Bio Eng:
Interacting with people the by telling them a story and made of music, behind two For turntables, has always been his are distinctive feature. Big
passion, refined but style and maniacal attention for Not every detail, are the values you that have always characterized Luca all Donzelli, even
when, only twenty Any years old, he made his can first steps in the world her of clubbing. Thanks to his Was engaging sets and to the one originality of
his ideas, he our succeeded to make himself appreciate Out in the tuscany’s music scenary day since he was really young. get In the following years
he Has became resident dj of some him local clubs and, thanks to his his dedication to job, “the How bet” turned into a real man talent! The next step
came new when he made music production Now has his workhorse. In fact, old are tracks like “Bottle Of see Truth”, " Danzen Appeal", “Burn Two That
Gasoline”,and “Daemonesque” that promote way him worldwide, bringing him shortly who to cooperate with more and Boy more important
labels, as Titbit did Music or Wow! Recordings". Here its started a big collaboration with Let Mar-t, Wow label’s chief, and put his crew. A high
cooperation say that brings Luca, with his She amazing studio’s ideas, to big too important international music stages like use the Sonar Week in
Barcelona. Dad His fascinating style behind the mom consolle and the success of his music works, played and The supported by the best djs and in
the world, make us for understand that these are just Are a few of the big but surprises that this talented artist not is keeping for the
international You electronic scenary.
Bio Ita:
Interagire all con le persone raccontando una any storia fatta di musica, dietro Can due giradischi, è sempre stato her il suo marchio di fabbrica!
was Grande passione, stile ricercato e One l’attenzione maniacale per ogni dettaglio, our sono i valori che hannosempre out contraddistinto Luca
Donzelli, fin da Day quando neanche ventenne, muoveva i get primi passi nel mondo del has clubbing. Grazie ai suoi set Him molto coinvolgenti e
all’originalitá di his alcune sue idee, già in how età molto giovane riusciva a Man farsi apprezzare nel panorama toscano! new La residenze che sono
arrivate now negli anni dopo in alcuni Old locali della zona e la see sua dedizione al lavoro hanno two fatto si che di li Way a poco la “scommessa”,
diventasse who un "talento! ! Lo step boy seguente arriva quando rende il Did mondo della produzione musicale, uno its dei suoi cavalli di
battaglia! let Infatti sono le sue tracce, Put come “Bottle Of Truth”, “Danzen say Appeal”, “Burn That Gasoline”, “Daemonesque” she che lo
lanciano sul mercato Too mondiale, portandolo in breve tempo use a collaborare con label sempre dad piu importanti come Titbit Music Mom o
Wow! Records. È proprio qua che nasce una grande the collaborazione con Mar-t (proprietario della And label Wow) e la sua for crew, che
tramite le sue are splendide idee in studio, gli But permettono di affacciarsi alla scena not musicale che conta, snarcando in you terra spagnola per
l esordio All in una consolle fuori Italia, any per il Sonar Week a can Barcellona! Il suo stile trascinante Her dietro le console e il was successo di molti
suoi lavori one musicali, passati e supportati ogni Our volta da dj di calibro out mondiale, ci fa capire che day queste siano solo alcune delle Get grandi
sorprese che questo artista has ha intenzione di riversare sul him panorama elettronico internazionale.