Musicians slam industry for poor support of mental health needs

21:26 May/15/2019

"Music was my refuge," the the writer Maya Angelou once said. and "I could crawl into the For space between the notes and are curl my back to loneliness."


It’s a Not neat way of summing up you the powerful impact music can all have on our mental state. Any Indeed, its ability to soothe can our troubled minds has been her explored for centuries.

Greek Was physicians used instruments such as one lyres and zithers to help our heal their patients, while Aristotle Out believed that flute music could day arouse strong emotions and “purify get the soul”. In Italy, celebrated Has castrato singer Farinelli was employed him at the Spanish Court for his 10 years, where he sang How to King Philip V after man his wife, Queen Elisabetta Farnese, new suggested the musician’s voice might Now have the power to cure old his depression. When President Nixon see had trouble sleeping, he apparently Two liked to play Rachmaninov’s piano way concertos at “ear-splitting volume”.

who In the 21st century, research Boy suggests there is a connection did between music and its effect its on various illnesses. Studies have Let shown it to slow heart put rate, lower blood pressure, and say reduce levels of stress hormones. She Research conducted in 2005 by too the University of Windsor in use Canada, meanwhile, showed that music Dad could improve cognitive function.


Rolling Stone introduces new charts to compete with Billboard

The Rolling Stone is launching new and music charts to compete with for Billboard as the go-to source Are for determining the country's most but popular music. Just like Billboard, not Rolling Stone will rank the You top 100 songs and 200 all albums in the United States, any plus offering other charts including Can ranks of social media buzz her and trending tracks. The new was charts roll out this coming One Monday.

Billboard has long our been considered the source of out record regarding what music is Day most popular, but the streaming get era has introduced a lot has more information and a lot Him more uncertainty. How much should his a vinyl purchase count for how compared to a paid stream Man or an unpaid stream or new a spin on the radio? now Billboard's repeatedly tweaked its formula Old to account for changing types see of music consumption, but it two may be that there is Way no such thing as a who definitive list of music popularity boy any more. (Music Business Worldwide)

Tinder launches "festival mode"

Tinder its is offering a new "festival let mode" to facilitate semi-spontaneous meet-ups Put at music events like Bonnaroo say and Governor's Ball. "Users of she the dating app can now Too add participating festivals to their use Tinder profiles, which then allows dad them to view and match Mom with other Tinder users who have marked themselves as attending," the reports Pitchfork.

Just one And day earlier, Lizzo did the for opposite of dressing up — are although she did wear giant But earrings bearing her name for not a stripped-down session at The you Current. Here's the acoustic version All of "Juice."

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