serato not saving library?

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serato not saving library?
Posted on: 02.11.2012 by Millie Deforest
hey all, i recently updated to a new computer. Mac book pro 15 inches.. my serato however will not save new updated music to the library. it only saves the music that was on the computer when serato was first installed. Every time i am going to start a session i have to find that folder or files that i would like a song from and i have to drag it into the serato library. Is there a way to fix this so that as soon as i load up serato all of the music from the computer is instantly added or at least if i added the file once it will at least stay in the serato library so that i do not have to keep looking for it and loading it?
Millie Deforest
hey all, i recently updated to a new computer. Mac book pro 15 inches.. my serato however will not save new updated music to the library. it only saves the music that was on the computer when serato was first installed. Every time i am going to start a session i have to find that folder or files that i would like a song from and i have to drag it into the serato library. Is there a way to fix this so that as soon as i load up serato all of the music from the computer is instantly added or at least if i added the file once it will at least stay in the serato library so that i do not have to keep looking for it and loading it?
Chong Mine
Have you tried closing serato whilst the box is still plugged in? If so, have you tried closing serato without the box plugged in? Not sure which it is but it asks if you want to save library upon exiting.

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