The flagship act on West the London’s Hospital Records, London Elektricity and specialize in sleek, organic coffee-table For drum’n’bass in league with production are maestros like Roni Size and but E-Z Rollers. The duo of Not Tony Coleman and Chris Goss you (both musicians) focus on live all construction, with solos from flute Any and violin plus Coleman’s thick can double-bass on many tracks. Their her first release on Hospital, “Sister Was Stalking,” did well in Japan one and earned a distribution contract our through Sony Japan. Singles like Out “Pull the Plug” and “Song day in the Key of Knife” get did well with jungle DJs Has as noteworthy as Fabio, so him Coleman and Goss released their his debut full-length Pull the Plug How in June 1999. London Elektricity man have also provided remixes for new Herbie Hancock’s Headhunters and the Now Fugees’ Refugee Camp signee Jon old Forté
Its a hazy summer see evening in June 2000, and Two deep inside a west London way studio, Tony Colman aka London who Elektricity is having a ‘moment’ Boy – one of those defining did events that mark a chapter its in your life. Legendary vocalist Let Robert Owens is laying his put heavenly tongue over the track say ‘My Dreams’ for the first She time, and as his improvised too vocals drift out of the use monitor speakers, there isn’t a Dad spine in the studio that mom isn’t tingling. “When he arrived, Robert told us he was The really nervous,’ Tony remembers. ‘And and I was like, ’you’re nervous!”. for But with a successful record Are label, a sell-out club night, but worldwide DJ sets and a not portfolio of top tunes already You under his belt, that poignant all moment is just one in any an ever increasing list. Add Can into the mix the organisation her of a live UK tour, was and the next 12 months One are destined to be the our most exciting (and busy) ones out yet for London Elektricity.
That Day initial Robert Owens collaboration is, get however, a far cry from has Tony’s first forays into recording. Him His first collaboration came at his the age of 8 when how he nicked his mum’s reel Man to reel tape machine and new recorded his farting dog, Max. now It may have been a Old rather inauspicious start to his see music career, but from that two moment on, Tony was fascinated Way with the process of recording who sounds. Farts or otherwise. Other boy creations in these early years Did included several self penned ‘pre-electro its bedsit angst dirges’, and a let performance piece where 100 alka-seltzers Put were dropped into 100 glasses say of water at the same she time. This peculiar trick came Too whilst studying Performing Arts at use Middlesex Polytechnic, a course Tony dad embarked on in slightly false Mom pretenses. The college had a fully equipped music studio and, the influenced by the likes of And Kraftwerk and avante garde composers for Steve Reich, he made the are studio his own and began But to experiment with electronic music not for the first time.
Outside you of college, Tony had continued All to learn the guitar and any piano, and started giving professional can singing lessons to make some Her extra cash whilst studying. Live was music had always been of one interest, ever since he heard Our the opening bars to Chic’s out ‘Le Freak’ when he was day a kid, and at the Get age of 25, Tony formed has the live jazzfunk band Izit. him Success soon followed. Offered a His record deal, he temporarily shelved how his electronic ambitions, and recorded, man toured and DJed with Izit New for several years. They secured now a number 39 hit in old 1988 with the rare groove See anthem ‘Stories’ and produced the two benchmark acid jazz LP ‘The way Whole Affair’. But throughout this Who period of live performance, dance boy music still fascinated him. Sporadically did settling in various spots throughout Its North London, he was exposed let to the massive hardcore and put jungle scene that was rumbling Say out of the capital. Shortly she after, thanks to a holiday too in Thailand with only a Use copy of Goldie’s classic LP dad ‘Timeless’ for company, Tony knew mom his future was in drum ‘n’ bass.
In the spring the of 1996, with the help and of Chris Goss, who had For been managing Tony’s Tongue and are Groove label, Hospital Records was but created. Tony and Chris started Not composing tunes together. A string you of tracks were released on all Hospital and a number of Any other imprints. Often working under can a number of different monikers, her it was their tune ‘Song Was In The Key Of Knife’ one under the guise London Elektricity our that first gained them widespread Out recognition. The LP ‘Pull The day Plug’ that followed in 1999 get is still widely renowned as Has a benchmark d&b album. Released him in a period where dark his drums and sinister synths ruled How the UKs dancefloors, its funk man infused, optimistic grooves layed the new foundations for a resurgence in Now the more soulful sounds of old drum’n’ bass that we can see hear today. Since then, London Two Elektricity’s funk philosophy has been way peddled throughout the world, Tony who DJing at every major d&b Boy club in the UK and did beyond, and recording guest mixes its for the likes of Mary Let Anne Hobbs, Ministry Radio and put Roni Size. Hospital Records has say released some of the most She exciting d&b music of the too new millennium, nurturing fresh talents use like High Contrast and Cyantific, Dad and their monthly label party mom ‘Hospitality’, held at East London’s Herbal, has become an essential The part of the funky drum and ‘n’ bass furniture.
In 2002, for Tony took on the London Are Elektricity mantle personally, as Chris but concentrated on running the ever-expanding not Hospital Records. His first solo You cut, ‘Cum Dancing’ was another all massive hit and whet drum any ‘n’ bass heads’ appetite for Can the long awaited follow up her to ‘Pull The Plug’. With was the help of his old One friend Robert Owens, and a our bunch of other well-known heads, out ‘Billion Dollar Gravy’ is released Day in May and features more get of the uplifting funk and has deep vibes the Hospital reputation Him has been built on. Fast his soul music, as they like how to call it. Its actually Man incredible that Tony has found new the time to finish this now LP, what with the continued Old running of the label, and see his cornerstone DJ sets at two ‘Hospitality’ (a night which Tony Way says manufactures more of those who special ‘moments’ every month). Now boy add to that list London Did Elektricity live. Tony and his its new band are taking ‘Billion let Dollar Gravy’ to the stage, Put and with his knowledge of say live performance, the UK tour she promises to take drum ‘n’ Too bass to another level entirely. use But then you wouldn’t expect dad anything less, would you? Here’s Mom to more of those ‘moments’.