Can I get some ears on this mix down, specifically the drums?
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Can I get some ears on this mix down, specifically the drums? Posted on: 25.08.2013 by Berta Baie Hey guys,So I just finished this track not too long ago and started shopping it to some labels. I've only heard back from one who passed on it, but the comment the guy gave me was that the drums "aren't tight and crisp enough". Now this blew me away because I really thought I nailed these drums. To me on my monitors here the kick has good bass and sounds nice and punchy, the snare is snappy and the cymbal percussion cuts through nicely. So I'd like to get some fresh ears on this if I could for some other opinions. Should I go back and re-mix these drums or not? To my ears, I don't know how much further forward in the mix I could bring these drums without really overpowering everything, and yet the A&R comment still stands. I posted a short clip of the songs main section just so you can get an idea: EDIT: LINK FIXED Thanks in advance | |
Tera Baragan 27.08.2013 |
Originally Posted by JasonBay
Berta Baie 25.08.2013 |
Originally Posted by Tarekith |
Berta Baie 25.08.2013 | Hey guys, So I just finished this track not too long ago and started shopping it to some labels. I've only heard back from one who passed on it, but the comment the guy gave me was that the drums "aren't tight and crisp enough". Now this blew me away because I really thought I nailed these drums. To me on my monitors here the kick has good bass and sounds nice and punchy, the snare is snappy and the cymbal percussion cuts through nicely. So I'd like to get some fresh ears on this if I could for some other opinions. Should I go back and re-mix these drums or not? To my ears, I don't know how much further forward in the mix I could bring these drums without really overpowering everything, and yet the A&R comment still stands. I posted a short clip of the songs main section just so you can get an idea: EDIT: LINK FIXED Thanks in advance |
Berta Baie 30.08.2013 | thank you i went back and re did the mixdown on the whole drums section and gave a boost to everything. Also added some parallel compression, something i wasn't doing before, seems to have helped |
Tera Baragan 28.08.2013 | The snare or clap seems to be a little weak. Other then that it sounds awesome! |
Berta Baie 27.08.2013 |
From what I can hear (On my headphones and monitors) is that the drums sound a little bit off.
I feel like the kick is too "boxy" or too much of a certain frequency has been removed. It sounds really flat and dull. The same with the snare. It's audible, but their isn't much "snap" to it. Now take my opinion with a grain of salt. I have my own ear towards how I mix my tracks and the sound I want. I'm not trying to say my way of hearing your track is the same everyone else, but that's just what I believe. Thank you for the reply |
Berta Baie 27.08.2013 | See this is one thing i hate about producing, on my speakers the snare is super snappy and on yours you cant even hear it. How am i supposed to adjust for that? I'll try and work on the kick though, I believe its almost too punchy and not bassy enough, those are the missing/excessive frequencies you are hearing perhaps. Thank you for the reply |
Berta Baie 27.08.2013 | I did, and apparently Soundcloud wasn't letting me embed it on this site for whatever reason. So i switched it to a dropbox link, its still a streaming link if thats what u are worried about. |
Tera Baragan 27.08.2013 |
Originally Posted by JasonBay
Georgina Schatzman 27.08.2013 | Like most people, I came in here, saw that it wasn't a Soundcloud link, and am currently in the middle of leaving. |
Darlene Joos 26.08.2013 | From what I can hear (On my headphones and monitors) is that the drums sound a little bit off. I feel like the kick is too "boxy" or too much of a certain frequency has been removed. It sounds really flat and dull. The same with the snare. It's audible, but their isn't much "snap" to it. Now take my opinion with a grain of salt. I have my own ear towards how I mix my tracks and the sound I want. I'm not trying to say my way of hearing your track is the same everyone else, but that's just what I believe. |
Berta Baie 26.08.2013 | Anyone? 156 views and not a single opinion? |
Berta Baie 25.08.2013 |
Originally Posted by Tarekith |
Monserrate Rupnow 25.08.2013 | Track not available? |
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