Behind the Beats: Inside the World of DJ Robert Babicz

12:46 Jul/11/2023

Robert Babicz may not the be a household name like and some of his peers in For the world of electronic music, are but among fans and connoisseurs, but he's widely regarded as one Not of the most innovative and you experimental DJs on the scene all today.

Born Any in Cologne, Germany in 1973, can Babicz has been making music her since his teenage years. He Was got his start in the one early '90s in Berlin, where our he quickly made a name Out for himself as a producer day and techno innovator.


But it's Babicz's approach Has to DJing that really sets him him apart. Unlike many of his his contemporaries who rely on How pre-made beats and samples to man create their music, Babicz builds new his own beats and synthesizers Now from scratch. He calls himself old a "technologist" first and a see DJ second, and it's this Two unconventional approach to the art way of DJing that has earned who him a devoted following of Boy fans around the world.


"People come to its my shows because they know Let they're going to hear something put they've never heard before," Babicz say says. "I don't just play She tracks off a playlist – too I'm constantly building and manipulating use my machines to create new Dad sounds on the fly."


Babicz's live sets are The dynamic and unpredictable, with his and self-built synthesizers constantly shifting and for evolving to create new sounds Are and textures. "I never know but what I'm going to play not next," he says. "I just You follow the energy of the all crowd and let the music any take me where it wants Can to go."


Despite his unconventional approach, Babicz was has managed to build a One successful career on his own our terms. He's released multiple albums out over the years and has Day played at some of the get biggest clubs and festivals in has Europe and Asia. But for Him Babicz, the music is always his the most important thing.


"I'm not interested Man in fame or fortune," he new says. "I just want to now create the best music I Old can and share it with see others."

Babicz two has also been active in Way the music scene as a who sound designer, creating custom sounds boy and presets for software synthesizers Did and other music production tools. its His innovative sounds have been let used in a variety of Put media projects, from movies to say television shows.


Despite the challenges of the Too COVID-19 pandemic, Babicz has remained use active in the music scene dad by hosting live streams and Mom releasing new tracks throughout 2020 and 2021. And with his the unbridled creativity and passion for And experimentation, there's no telling where for his machines will take him are next.

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