Stretching out a vocal sample

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Stretching out a vocal sample
Posted on: 10.11.2013 by Everette Akhtar

So i've got this vocal sample with a girl saying 'Rave'
but I want it to be stretched out so it sounds like she says 'Raaaaaaave' all long

How do I do this? I use FL studio but if anyone can explain how to use certain tools that would be so awesome.

Thanks for any help
Everette Akhtar

So i've got this vocal sample with a girl saying 'Rave'
but I want it to be stretched out so it sounds like she says 'Raaaaaaave' all long

How do I do this? I use FL studio but if anyone can explain how to use certain tools that would be so awesome.

Thanks for any help
Reatha Belfield
I don't know if its the right way, but you could chop the a part of rave and just multiply it ?

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