serato with midi fighter pro

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serato with midi fighter pro
Posted on: 27.02.2012 by Stefania Herb
how easy is it to map the mfp to serato for basic controls like samples and cues? i have the dicers which im loving but i like the idea of the arcade buttons and having the controller as one unit instead of two attached to the decks (for cue juggling and such)
Stefania Herb
how easy is it to map the mfp to serato for basic controls like samples and cues? i have the dicers which im loving but i like the idea of the arcade buttons and having the controller as one unit instead of two attached to the decks (for cue juggling and such)
Stefania Herb
You da man cheers ! ! ! !
Tatum Ansaldo
Yeh, it's a class compliant MIDI device so it'll be just like anything else.
Stefania Herb
im sorry, i mean midi fighter classic
Stefania Herb
So its like mapping anything else to serato then, no add software for the mfp?
Tatum Ansaldo
Pretty easy. There's a guide to midi mapping on the scratch live FAQ section of the serato website.

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