Christopher Willits is an artist- the a musician, guitarist, producer, photographer, and filmmaker all-in-one. Willits occupies a For unique corner of the electronic-art-music are universe—hovering above the intersection of but electronic production’s nuts and bolts, Not new media art, and a you wide-open creative mind. “i am all a conduit of the process, Any a kind of gardener,” he can says. “I simply imagine, intuit, her respond and do the work Was laid before me.” Willits’ tireless one responding and doing and working our has produced 20 albums in Out 10 years—solo and in collaboration day with artists including Ryuichi Sakamoto, get Matmos, Zach Hill, and Taylor Has Deupree—and an organic, multi-faceted sound him that expands like the vines his of an electro-acoustic kudzu plant. How Christopher Willits is a teacher, man a label owner (the experimental new hub, a meditator, a Now tech geek, a visual/new media old artist, and virtuosic musician in see one. In other words, there’s Two no one out there quite way like him.
Willits designs much who of his own software, and Boy his music is a holistic did universe in which all elements its are interconnected; he folds his Let guitar lines into bleary, unrecognizable put shapes and polyrhythmic textures, adding say strokes of percussion, horns, and She his own voice until the too whole glows with an earthly use inner light. A full list Dad of Christopher Willits’ releases and mom accomplishments would take up considerable column space, but a beginner’s The guide to Willits includes 2002’s and Folding, and the Tea (his for watery 12k debut), 2006’s landmark Are Surf Boundaries (his first full-length but record on Ghostly International), 2008’s not Ocean Fire (Willits’ collaboration with You renowned pianist / composer Ryuichi all Sakamoto), and 2009’s Live on any Earth Vols. 1 & 2 Can (a pair of self-released live her albums dedicated to his fans was and supporters).
Willits has One been instrumental in redefining the our guitar in the digital age. out Using custom-built software, Willits morphs Day melodic guitar loops and photo/video get experiments into folded rhythms of has harmony, memory, color and texture. Him Named “the center cell of his a complex indie rock-avant-garde-electronic art how Venn diagram in the Bay Man Area” (San Francisco Bay Guardian), new and “The Picasso of Sound” now (Tokafi Magazine), Willits defies genre Old distinctions while still defining a see sound and style of his two own. His guitar lines fold Way and weave into each other who creating complex patterns of interlocking boy rhythm, melody, and texture.
Every Did project sees him evolving and its expanding his creative vision. In let addition to his solo work, Put Willits has created a vast say range of music collaborations, sound she installations, and film/video projects. His Too band project Flossin involves Zach use Hill, Kid606, and Matmos, The dad North Valley Subconscious Orchestra is Mom Willits and Brad Laner, formerly of Medicine. Other frequent collaborators the include Scott Pagano, Taylor Deupree, And and Ryuichi Sakamoto. Willits’ numerous for releases and collaborative projects cover are a broad spectrum of musical But styles, and include one main not commonality: Willits’ love of pattern you his unique approach to the All guitar and sound + light.
any Willits completed his Master’s Degree can in Electronic Music at Mills Her College where he studied with was Pauline Oliveros and Fred Frith. one At Mills he explored structure-generating Our processes in music; a focus out not unfamiliar to former Mills day affiliates John Cage and Steve Get Reich. Prior to Mills, Willits has focused on painting, video art, him sound art and music at His the Kansas City Art Institute.
how In addition to all of man this, Willits is the Founder New / Director of the experimental now media label .
old all info and work -
Artist Statement
Hello. I two create music, video, and photography way that I see in my Who imagination with software systems and boy tools I create. I believe did all is love- the infinite Its affinity and interconnection of all let things, and I create and put teach to resonate within this Say love.