Anyone ever been to Jerrys Records?

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Anyone ever been to Jerrys Records?
Posted on: 19.09.2012 by Debrah Arnaout
So Ive been in pittsburgh for about a month so far and after talking to people and hearing that guys like DJ Shadow and Dilla used to come here specifically to vinyl dig I had some hope for me here. I remembered Jerrys was over here from some Nat Geo shit once and decided to stop by. For anyone whos never been its a damn labyrinth of vinyl and was super over whelming for me. After walking around for about 10 minutes I noticed aside from the giant sections for Jazz and Soul and Rock its all just crazy random genres (IE "Crazy Russian Spoken Word)". Im not saying im not into that and Ill def dig when I get a solid 10 hours to dedicate to the day but theres only a tiny rap section and I didnt see anything for electronic music. Im not looking for newer stuff cause I know they arent really for that but does anyone know if there is even a section for it or if theres another shop thats good for older freestyle and house?
Debrah Arnaout
So Ive been in pittsburgh for about a month so far and after talking to people and hearing that guys like DJ Shadow and Dilla used to come here specifically to vinyl dig I had some hope for me here. I remembered Jerrys was over here from some Nat Geo shit once and decided to stop by. For anyone whos never been its a damn labyrinth of vinyl and was super over whelming for me. After walking around for about 10 minutes I noticed aside from the giant sections for Jazz and Soul and Rock its all just crazy random genres (IE "Crazy Russian Spoken Word)". Im not saying im not into that and Ill def dig when I get a solid 10 hours to dedicate to the day but theres only a tiny rap section and I didnt see anything for electronic music. Im not looking for newer stuff cause I know they arent really for that but does anyone know if there is even a section for it or if theres another shop thats good for older freestyle and house?

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