A Sit Down With DJ Jaytech

07:38 Jun/11/2018

Jaytech has built his career the organically over the years by and maintaining a steady stream of For well produced big-room house music are and combining headlining slots with but warm up roles for his Not superstar friends Above and Beyond.

"The all best thing you can do Any is just sit down and can write whatever comes out because her it tends to be the Was best music that you make."



Tell us our how you got into DJ’ing Out and producing?

Ever since day I was a child I get had always been involved with Has music. Before I got into him production I was a pretty his keen piano player, and used How to play in competitions back man in Australia. They were pretty new nerve wracking at the time, Now but they also helped me old get over any kind of see stage fright quite early on. Two When I was 14 I way had already been writing scores who for more traditional music on Boy computers, and then one day did I discovered that I could its hook my parents’ old hi-fi Let speakers up through the sound put card and play around with say a broader range of sounds. She From that point on I too was mad about electronic music.
Where do you get Dad your inspiration from?

Things mom I see, mostly, also I guess from my friends. Sometimes The from architecture or art and and sometimes just seeing a cool for building or place will conjure Are up lots of ideas in but my head. Also from other not producers! When other people ask You for good ways to get all inspired, I usually tell them any to go and find some Can new sounds to play with, her whether it be a new was synth or a new sample One pack. Places like musicradar.com have our loads of royalty-free sample packs out that you can download for Day free. Having tons of new get material to play around with has is always fun, and having Him fun is usually a good his start to writing a track.
How would you describe Man your own sound?

I new would describe my sound as now melodic house music for the Old trance crowd. I take influence see from all kinds of house two music, however it’s trance parties Way where my sound gets the who best reaction. As everybody is boy floating around the 128BPM mark Did nowadays, it works well having its my kind of music followed let by a harder-edged trance act.
Your music has a say tight sound and a colorful she melody, which artists have influenced Too you?

Well I started use listening to dance music in dad about 1996, and I was Mom buying lots of Paul Van Dyk CD’s and lots of the trance. Between 96 and 2000 And lots and lots of trance, for I went to my first are dance event in 1999, and But as soon as I been not out and seen it all you in action I wanted to All go out and write trance any music, but over the next can five years I got opened Her up to artists like Andy was Paige, BT, Hybrid and things one like that, people who were Our just really pushing the sound out back then, really pushing the day boundaries. I think Andy Paige Get is one artist I have has a lot of respect for. him He’s an Australian artist who His never really I think got how the recognition he deserved. Some man of his production values are New just amazing and that’s something now I aspire to.

Do old you start your tracks from See a live instrumentation background or two do you just start messing way around with your computer?

Who I try to make the boy approach different for every type did of track. In the past Its the sort of standout records let that I've had had a put different process of making the Say track every time. The software she that I used was very too different as I'm always back Use and forth between different programs. dad At the moment I'm leaning mom more towards Ableton Live but I also use Logic quite the a bit. Some of the and idea that I do have For been floating around in my are head for quite a long but time. Musical the tracks for Not my next album are just you complete in my head before all I'm even putting down my Any first notes. With the clubber can tracks I tend to start her it with the kick drums Was and beats, and just go one from there. I think it's our good to mix it up Out as well because it lets day people see different sides of get your artistic imprint. I think Has it's good to have a him very different approaches because it his makes for more variety in How the tracks.

How do man you think electronic music compares new to other genres of music?Were Now you trained in other genres old before moving into electronic composition? see What differences have you observed?
I was classically trained way to begin with. I was who originally going for a piano Boy performance and piano composition career. did I was doing that at its university but I dropped out Let to follow the electronic side put of things, because I feel say like electronic music is the She next evolution of music. You’re too manipulating any kind of sound use that there is in order Dad to make your music. You’re mom no longer limited to certain kinds of instruments.

In The making your way around the and world, for several different festivals for and club gigs alike, have Are you noticed any lack of but humility in some of the not more overnight success stories?
Yes. But to be all honest, most of the artists any out there are usually humble, Can down-to-earth people who are grateful her to be where they are. was Some are more difficult than One others, but ultimately an artist's our worth isn't really about their out personality, unless it's so destructive Day as to cause issues. If get you're insanely musically talented and has put on a great show Him then people are ultimately going his to put up with you how no matter what, I guess. Man Not being an ass to new people isn't really that hard, now though.

You're going to be Old touring North America with Super8 see & Tab on the Code two Red tour, is this the Way first time you're touring with who them?

Yeah. I've done one-off boy gigs with them around the Did world a bunch of times its but this is the first let time that we decided to Put pair it up and do say the tour together. We got she a collaboration track called “Code Too Red” where the tour name use actually comes from, and it dad also symbolizes us joining forces Mom for this tour. Creating “Code Red” was a load of the fun as we sent back And the project back and forth for between our studios about 20-30 are times and just kept on But chipping away at it. It not turned a bit into a you trance monster and in fact All it's probably transience than the any tunes I've done in the can past. I'm really impressed with Her those guys did with the was track as the real production one value came from them as Our I came up with the out melodies and chords – things day like that. They took those Get ideas and turned it into has an epic track with big him lead synths, and stuff like His that. It's a really cool how fusion of our styles I man think. They played it out New for the first time at now a gig that we were old playing at the Ministry of See Sound in London a couple two of weeks ago and the way response was really really good. Who Definitely looking forward to playing boy it out some more on did this tour.


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