Vestax VCI-300 MKII & M Audio Trigger Pad

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Vestax VCI-300 MKII & M Audio Trigger Pad
Posted on: 05.02.2012 by Darren Regehr
Hello everyone,
Im looking to purchase an M-AUDIO Finger Trigger; I would like know if its possible to run it simultaneously with my VCI-300 & Serato ITCH.

Any help or input would be greatly appreciated

Rebbecca Fennell
Originally Posted by canon1nd
you can if u use XoneDX
not only M-Audio TF, but I also can use VCI-100 to scratch serato ITCH
mmm, no you cant.
Darren Regehr
Hello everyone,
Im looking to purchase an M-AUDIO Finger Trigger; I would like know if its possible to run it simultaneously with my VCI-300 & Serato ITCH.

Any help or input would be greatly appreciated

Rebbecca Fennell
Originally Posted by canon1nd
you can if u use XoneDX
not only M-Audio TF, but I also can use VCI-100 to scratch serato ITCH
mmm, no you cant.
Charleen Duesenberg
you can if u use XoneDX
not only M-Audio TF, but I also can use VCI-100 to scratch serato ITCH
Miloje Savic
try out torq 2 with the vci 300 n tf
Dwain Mumin
long answer - with keystroke programs you can hack fuctionality.
Rebbecca Fennell
short answer - no.

long answer - with keystroke programs you can hack fuctionality.

google is your friend, theres plenty out there that can explain what you want to do/cant do. unfortunately theres no midi support for itch. im a big fan of itch but if youre looking for base midi support you should just buy an sl box. i suspect this may be addressed really soon, but my suspecions are based on really loose speculation from people in the know. i got a vci300 because it was on the cheap but im about to return it for an sl box. fun controller but there are some things i find lackng in my workflow and because itch doesnt support any midi mapping im about to ditch it since i dont like the cues or looping.

i can get past the 3 cues instead of 5, but it also has no loop select function which is a pain if youve gone out of your way to have a library with crucial loops saved. midi mapping would solve this problem but again, its all speculation as to what if any midi support will be added. if you already bought it and have no option on returning it, its nothing that you cant get used to but if you already have a big serato library, already have a workflow youre set on with serato... well youll probably be better off with a sl box or a different controller. for itch i believe the v7s are perfect for the "serato workflow" but these also lack portability as they weigh a ton, and take up all the space as a cdj. barring a major itch update your best bet for having an EXPANDABLE work setup is an sl2.
again, dont get me wrong - its an awesome controller. but it is what it is and right now those are its limitations.

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