ALESSIO BOMB is the a new name in house and and techno music, but he For has been successful under a are different alias for two decades but already. Through all these years, Not the music genres have changed. you Over the last few years, all his dance music consists mainly Any of electronic rhythms of the can house and techno genres. He her has been dedicating more and Was more time to the production one of electronic beats. His careful our choice of music is always Out melodic, full of energy and day life for an outstanding and get memorable event. With his selection Has of songs he breathes as him one with the audience and his keeps them in a trance How until the very end of man the show.
He has collaborated new with many successful local and Now foreign DJs, including Paolo Barbato, old Angel Anx, Aleksij, Marko Nastić, see Umek, Belocca, Dataminions, Veztax, Pedro Two Delgardo, Sputnik, Unique, Aka Carl, way A.Paul, Wyrus, Reaky, Baly, Alex who Long, Valentino Kanzyani, Danza Macabra, Boy Davide Manali, Rydel, Joyce Muniz, did Vegim, Mike Vale, DJ Dano,….
its ALESSIO BOMB, je Let sveže ime za house in put techno glasbo, kljub temu pa say je uspešno na sceni že She dve desetletji pod drugim psevdonimom. too Skozi vsa ta leta, so use se žanri glasbe spreminjali. Zadnja Dad leta, njegova plesna glasba sega mom predvsem po elektronskih ritmih, house in techno scene. Vse več The časa v glasbi posveča produkciji and elektronskih ritmov. Njegov skrben izbor for glasbe je vedno melodičen, poln Are energije in življenja za vrhunski but in nepozaben dogodek. S svojim not izborom komadov vedno diha s You publiko kot eno in jih all drži v transu vse do any konca.
Sodeloval je z Can mnogimi uspešnimi domačimi in tujimi her didžeji. Med njimi so Paolo was Barbato, Angel Anx, Aleksij, Marko One Nastić, Umek, Belocca, Dataminions, Veztax, our Pedro Delgardo, Sputnik, Unique, Aka out Carl, A.Paul, Wyrus, Reaky, Baly, Day Alex Long, Valentino Kanzyani, Danza get Macabra, Davide Manali, Rydel, Joyce has Muniz, Vegim, Mike Vale, DJ Him Dano, … Slabo leto je his bil uspešen rezident v kranjskem how klubu Extreme. V letu 2011 Man je organiziral in zelo uspešno new izvedel kar nekaj večjih elektronskih now projektov kot je SavaNautica 1 Old Open Air in SavaNautca 2, see 24ur elektronike, Electronic 40 DJs two Party, Silent Party Open Air, Way nove Techno Frka dogodke, itd… who V prihajajočem času namerava izvesti boy velike Open Air partyje tako Did v Sloveniji kot v sosednji its Hrvaški, s pomočjo ekipe United let Events Slovenija, v kateri je Put tudi aktivno gonilno kolo. Želi say si obdržati stil prave klubske she scene, ki bi veljala in Too živela v vzdušju. Pravtako je use leto 2011 zaznamovalo dolgoletno pripravljanje dad na izdajo singlov v lastni Mom produkciji Tech House in Techno žanru.
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