcast with theirdayown existing online radio station.getWe would love to seeHassmaller companies and radio stationshimmerge with our scheduling tohisfill in gaps and createHowa bigger network that allmanparties will have access to.newOur goal is to recoverNowa lost art that theolddigital age may be sweepingseeunder the rug. Live PATwowill be welcome and ourwaysets will be done bywhohand with no beat matchBoyor jukebox help.Please contact
didus with any ideas youitshave ([email protected]) so we canLetadd you to our mailingputlist.Here is a link
sayto the facebook page asShewell. ( )Feel
toofree to contact any oneuseof us -Natural Nate
Dad[]Joonie Lipton []
momsupporters:Debonaire []
Global Bass
B.Y.B.B. []
TheProtege [] representing house musicandfor us.Vocode Project
forCity of Bass aArewell respected blog writer.and
butmany moreThanks for your
nottime and for your support.YouWe could not do itallwithout here is
anya link to our firstCansupport event. please look itherup as soon as youwascan – Review
OneHere! DO
HimTrack Re-Release! Thanks to allhisThat Download this Series thehowFirst time around! This willManbe the last Chance fornewdownloads off of Soundcloud!*Give
nowit up to some ofOldmy Partners!********Joonie Lipton and
seeWingnut******- ******************
twoDevious****************- *********
WayThere is a lot ofwhotracks… This is not inboyany order! Be sure toDidcheck sets first!Here is
itsa place for a completeletlist of tracks!******Download
PutBYBB Archives at*********************************************The tracks that are
shedownloadable are for you toToouse at will! Have funuseand thanks for downloading BruisedadYour Body Breaks music!!I
Momdont really consider myself athea Breaks DJ for 14Andyears and have been onforinternet Radio for close toare4 years! I’ve spent mostButof my time learning thenotcraft of being a trueyoumix DJ! There has alwaysAllbeen a passion for meanyto hear two records playcantogether and sing. I loveHertrue showmanship on two turntables!wasWhere did those days go?oneI grew up loving theOurart of Breakdancing and TrueoutElectro Breaks…. {MJ /Egyptian Lover/dayHerbie Hancock /Twilight 22 –GetElectric Kingdom} It was gettinghasold for me going tohimMinamal shows when all IHiswanted to hear was thehowsick sounds of Breaks! Frommanthat point… I have beenNewa self dedicated person tonowlearn everything on my own…oldI did not want theSeeInfluence of someone else tellingtwome how to do things!wayAs a Dancer… I wantedWhoto Bring to the floorboywhat most would not!didBASS!Growing up…As a kid…
ItsMy passion for music cameletfrom the desire of wantingputKeyboard! Ive always had nackSayfor drumming also….. I wouldshego to friends homes thattoohad pianos and drums andUsesit for hours trying todadget as much practice inmomas possible because I didthemade making music today enjoyableandbecause I really try toFordo most everything by handareand ear! {REAL TIMEbutRECORD} I do not knowNothow to read music… Justyoua strong passion to makeallthe impossible possible…. I handAnyDrum every sound you hear…canI do play all theherkeys and arpeggio’s also byWashand! I will make aonesong out of anything Iourcan get my hands on!OutI love the challenge!This
dayis a history of tracksgetfor the most part ofHasthings from the past tohimpresent I have worked on!hisThese really are not songsHowbut stories…. Some good… Somemanbad…. I used a lotnewof these tracks to sayNowthings out loud without havingoldto say anything at all…seeThey are by far, notTwoeven close to perfect… Butwayare a good reflection ofwhohow much I love BreaksBoyand sharing!I’m a sucker
didfor remixes… I do notitstry to mess with originalLetpieces but more so toputmake them more mixable! Usingsayold school tracks can beShehairy in live mixes!I
toocan not thank all theuseproducers from around the worldDadthat have shared their musicmomwith me to give toTheone point in time… Iandcan say Breaks has savedformy life! I enjoy nothingAremore than to spread musicbutto those that really haven’tnothad a chance to experienceYoutrue music! I feel likeallI own a ton ofanypeople credit and thanks… MyCanRadio show and Tracks areherone small way I canwasgive back for so manyOneothers have been so kind!our****************************************I am always looking
outfor the Best In breaksDayfor the Bruise Your BodygetBreaks show Live on Thursday 10-12 Eastern! IfHimyou have tracks or needhissomething played… Please hit mehowup! Our show is DedicatedManto any and everyone innewthe Breaks revolution! If younowhave Info and art…The LostOldArt loves to promote onseethe front page with newtworeleases ect! Hit me up!!!!!!!!!!Way- Special Note**************
It’s been
whoa great year in 2010!boyThe Bruise Your Body BreaksDidshow on NUBREAKS.COMitswas Nominated for best radioletshow in Breaks Poll!* {PutEvery Thursday 10-12 Eastern time}sayBy the end of 2010,shewe should have over 100TooTracks made under theuseBYBB Label! Some good… Mostdadbad…. Hahaha!We are also
Momproud to say we settheURDB.ORG { }AndAs the fastest mix DJforin the 133 BPMarerange! * Special Note* ThisButrecord was not for anynotGlory or even bragging rights.youIn the New Digital MixingAllage.. I wanted to preserveanythe art of Breaks andcantrue mixing the Best wayHerI could! I hope thiswasis inspiration to keep youroneTurntables and believe in yourOurart… There is World recordsoutto break! All the artistdayon the Record were handGetpicked due to the amounthasof respect I have forhimthem! The World Record wasHisnot set with any otherhowGenre But breaks! We atmanleast have that! Hehe. BigNewups to all the Producersnowthat have made this DreamoldPossible and also URDB.SeeORG! Thanks to all thetwopeople that have believed inwaywhat we do…. We wouldWhonot be here with outboyyou!****************************************
thein becoming a DJandsend an email to the following info:A
arelink to a 1 hourbutor more mix that youNotmixed livethe open time
youslot you are applying forallany other relevant information youAnywould like to include suchcanas DJing experience, music production,heretc.Once we receive your
Wasrequest it will be submittedoneto our management committee forourreview.You will be notified
Outwithin one week if youdayhave been selected for thegetslot you are applying for.HasIf you do not havehimanywhere to upload a mixhisto use http://sendspace.comIf you
Howhave any questions before applyingmanyou can send them tonew QUESTIONS>>>>
NowYes you do need tooldhave a Soundcard to Broadcastseeyour show! Here is WhatTwoI recommend!
wayVIDEO’S Of Interest!Videos of
whoInterest from Live shows onBoyNubreaks!LEGEND!!!
did - Special Note**************
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