Serato Remote issues with iPad mini...

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Serato Remote issues with iPad mini...
Posted on: 04.01.2014 by Federico Vilas
So I bought an SL2... Got it setup and running... Downloaded Serato remote on my ipad and no matter how I try to connect it SSL will not recognize the connection!?!?!?!?

I'm excited. I bought both a 07ISP and a 05proIV redbeat and the SL2...

Def need this app for the ISP but it's going to be a bummer if I can't figure it out...someone help! Please
Federico Vilas
So I bought an SL2... Got it setup and running... Downloaded Serato remote on my ipad and no matter how I try to connect it SSL will not recognize the connection!?!?!?!?

I'm excited. I bought both a 07ISP and a 05proIV redbeat and the SL2...

Def need this app for the ISP but it's going to be a bummer if I can't figure it out...someone help! Please
Federico Vilas
Got it working. How,... Idk... I booted it up this morning and everything was perfectly fine

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