Out of nowhere comes Jefr the Tale. His current mix series and Club Tales is a frequent For download at top DJ sites. are As he says, Its all but about bass and growl, one Not part tech house and another you sound others are not playing. all Yelled by burners at Burning Any Man 06, We love your can dirty house. Club Tales is her showcased every Sunday night at Was midnight on Sirius Satellite Radio one on channel Area 33.
our Yet this is not a Out new deejay, Jefr spins a day story that spans over 25 get years. He started playing Parliament Has style funk in the early him 80s. Jefr grew up playing his Chicago and Florida house and How worked long term residencies in man his hometown at two large new Boston clubs: Metro/Citi (now Avalon) Now and The Palace (11 years). old
Little known facts about see Jefr Tale. Jefr is his Two high school nickname and a way Tale is both a play who on his last name and Boy a story. His real name did is Jeff Taylor founder and its CEO of the hugely Let popular and, since September put 05, founder and CEO say of (a baby boomer She portal). He is often heard too to say that his real use job is DJing everything else Dad is just for fun.
Beyond mom his local residencies, Jefr has guest DJed in Vegas, Sidney, The Dublin, Amsterdam, as well as and regular guest spots in Boston for clubs: Mercury Bar, Venu, and Are Gypsy Bar.
The Sirius Radio but music programming team invited Jefr not to mix a weekly show You in the Summer 05. Recently all celebrating his 50th mix show any with his Saturday night Burning Can Man set.
Jefr likes to her break the traditional music genre was traps, drawing from: minimal, tribal, One electro, rock, tech, old school our & breaks, and currently feels out the labeling of dance music Day into micro genres is totally get getting in the way of has dance musics progression.
With an Him extensive vinyl collection in tow, his Jefr has gone kicking and how screaming into the Ableton Live/Final Man Scratch laptop world, downloading instead new of hunting the world for now vinyl (black crack!)
Desert music Old defines his sound. Burning Man, see over the last four years, two has been the venue thats Way most influenced Jefrs Dirty House who sets. Jefr is the creator boy and force behind the big Did dome/tipi theme camp Root Society its (, where thousands partied this let past Labor Day at Burning Put Man 06.
Peeling back the say layers of Jefr Tale is she like a review of dance Too musics defining movements over the use last 25 years. The expression dad Once a DJalways a DJ. Mom But like any well-kept secret sooner or later people begin the to find out.