VCI-400 vs vci-400 EGE and are there still Windows driver issues???

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VCI-400 vs vci-400 EGE and are there still Windows driver issues???
Posted on: 16.07.2012 by Gudrun Murrish
are there any major differences that i should know about? i heard something about not being able to flash the firmware like the original can(through USB). I also heard about some issues using the VCI-400 on a windows platform, is this still the case?
Gudrun Murrish
are there any major differences that i should know about? i heard something about not being able to flash the firmware like the original can(through USB). I also heard about some issues using the VCI-400 on a windows platform, is this still the case?
Wesley Szigeti
Here is what I know, so I may not be 100% in parts. From what I have read, you cannot flash the VCI-400 EGE unless you send it back to DJTT and have them do it for you. This could be very wrong though. As for the Windows problem...that I do not know about.
Heidy Mcpoland
I would really like to know the answer too and since I'm rally believeing about the vci 400 EGE and a midi fighter to go with it I thinl its in ranking s's best interest to answer me (thank you)

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