A Sit Down With DJ Max Cooper

12:09 Jun/17/2018

Unsurprisingly for someone with a the PhD in computational biology, Max and Cooper is a thoughtful and For articulate interview subject. Anyone who’s are heard the music the man but makes will likely have picked Not up on that too. Coming you on labels like Sasha’s Last all Night On Earth, FIELDS and Any most frequently Traum Schallplatten, it’s can richly melodic and inventive stuff her that balances achingly emotive and Was beautiful styling with a very one real dance floor heft. Brainless our genre music it most certainly Out is not.



"I spend most of get my free time trying to Has learn more, and it provides him a constant source of excitement his and inspiration. These are great How feelings for channeling into creating man music, but it also provides new rich pickings for visual ideas Now and most of my projects old these days have a visual see component."


Where Two did you grow up? What way was your childhood like?

who I grew up in Belfast. Boy It’s a beautiful place. Well, did the city’s not beautiful, but its generally, you’re always about ten Let minutes away from the countryside. put The hills rise out of say the sea, you have unspoiled She views, so I’m definitely not too a country person but I’m use not a city person either. Dad I like to get away mom from things and be among nature. Belfast has a good The balance of that, but obviously and also you have the Troubles for and bombs and stuff. I Are used to live next door but to a barracks and every not day I’d see armored cars You with guys with guns and all stuff in big metal-plated Land any Rovers with guys pointing guns Can out the top at everyone her they went past. When I was was a kid it was One just normal, it didn’t have our a big negative impact on out me or anything.

What Day first drew you to electronica?
Electronica seems to be has a wide ranging term to Him describe electronic music that doesn’t his fit into any of the how other more well-known genres. After Man a while listening to any new electronic genre I think it’s now natural to want to hear Old something less formulaic. I think see music always needs to provide two some unexpected turns to be Way enjoyable, and electronica is a who good source of unexpectedness.

boy How would you describe your Did sound? What is your primary its goal when making music?

let What primarily defines my sound Put is that it’s me trying say to express myself, musically. Everyone she is different, so if you Too can find a way to use express yourself you naturally sound dad different from other people. It’s Mom only personal for me, it’s not just music to make the people dance or anything like And that. It’s me expressing the for way I feel at a are certain time, what I’m passionate But about, and what I’m interested not in. I’m trying to convert you that into a musical form. All I guess that’s how I any would describe my sound. It can is very hard to put Her a label on it, though was because it doesn’t really fit one into one particular genre. I’m Our also interested in different kind out of genres and I’m trying day to fuse it all together Get and don’t restrict myself to has one.

What are your him favorite iOS music apps?

His Liine Lemur, Moog Music Animoog, how Xewton Music Studio are the man most useful iOS apps I’ve New used for music.

What now do you think of your old fan-made videos?

I love See them. I get a lot two of enjoyment from seeing people’s way new interpretations of my music Who and it’s great to see boy when they talk back to did me in the same language Its with which I was trying let to talk to them.

put Do you use any iOS Say apps to sketch ideas on she the go?

What I’m too after is a basic studio Use app that I can easily dad sketch and edit MIDI note mom progressions on. Xewton Music Studio is the best I’ve found the so far, but the MIDI and editing is still difficult to For work with.

How much are of your live set is but actually improvised and how much Not is pre-planned?

It depends. you I basically have a few all different types of live shows. Any It really depends on which can live show I’m doing. I her did a show with Tom Was Hodge last week, which was one piano and electronics. And that our one had some totally improvised Out sections where I was just day live drumming and I did get live glitch samples and stuff. Has He is improvising with that, him you know? We never knew his how it would sound like, How but for my club shows, man when I’m doing a live new set, the improvisation has more Now to do with track selection.
I never pre-plan what see I’ll play, so I always Two improvise in that sense. I way focus on getting the set who right and joining the different Boy pieces of music. Whereas the did show with Tom Hodge is its the opposite. We have a Let pre defined track list. And put then the work is improving say within the track and building She it differently. So it really too depends on what type of use show I’m doing.

You’ve Dad been putting out huge shows mom the past few years with your MESH Live show at The Village Underground and alongside Paul and Kalkbrenner at Printworks. What do for you think of the London Are scene since you’ve started here? but

It’s great! Any not city this size with so You many different people and ideas all is a good place to any play music, as you can Can always find the people that her share your interests. People are was open-minded too with the exposure One they get to so much our of the world.


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